10 research outputs found

    Fossil fuels in a trillion tonne world.

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    The useful energy services and energy density value of fossil carbon fuels could be retained for longer timescales into the future if their combustion is balanced by CO2 recapture and storage. We assess the global balance between fossil carbon supply and the sufficiency (size) and capability (technology, security) of candidate carbon stores. A hierarchy of value for extraction-to-storage pairings is proposed, which is augmented by classification of CO2 containment as temporary (100,000 yr). Using temporary stores is inefficient and defers an intergenerational problem. Permanent storage capacity is adequate to technically match current fossil fuel reserves. However, rates of storage creation cannot balance current and expected rates of fossil fuel extraction and CO2 consequences. Extraction of conventional natural gas is uniquely holistic because it creates the capacity to re-inject an equivalent tonnage of carbon for storage into the same reservoir and can re-use gas-extraction infrastructure for storage. By contrast, balancing the extraction of coal, oil, biomass and unconventional fossil fuels requires the engineering and validation of additional carbon storage. Such storage is, so far, unproven in sufficiency

    420,000 year assessment of fault leakage rates shows geological carbon storage is secure

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    Carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology is routinely cited as a cost effective tool for climate change mitigation. CCS can directly reduce industrial CO2 emissions and is essential for the retention of CO2 extracted from the atmosphere. To be effective as a climate change mitigation tool, CO2 must be securely retained for 10,000 years (10 ka) with a leakage rate of below 0.01% per year of the total amount of CO2 injected. Migration of CO2 back to the atmosphere via leakage through geological faults is a potential high impact risk to CO2 storage integrity. Here, we calculate for the first time natural leakage rates from a 420 ka paleo-record of CO2 leakage above a naturally occurring, faulted, CO2 reservoir in Arizona, USA. Surface travertine (CaCO3) deposits provide evidence of vertical CO2 leakage linked to known faults. U-Th dating of travertine deposits shows leakage varies along a single fault and that individual seeps have lifespans of up to 200 ka. Whilst the total volumes of CO2 required to form the travertine deposits are high, time-averaged leakage equates to a linear rate of less than 0.01%/yr. Hence, even this natural geological storage site, which would be deemed to be of too high risk to be selected for engineered geologic storage, is adequate to store CO2 for climate mitigation purposes

    Influence of non-price and environmental sustainability factors on truckload procurement process

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    In practice, manufacturers select their logistics service providers mainly based on total procurement cost. In addition to this, they will also consider allied services such as cargo insurance, electronic documentation, even though practitioners emphasize importance of other factors such as on time delivery and carbon emissions. This study proposes sustainable decision model which includes various non-price and environmental sustainability factors and analyzes their influences in allocating typical routes to the carriers, while establishing a truck load contract. Multiple case studies are carried out in automotive and logistics companies to prioritize factors using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Factor prioritization is used to formulate carrier assignment problem as a multiple objective optimization model using the influencing factors identified and applies a heuristic methodology to derive the near-optimal solution. This study reveals that carbon footprint, route optimization and on time delivery will have huge impact on procurement decision

    Transport Biofuels: Their Characteristics, Production and Costs

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    The design of reversible hydrogels to capture extracellular matrix dynamics

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