1,213 research outputs found

    Multi-label Ferns for Efficient Recognition of Musical Instruments in Recordings

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    In this paper we introduce multi-label ferns, and apply this technique for automatic classification of musical instruments in audio recordings. We compare the performance of our proposed method to a set of binary random ferns, using jazz recordings as input data. Our main result is obtaining much faster classification and higher F-score. We also achieve substantial reduction of the model size

    Critical dynamics of phase transition driven by dichotomous Markov noise

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    An Ising spin system under the critical temperature driven by a dichotomous Markov noise (magnetic field) with a finite correlation time is studied both numerically and theoretically. The order parameter exhibits a transition between two kinds of qualitatively different dynamics, symmetry-restoring and symmetry-breaking motions, as the noise intensity is changed. There exist regions called channels where the order parameter stays for a long time slightly above its critical noise intensity. Developing a phenomenological analysis of the dynamics, we investigate the distribution of the passage time through the channels and the power spectrum of the order parameter evolution. The results based on the phenomenological analysis turn out to be in quite good agreement with those of the numerical simulation.Comment: 27 pages, 12 figure

    Human μ-calpain: Simple isolation from erythrocytes and characterization of autolysis fragments

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    Heterodimeric μ-calpain, consisting of the large (80 kDa) and the small (30 kDa) subunit, was isolated and purified from human erythrocytes by a highly reproducible four-step purification procedure. Obtained material is more than 95% pure and has a specific activity of 6 - 7 mU/mg. Presence of contaminating proteins could not be detected by HPLC and sequence analysis. During storage at -80 °C the enzyme remains fully activatable by Ca²⁺, although the small subunit is partially processed to a 22 kDa fragment. This novel autolysis product of the small subunit starts with the sequence (60)RILG and is further processed to the known 18 kDa fragment. Active forms and typical transient and stable autolysis products of the large subunit were identified by protein sequencing. In casein-zymograms only the activatable forms 80 kDa+30 kDa, 80 kDa+22 kDa and 80 kDa+18 kDa displayed caseinolysis

    Phase Separation Kinetics in a Model with Order-Parameter Dependent Mobility

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    We present extensive results from 2-dimensional simulations of phase separation kinetics in a model with order-parameter dependent mobility. We find that the time-dependent structure factor exhibits dynamical scaling and the scaling function is numerically indistinguishable from that for the Cahn-Hilliard (CH) equation, even in the limit where surface diffusion is the mechanism for domain growth. This supports the view that the scaling form of the structure factor is "universal" and leads us to question the conventional wisdom that an accurate representation of the scaled structure factor for the CH equation can only be obtained from a theory which correctly models bulk diffusion.Comment: To appear in PRE, figures available on reques

    Робочий зошит до конспекту лекцій з дисциплін “Основи побудови мікропроцесорних систем керування”, “Мікропроцесорна техніка”, “Програмні засоби систем керування” для студентів спеціальностей АГ – 8.092501 Автоматизоване управління технологічними процесами; АТ,ME – 8.091401 Системи управління й автоматики; СМ – 8.091501 Комп`ютерні системи та мережі

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    Дані методичні вказівки призначуються для вивчення апаратних та програмних засобів мікропроцесорних систем управління (МПС). У процесі вивчення дисципліни "Мікропроцесорні системи" студенти вивчають структуру, архітектуру, сигнали та системи команд однокристального мікроконтролера К1816 ВЕ51. Розглянуті питання організації паралельного та послідовного вводу- виводу, оганізація мікропроцесорних контролерів МПК). Схемні рішення, які приведені у методичних вказівках можуть бути використані при виконанні курсових і дипломних проектів студентами спеціальностей "Комп’ютеризовані системи управління і автоматики" (АТ) і "Автоматизація технологічних процесів гірничих підприємств" (АГ) та "Комп’ютерні системи та мережі" (СМ)

    Phase-ordering of conserved vectorial systems with field-dependent mobility

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    The dynamics of phase-separation in conserved systems with an O(N) continuous symmetry is investigated in the presence of an order parameter dependent mobility M(\phi)=1-a \phi^2. The model is studied analytically in the framework of the large-N approximation and by numerical simulations of the N=2, N=3 and N=4 cases in d=2, for both critical and off-critical quenches. We show the existence of a new universality class for a=1 characterized by a growth law of the typical length L(t) ~ t^{1/z} with dynamical exponent z=6 as opposed to the usual value z=4 which is recovered for a<1.Comment: RevTeX, 8 pages, 13 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    On the fermionic signature of the lattice monopoles

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    We consider fermions in the field of static monopole-like configurations in the Euclidean space-time. In all the cases considered there exists an infinite number of zero modes, labeled by frequency i\omega. The existence of such modes is a manifestation of instability of the vacuum in the presence of the monopoles and massless fermions. In the Minkowski space the corresponding phenomenon is well known and is a cornerstone of the theory of the magnetic catalysis. Moreover, the well known zero mode of Jackiw and Rebbi corresponds to the limiting case, \omega = 0. We provide arguments why the chiral condensate could be linked to the density of the monopoles in the infrared cluster. A mechanism which can naturally explain the equivalence of the critical temperatures for the deconfinement and chiral transitions, is proposed. We discuss possible implications for the phenomenology of the lattice monopoles.Comment: 8 pages, RevTeX 4. An extended version, to be published in the Physical Review

    Monopole Clustering and Color Confinement in the Multi-Instanton System

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    We study color confinement properties of the multi-instanton system, which seems to carry an essence of the nonperturbative QCD vacuum. Here we assume that the multi-instanton system is characterized by the infrared suppression of instantons as f(ρ)ρ5f(\rho)\sim \rho^{-5} for large size ρ\rho. We first investigate a monopole-clustering appearing in the maximally abelian (MA) gauge by considering the correspondence between instantons and monopoles. In order to clarify the infrared monopole properties, we make the ``block-spin'' transformation for monopole currents. The feature of monopole trajectories changes drastically with the instanton density. At a high instanton density, there appears one very long and highly complicated monopole loop covering the entire physical vacuum. Such a global network of long-monopole loops resembles the lattice QCD result in the MA gauge. Second, we observe that the SU(2) Wilson loop obeys an area law and the static quark potential is approximately proportional to the distance RR between quark and anti-quark in the multi-instanton system using the SU(2) lattice with a total volume of V=(10fm)4V=(10 fm)^4 and a lattice spacing of a=0.05fma=0.05 fm. We extract the string tension from the 5×1065 \times 10^{6} measurements of Wilson loops. With an instanton density of (N/V)=(1/fm)4(N/V)=(1/fm)^4 and a average instanton size of ρˉ=0.4fm\bar{\rho}=0.4 fm, the multi-instanton system provides the string tension of about 0.4GeV/fm0.4 GeV/fm