24 research outputs found

    Are current case-finding methods under-diagnosing tuberculosis among women in Myanmar? An analysis of operational data from Yangon and the nationwide prevalence survey.

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    BACKGROUND: Although there is a large increase in investment for tuberculosis control in Myanmar, there are few operational analyses to inform policies. Only 34% of nationally reported cases are from women. In this study, we investigate sex differences in tuberculosis diagnoses in Myanmar in order to identify potential health systems barriers that may be driving lower tuberculosis case finding among women. METHODS: From October 2014 to March 2015, we systematically collected data on all new adult smear positive tuberculosis cases in ten township health centres across Yangon, the largest city in Myanmar, to produce an electronic tuberculosis database. We conducted a descriptive cross-sectional analysis of sex differences in tuberculosis diagnoses at the township health centres. We also analysed national prevalence survey data to calculate additional case finding in men and women by using sputum culture when smear microscopy was negative, and estimated the sex-specific impact of using a more sensitive diagnostic tool at township health centres. RESULTS: Overall, only 514 (30%) out of 1371 new smear positive tuberculosis patients diagnosed at the township health centres were female. The proportion of female patients varied by township (from 21% to 37%, p = 0.0172), month of diagnosis (37% in February 2015 and 23% in March 2015 p = 0.0004) and age group (26% in 25-64 years and 49% in 18-25 years, p < 0.0001). Smear microscopy grading of sputum specimens was not substantially different between sexes. The prevalence survey analysis indicated that the use of a more sensitive diagnostic tool could result in the proportion of females diagnosed at township health centres increasing to 36% from 30%. CONCLUSIONS: Our study, which is the first to systematically compile and analyse routine operational data from tuberculosis diagnostic centres in Myanmar, found that substantially fewer women than men were diagnosed in all study townships. The sex ratio of newly diagnosed cases varied by age group, month of diagnosis and township of diagnosis. Low sensitivity of tuberculosis diagnosis may lead to a potential under-diagnosis of tuberculosis among women

    Analysis of conglutin seed storage proteins across lupin species using transcriptomic, protein and comparative genomic approaches

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    Background - The major proteins in lupin seeds are conglutins that have primary roles in supplying carbon, sulphur and nitrogen and energy for the germinating seedling. They fall into four families; α, β, γ and δ. Interest in these conglutins is growing as family members have been shown to have beneficial nutritional and pharmaceutical properties. Results - An in-depth transcriptome and draft genome from the narrow-leafed lupin (NLL; Lupinus angustifolius) variety, Tanjil, were examined and 16 conglutin genes were identified. Using RNAseq data sets, the structure and expression of these 16 conglutin genes were analysed across eight lupin varieties from five lupin species. Phylogenic analysis suggest that the α and γ conglutins diverged prior to lupin speciation while β and δ members diverged both prior and after speciation. A comparison of the expression of the 16 conglutin genes was performed, and in general the conglutin genes showed similar levels of RNA expression among varieties within species, but quite distinct expression patterns between lupin species. Antibodies were generated against the specific conglutin families and immunoblot analyses were used to compare the levels of conglutin proteins in various tissues and during different stages of seed development in NLL, Tanjil, confirming the expression in the seed. This analysis showed that the conglutins were expressed highly at the mature seed stage, in all lupin species, and a range of polypeptide sizes were observed for each conglutin family. Conclusions - This study has provided substantial information on the complexity of the four conglutin families in a range of lupin species in terms of their gene structure, phylogenetic relationships as well as their relative RNA and protein abundance during seed development. The results demonstrate that the majority of the heterogeneity of conglutin polypeptides is likely to arise from post-translational modification from a limited number of precursor polypeptides rather than a large number of different genes. Overall, the results demonstrate a high degree of plasticity for conglutin expression during seed development in different lupin species

    Measuring 129Xe transfer across the blood‐brain barrier using MR spectroscopy

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    Purpose This study develops a tracer kinetic model of xenon uptake in the human brain to determine the transfer rate of inhaled hyperpolarized 129Xe from cerebral blood to gray matter that accounts for the effects of cerebral physiology, perfusion and magnetization dynamics. The 129Xe transfer rate is expressed using a tracer transfer coefficient, which estimates the quantity of hyperpolarized 129Xe dissolved in cerebral blood under exchange with depolarized 129Xe dissolved in gray matter under equilibrium of concentration. Theory and Methods Time‐resolved MR spectra of hyperpolarized 129Xe dissolved in the human brain were acquired from three healthy volunteers. Acquired spectra were numerically fitted with five Lorentzian peaks in accordance with known 129Xe brain spectral peaks. The signal dynamics of spectral peaks for gray matter and red blood cells were quantified, and correction for the 129Xe T1 dependence upon blood oxygenation was applied. 129Xe transfer dynamics determined from the ratio of the peaks for gray matter and red blood cells was numerically fitted with the developed tracer kinetic model. Results For all the acquired NMR spectra, the developed tracer kinetic model fitted the data with tracer transfer coefficients between 0.1 and 0.14. Conclusion In this study, a tracer kinetic model was developed and validated that estimates the transfer rate of HP 129Xe from cerebral blood to gray matter in the human brain