24 research outputs found

    Static Magnetic Field Exposure Reproduces Cellular Effects of the Parkinson's Disease Drug Candidate ZM241385

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    This study was inspired by coalescing evidence that magnetic therapy may be a viable treatment option for certain diseases. This premise is based on the ability of moderate strength fields (i.e., 0.1 to 1 Tesla) to alter the biophysical properties of lipid bilayers and in turn modulate cellular signaling pathways. In particular, previous results from our laboratory (Wang et al., BMC Genomics, 10, 356 (2009)) established that moderate strength static magnetic field (SMF) exposure altered cellular endpoints associated with neuronal function and differentiation. Building on this background, the current paper investigated SMF by focusing on the adenosine A(2A) receptor (A(2A)R) in the PC12 rat adrenal pheochromocytoma cell line that displays metabolic features of Parkinson's disease (PD).SMF reproduced several responses elicited by ZM241385, a selective A(2A)R antagonist, in PC12 cells including altered calcium flux, increased ATP levels, reduced cAMP levels, reduced nitric oxide production, reduced p44/42 MAPK phosphorylation, inhibited proliferation, and reduced iron uptake. SMF also counteracted several PD-relevant endpoints exacerbated by A(2A)R agonist CGS21680 in a manner similar to ZM241385; these include reduction of increased expression of A(2A)R, reversal of altered calcium efflux, dampening of increased adenosine production, reduction of enhanced proliferation and associated p44/42 MAPK phosphorylation, and inhibition of neurite outgrowth.When measured against multiple endpoints, SMF elicited qualitatively similar responses as ZM241385, a PD drug candidate. Provided that the in vitro results presented in this paper apply in vivo, SMF holds promise as an intriguing non-invasive approach to treat PD and potentially other neurological disorders

    Pharmacodynamics of cisplatin in human head and neck cancer: correlation between platinum content, DNA adduct levels and drug sensitivity in vitro and in vivo

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    Total platinum contents and cisplatin-DNA adduct levels were determined in vivo in xenografted tumour tissues in mice and in vitro in cultured tumour cells of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC), and correlated with sensitivity to cisplatin. In vivo, a panel of five HNSCC tumour lines growing as xenografts in nude mice was used. In vitro, the panel consisted of five HNSCC cell lines, of which four had an in vivo equivalent. Sensitivity to cisplatin varied three- to sevenfold among cell lines and tumours respectively. However, the ranking of the sensitivities of the tumour lines (in vivo), also after reinjection of the cultured tumour cells, did not coincide with that of the corresponding cell lines, which showed that cell culture systems are not representative for the in vivo situation. Both in vitro and in vivo, however, significant correlations were found between total platinum levels, measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS), and tumour response to cisplatin therapy at all time points tested. The levels of the two major cisplatin-DNA adduct types were determined by a recently developed and improved 32P post-labelling assay at various time points after cisplatin treatment. Evidence is presented that the platinum-AG adduct, in which platinum is bound to guanine and an adjacent adenine, may be the cytotoxic lesion because a significant correlation was found between the platinum-AG levels and the sensitivities in our panel of HNSCC, in vitro as well as in vivo. This correlation with the platinum-AG levels was established at 1 h (in vitro) and 3 h (in vivo) after the start of the cisplatin treatment, which emphasizes the importance of early sampling

    A semisynthetic carbohydrate-lipid vaccine that protects against S. pneumoniae in mice

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    Severe forms of pneumococcal meningitis, bacteraemia and pneumonia result in more than 1 million deaths each year despite the widespread introduction of carbohydrate-protein conjugate vaccines against Streptococcus pneumoniae. Here we describe a new and highly efficient antipneumococcal vaccine design based on synthetic conjugation of S. pneumoniae capsule polysaccharides to the potent lipid antigen alpha-galactosylceramide, which stimulates invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cells when presented by the nonpolymorphic antigen-presenting molecule CD1d. Mice injected with the new lipid-carbohydrate conjugate vaccine produced high-affinity IgG antibodies specific for pneumococcal polysaccharides. Vaccination stimulated germinal center formation; accumulation of iNKT cells with a T follicular helper cell phenotype; and increased frequency of carbohydrate-specific, long-lived memory B cells and plasmablasts. This new lipid-carbohydrate vaccination strategy induced potent antipolysaccharide immunity that protected against pneumococcal disease in mice and may also prove effective for the design of carbohydrate-based vaccines against other major bacterial pathogens

    Metabolic glycoengineering bacteria for therapeutic, recombinant protein, and metabolite production applications

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