11 research outputs found

    Types of the cerebral arterial circle (circle of Willis) in a Sri Lankan Population

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The variations of the circle of Willis (CW) are clinically important as patients with effective collateral circulations have a lower risk of transient ischemic attack and stroke than those with ineffective collaterals. The aim of the present cadaveric study was to investigate the anatomical variations of the CW and to compare the frequency of prevalence of the different variations with previous autopsy studies as variations in the anatomy of the CW as a whole have not been studied in the Indian subcontinent.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The external diameter of all the arteries forming the CW in 225 normal Sri Lankan adult cadaver brains was measured using a calibrated grid to determine the prevalence in the variation in CW. Chisquared tests and a correspondence analysis were performed to compare the relative frequencies of prevalence of anatomical variations in the CW across 6 studies of diverse ethnic populations.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We report 15 types of variations of CW out of 22 types previously described and one additional type: hypoplastic precommunicating part of the anterior cerebral arteries (A1) and contralateral posterior communicating arteries (PcoA) 5(2%). Statistically significant differences (p < 0.0001) were found between most of the studies except for the Moroccan study. An especially notable difference was observed in the following 4 configurations: 1) hypoplastic precommunicating part of the posterior cerebral arteries (P1), and contralateral A1, 2) hypoplastic PcoA and contralateral P1, 3) hypoplastic PcoA, anterior communicating artery (AcoA) and contralateral P1, 4) bilateral hypoplastic P1s and AcoA in a Caucasian dominant study by Fisher versus the rest of the studies.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The present study reveals that there are significant variations in the CW among intra and inter ethnic groups (Caucasian, African and Asian: Iran and Sri Lanka dominant populations), and warrants further studies keeping the methods of measurements, data assessment, and the definitions of hypoplasia the same.</p

    Are the distributions of variations of circle of Willis different in different populations? – Results of an anatomical study and review of literature

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    BACKGROUND: Previous studies have proposed correlation between variants of the cerebral arterial circle (also known as circle of Willis) and some cerebrovascular diseases. Differences in the incidence of these diseases in different populations have also been investigated. The study of variations in the anatomy of the cerebral arterial circle may partially explain differences in the incidence of some of the cerebrovascular diseases in different ethnic or racial groups. While many studies have investigated the variations in the anatomy of each segment of the cerebral arterial circle, few have addressed the variants of the cerebral arterial circle as a whole. Similarly, the frequency of occurrence of such variants in different ethnic or racial groups has not been compared. METHODS: 102 brains of recently deceased Iranian males were dissected, in order to observe variations in the anatomy of the cerebral arterial circle. The dissection process was recorded on film and digitized. One resized picture from each dissection, showing complete circle has been made available online. The variations of the circle as whole and segmental variations were compared with previous studies. RESULTS: On the whole, the frequencies of the different variants of the entire cerebral arterial circle and segmental variations were comparable with previous studies. More specifically variants with uni- and bilateral hypoplasia of posterior communicating arteries were the most common in our study, similar to the previous works. No hypoplasia of the precommunicating part of the left anterior cerebral artery (A1), aplasia of A1 or the precommunicating part of the posterior cerebral artery (P1) was seen. In 3% both right and left posterior communcating arteries were absent. CONCLUSION: The anatomical variations found in the cerebral arterial circle of the Iranian males in the current study were not significantly different to those of more diverse populations reported in the literature. While taking into account potential confounding factors, the authors conclude that based on available studies, there is no evidence suggesting that the distributions of the variations of cerebral arterial circle differ in different populations

    Activité anti-hyperglycémique et antiradicalaire des extraits des fruits de Raphia gentiliana De Wild. (Arecaceae)

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    Ce travail s’inscrit dans le cadre de la valorisation des extraits des tanins du fruit de Raphia gentiliana De wild, une plante mĂ©dicinale utilisĂ©e comme hypoglycĂ©miant par la population en RĂ©publique DĂ©mocratique Congo. L’étude est rĂ©alisĂ©e in vivo Ă  partir d’un modĂšle animal constituĂ© de 50 souris NMRI, chez qui on a provoquĂ© une hyperglycĂ©mie temporaire par administration d’une solution de glucose (200 mg /ml). La rĂ©duction du pourcentage de glycĂ©mie des souris est mesurĂ©e deux heures aprĂšs administration des extraits du fruit (0,2 g/kg) de R. gentiliana (extraits de tanins et extraits totaux aqueux). Les valeurs de glycĂ©mie obtenues sont comparĂ©es avec un contrĂŽle positif (glibenclamid). Les rĂ©sultats obtenus montrent que l’extrait aqueux donne la valeur la plus Ă©levĂ©e de rĂ©duction de la valeur de glycĂ©mie par rapport au contrĂŽle nĂ©gatif soit de 52,6%. Une valeur comparable Ă  celle du contrĂŽle positif (52,5%). Les extraits des tanins dans l’étherdiĂ©thylique (EED), l’acĂ©tate d’éthyle (EAE) et le n-butanol/butanone (EBB) indiquent respectivement un pourcentage de rĂ©duction de glycĂ©mie de 51,1%, 48,5% et 7,5%. La mĂ©thode de mesure de l’activité antiradicalaire est basĂ©e sur la dĂ©termination du pourcentage de rĂ©duction du radical DPPH en prĂ©sence de l’extrait. Les propriĂ©tĂ©s antiradicalaires ont Ă©tĂ© mises en Ă©vidence par la mesure de la concentration efficace 50 (CE50) et le calcul de l’indice de l’efficacitĂ© antiradicalaire (EAR). Les rĂ©sultats obtenus donnent les valeurs de CE50 et EAR suivantes pour les diffĂ©rents extraits : Extrait aqueux (EAQ) : 72 mgextraits/mgDPPH et 1,50 10-3 ; EAE : 60 mgextraits/mgDPPH et 1,67 10-3 ; EBB : 19 mgextraits/mgDPPH et 12,00 10-3. Il n’existe pas une corrĂ©lation directe entre l’activitĂ© antihyperglycĂ©mique et l’activité antiradicalaire.Mots clĂ©s : Raphia gentiliana, activitĂ© antioxydante, activitĂ© anti hyperglycĂ©mique, tanins