3,528 research outputs found

    Contributions of order O(mquark2){\cal O}(m_{\rm quark}^2) to Kâ„“3K_{\ell 3} form factors and unitarity of the CKM matrix

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    The form factors for the Kℓ3K_{\ell 3} semileptonic decay are computed to order O(p4)O(p^4) in generalized chiral perturbation theory. The main difference with the standard O(p4)O(p^4) expressions consists in contributions quadratic in quark masses, which are described by a single divergence-free low-energy constant, A3A_3. A new simultaneous analysis is presented for the CKM matrix element VusV_{us}, the ratio FK/FπF_K/F_{\pi}, Kℓ3K_{\ell 3} decay rates and the scalar form factor slope λ0\lambda_0. This framework easily accommodates the precise value for VudV_{ud} deduced from superallowed nuclear β\beta-decays

    Physics Beyond the Standard Model: Focusing on the Muon Anomaly

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    We present a model based on the implication of an exceptional E_{6}-GUT symmetry for the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon. We follow a particular chain of breakings with Higgses in the 78 and 351 representations. We analyse the radiative correction contributions to the muon mass and the effects of the breaking of the so-called Weinberg symmetry. We also estimate the range of values of the parameters of our model.Comment: 14 RevTeX pages, 5 figure

    Hadronic Light-by-Light Contribution to Muon g-2 in Chiral Perturbation Theory

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    We compute the hadronic light-by-light scattering contributions to the muon anomalous magnetic moment, \amulbl, in chiral perturbation theory that are enhanced by large logarithms and a factor of NCN_C. They depend on a low-energy constant entering pseudoscalar meson decay into a charged lepton pair. The uncertainty introduced by this constant is ±60×10−11\pm 60\times 10^{-11}, which is comparable in magnitude to the present uncertainty entering the leading-order vacuum polarization contributions to the anomalous moment. It may be reduced to some extent through an improved measurement of the π0→e+e−\pi^0\to e^+ e^- branching ratio. However, the dependence of \amulbl on non-logarithmically enhanced effects cannot be constrained except through the measurement of the anomalous moment itself. The extraction of information on new physics would require a future experimental value for the anomalous moment differing significantly from the 2001 result reported by the E821 collaboration.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Hadronic light-by-light scattering contribution to the muon g-2: an effective field theory approach

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    The hadronic light-by-light contribution to a_{mu}, the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, is discussed from the point of view of an effective low-energy theory. As an application, the coefficient of the leading logarithm arising from the two-loop graphs involving two anomalous vertices is computed, and found to be positive. This corresponds to a positive sign for the pion-pole contribution to the hadronic light-by-light correction to a_{mu}, and to a sizeable reduction of the discrepancy between the present experimental value of a_{mu} and its theoretical counterpart in the standard model.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. v2: published versio

    Almost-Commutative Geometries Beyond the Standard Model

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    In [7-9] and [10] the conjecture is presented that almost-commutative geometries, with respect to sensible physical constraints, allow only the standard model of particle physics and electro-strong models as Yang-Mills-Higgs theories. In this publication a counter example will be given. The corresponding almost-commutative geometry leads to a Yang-Mills-Higgs model which consists of the standard model of particle physics and two new fermions of opposite electro-magnetic charge. This is the second Yang-Mills-Higgs model within noncommutative geometry, after the standard model, which could be compatible with experiments. Combined to a hydrogen-like composite particle these new particles provide a novel dark matter candidate

    Centrosome defects and genetic instability in malignant tumors

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    Genetic instability is a common feature of many human cancers. This condition is frequently characterized by an abnormal number of chromosomes, although little is known about the mechanism that generates this altered genetic state. One possibility is that chromosomes are missegregated during mitosis due to the assembly of dysfunctional mitotic spindles. Because centrosomes are involved in spindle assembly, they could contribute to chromosome missegregation through the organization of aberrant spindles. As an initial test of this idea, we examined malignant tumors for centrosome abnormalities using antibodies to the centrosome protein pericentrin. We found that centrosomes in nearly all tumors and tumor-derived cell lines were atypical in shape, size, and composition and were often present in multiple copies. In addition, virtually all pericentrin-staining structures in tumor cells nucleated microtubules, and they participated in formation of disorganized mitotic spindles, upon which chromosomes were missegregated. All tumor cell lines had both centrosome defects and abnormal chromosome numbers, whereas neither was observed in nontumor cells. These results indicate that centrosome defects are a common feature of malignant tumors and suggest that they may contribute to genetic instability in cancer

    Heavy mass expansion, light-by-light scattering and the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon

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    Contributions from light-by-light scattering to (g_\mu-2)/2, the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, are mediated by the exchange of charged fermions or scalar bosons. Assuming large masses M for the virtual particles and employing the technique of large mass expansion, analytical results are obtained for virtual fermions and scalars in the form of a series in (m_\mu /M)^2. This series is well convergent even for the case M=m_\mu. For virtual fermions, the expansion confirms published analytical formulae. For virtual scalars, the result can be used to evaluate the contribution from charged pions. In this case our result confirms already available numerical evaluations, however, it is significantly more precise.Comment: revtex4, eps figure

    Gyromagnetic Factors and Atomic Clock Constraints on the Variation of Fundamental Constants

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    We consider the effect of the coupled variations of fundamental constants on the nucleon magnetic moment. The nucleon g-factor enters into the interpretation of the measurements of variations in the fine-structure constant, alpha, in both the laboratory (through atomic clock measurements) and in astrophysical systems (e.g. through measurements of the 21 cm transitions). A null result can be translated into a limit on the variation of a set of fundamental constants, that is usually reduced to alpha. However, in specific models, particularly unification models, changes in alpha are always accompanied by corresponding changes in other fundamental quantities such as the QCD scale, Lambda_QCD. This work tracks the changes in the nucleon g-factors induced from changes in Lambda_QCD and the light quark masses. In principle, these coupled variations can improve the bounds on the variation of alpha by an order of magnitude from existing atomic clock and astrophysical measurements. Unfortunately, the calculation of the dependence of g-factors on fundamental parameters is notoriously model-dependent.Comment: 35 pages, 3 figures. Discussions of the effects of the polarization of the non-valence nucleons, spin-spin interaction and nuclear radius on the nuclear g-factor are added. References added. Matches published versio

    Two-loop representations of low-energy pion form factors and pi-pi scattering phases in the presence of isospin breaking

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    Dispersive representations of the pi-pi scattering amplitudes and pion form factors, valid at two-loop accuracy in the low-energy expansion, are constructed in the presence of isospin-breaking effects induced by the difference between the charged and neutral pion masses. Analytical expressions for the corresponding phases of the scalar and vector pion form factors are computed. It is shown that each of these phases consists of the sum of a "universal" part and a form-factor dependent contribution. The first one is entirely determined in terms of the pi-pi scattering amplitudes alone, and reduces to the phase satisfying Watson's theorem in the isospin limit. The second one can be sizeable, although it vanishes in the same limit. The dependence of these isospin corrections with respect to the parameters of the subthreshold expansion of the pi-pi amplitude is studied, and an equivalent representation in terms of the S-wave scattering lengths is also briefly presented and discussed. In addition, partially analytical expressions for the two-loop form factors and pi-pi scattering amplitudes in the presence of isospin breaking are provided.Comment: 57 pages, 12 figure

    Improved α4\alpha^4 Term of the Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment

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    We have completed the evaluation of all mass-dependent α4\alpha^4 QED contributions to the muon g−2g-2, or aμa_\mu, in two or more different formulations. Their numerical values have been greatly improved by an extensive computer calculation. The new value of the dominant α4\alpha^4 term A2(8)(mμ/me)A_2^{(8)} (m_\mu / m_e) is 132.6823 (72), which supersedes the old value 127.50 (41). The new value of the three-mass term A3(8)(mμ/me,mμ/mτ)A_3^{(8)} (m_\mu / m_e, m_\mu / m_\tau) is 0.0376 (1). The term A2(8)(mμ/mτ)A_2^{(8)} (m_\mu / m_\tau) is crudely estimated to be about 0.005 and may be ignored for now. The total QED contribution to aμa_\mu is 116584719.58(0.02)(1.15)(0.85)×10−11116 584 719.58 (0.02)(1.15)(0.85) \times 10^{-11}, where 0.02 and 1.15 are uncertainties in the α4\alpha^4 and α5\alpha^5 terms and 0.85 is from the uncertainty in α\alpha measured by atom interferometry. This raises the Standard Model prediction by 13.9×10−1113.9 \times 10^{-11}, or about 1/5 of the measurement uncertainty of aμa_\mu. It is within the noise of current uncertainty (∼100×10−11\sim 100 \times 10^{-11}) in the estimated hadronic contributions to aμa_\mu.Comment: Appendix A has been rewritten extensively. It includes the 4th-order calculation for illustration. Version accepted by PR
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