15 research outputs found

    Detrimental Health Behaviour Changes among Females Living in Rural Areas during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Women are predicted to be disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic due to increased carer responsibilities, loss of income, worry about the virus and a predominantly female healthcare workforce. Whilst there is emerging evidence that negative mental health impacts associated with the COVID-19 pandemic may be more pronounced for women than men, less attention has focussed on changes to health behaviours and health seeking experienced by women. Similarly, the impact of the pandemic in rural areas has not been investigated in detail. Our research questions were 'have females residing in rural areas experienced changes in alcohol consumption, unhealthy food consumption, smoking, exercise or health seeking during the COVID-19 pandemic?' and 'are there differences in health behaviour changes between rural females living with or without children?'. Net increases (scale of 0-1) in consumption of unhealthy food (95% CI 0.05, 0.22) and alcohol (95% CI 0.12, 0.29) were observed. Net decreases (scale of -1 to 0) in visits to the doctor (95% CI -0.23, -0.35) and other health professionals (95% CI -0.40, -0.54) were observed. Compared with females living without children, females who lived with children were significantly associated with increased alcohol consumption (OR 2.4 (95% CI 1.4, 4.1), decreased visits to the doctor (OR 1.9 (95% CI 1.1, 3.2) and decreased visits to other health professionals (OR 1.9 (95% CI 1.1, 3.3). Results suggest that public health approaches may be required to support females residing in rural areas to optimise their health behaviours during the pandemic, particularly for those living with children. Policies must be gender responsive to counteract worsening health and social inequities both during and after the pandemic

    Characteristics of patients who access zero, one or multiple general practices and reasons for their choices: a study in regional Australia

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    BACKGROUND: Most people in Australia visit a General Practitioner each year and are free to choose their General Practitioner and/or practice on each occasion. A proportion of people visit multiple general practices, which can reduce continuity of care, a core value of general practice. Utilisation of multiple general practices is associated with metropolitan residence and younger age. However, it is unclear which factors are associated with utilisation of multiple general practices in rural areas, where there are often General Practitioner workforce shortages and higher proportions of patients who may benefit from continuity of care, including older people and people living with chronic disease. The aim of this study was to compare the characteristics of people in a rural Australian area who accessed multiple general practices in the previous year with people who had accessed one practice, or none. METHODS: A cross-sectional survey assessed self-reported utilisation and perspective of general practice services, uses of multiple practices, associated reasons, lifestyle advice and screening services received in four regional Victorian towns. Households were randomly selected and residents aged 16+ were eligible to participate in the adult survey. RESULTS: Most people had attended a single general practice (78.9%), while 14.4% attended more than one practice and 6.7% attended no practices in the previous 12 months. Compared with utilisation of a single general practice, multiple general practice attendance in the previous year was associated with younger age (adjusted odds ratio (aOR 95% confidence interval) 0.98 per year (0.97-0.99), residence in the regional centre aOR 2.90(2.22-3.78), emergency department (ED) attendance in the last 12 months aOR 1.65(1.22-2.21) and no out of pocket costs aOR 1.36(1.04-1.79)). Reasons for multiple general practice attendance included availability of appointments, cost and access to specific services. Compared with multiple general practice attendance, those attending single practices reported more screening tests but similar frequency of lifestyle advice. People who accessed multiple practices were less likely to report very high satisfaction (51.7% vs 62.9% p < 0.001) or excellent degree of confidence in their doctor (42.0% vs 49.8% p = 0.006) than single practice attendees. CONCLUSIONS: Those attending single practices report higher satisfaction and confidence in their GP and were less likely to attend ED. Further studies are required to test whether increasing availability of appointments and reducing out-of-pocket expenses would increase single practice attendance and/or decrease healthcare costs overall

    Monitoring storage induced changes in the platelet proteome employing label free quantitative mass spectrometry

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    Shelf life of platelet concentrates is limited to 5-7 days due to loss of platelet function during storage, commonly referred to as the platelet storage lesion (PSL). To get more insight into the development of the PSL, we used label free quantitative mass spectrometry to identify changes in the platelet proteome during storage. In total 2501 proteins were accurately quantified in 3 biological replicates on at least 1 of the 7 different time-points analyzed. Significant changes in levels of 21 proteins were observed over time. Gene ontology enrichment analysis of these proteins revealed that the majority of this set was involved in platelet degranulation, secretion and regulated exocytosis. Twelve of these proteins have been shown to reside in α-granules. Upon prolonged storage (13-16 days) elevated levels of α-2-macroglobulin, glycogenin and Ig μ chain C region were identified. Taken together this study identifies novel markers for monitoring of the PSL that may potentially also be used for the detection of "young" and "old" platelets in the circulatio