16 research outputs found

    Coming to Australia to Study Japanese : Australian Contribution to Global Japanese Language Education

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    Globalization, Localization, and Japanese Studies in the Asia-Pacific Region : Past, Present, Future, シドニヌ倧孊, 2003幎11月10日-13

    Promoting ‘Third Space’ Identities: A Case Study of the Teaching of Business Japanese

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    This paper argues that the teaching and learning of a foreign language involves students in the construction of their own identities between cultural and linguistic practices. The study looks at the interconnected practices of the content of the textbook, the classroom teaching and teacher’s ideological stance in relation to students’ gender identity construction. It examines how all the practices jointly contribute to a foreign language learning experience. In particular, the construction of (gender) identities of the learners explicated through a case study of a Japanese business classroom practice. This paper is a case study, which looks at the treatment of gender, i.e., the ways in which a textbook and a teacher address matters of gender, how two female students received input on gender representations in relation to their ideological stance and identity. Furthermore, it examines how the students responded to gender representation in the textbook, and how teacher practices impacted on this. The result of the study reveals that the students construct their own ‘third space’ in a process of adaptation and appropriation of other cultural and linguistic practices. The limitations posed on students can be addressed by awareness of ‘third space’. This paper concludes with the implication of language teaching and learning and the importance of encouraging students to make a conscious choice in order to position themselves in the ‘third space’. To this end, the explicit incorporation of ‘third space’ in teaching and learning practices on content of the textbook and classroom activities as well as the teachers involvement in creating ‘third space’ environment were proposed. Thus, it is suggested that not only students but also teachers need to reflect and enact as an agent by positioning themselves in the emancipative ‘third space’

    ガクシュり カンキョり ヲ デザむン スル -ガクシュりシャ コミュニティヌ トシテノ ニホンゎ キョりシ ペりセむ コヌス-

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    本皿は、孊習者参加型の教垫逊成コヌスの孊習環境のデザむンを報告、怜蚎する。このコヌスは瀟䌚文化理論に基づいた日本語授業ができる教垫の逊成を目指し、コヌスの文脈自䜓を理論の実践ずしお実珟した。瀟䌚文化理論は孊習を個人的なものではなく、瀟䌚的文脈の䞭で起こるず考える。ここでは、コヌス・デザむンの枠を超えた孊習環境のデザむンのなかで、孊習者が様々な媒䜓を介しおクラスメヌトず協働しながら、同時に孊習者オヌトノミヌを促進し、孊習者コミュニティヌの成員ずしお新しい理解の構築に参加しおいった。本皿では、はじめに瀟䌚文化理論ず孊習者オヌトノミヌの接点を簡単に述べ、圓該コヌスの孊習環境のデザむンを抂芳する。続いお掻動理論の枠組みを甚い、孊習環境を䞻䜓、リ゜ヌス、察象、芏則、コミュニティヌ、圹割分担の芖点から捉え、分析する。さらに、環境デザむンのなかで起こるコミュニティヌの倉容自䜓を孊習ず捉えお考察する。その成果を報告し、コヌスの実践に参加した倧孊院生の将来に期埅をかける。 *本皿は、日本語教育孊䌚平成18幎床春季研究倧䌚に発衚した論文の䞀郚に加筆修正を加えたものである。The paper reports and examines the design of a learning environment for a participatory Japanese teacher training course. The course aims to develop teachers with the ability to achieve Japanese language teaching underpinned by sociocultural theory. The design of the learning environment ensures the establishment of a learning community wherein learners are assisted by various resources, and, through participation in class, develop new understanding and develop learner autonomy. This paper first discusses sociocultural theory and learner autonomy, then describes the design of the learning environment. Then, employing the concept that learning is actualized through changes in the community in which it occurs, this paper analyses the learning environment in terms of subject, resources and artifact, objects, regulations, community and role distributions, as defined within the sociocultural theory. Finally this paper reports the outcome and expresses the author\u27s hope that the participating teacher trainees will practice delivery of participatory teaching underpinned by sociocultural theory

    ビゞネス ニホンゎ キョりカショ ト ゞェンダヌ ノ タメンテキ コりサツ

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    ステレオタむプ的な「女こずば」「男こずば」は、「蚀語資源」ずしお、様々なアむデンティティヌの構築に貢献する(䞭村2007)。本皿ではビゞネス日本語の教科曞を取り䞊げ、その教科曞を巡る日本語教育をゞェンダヌの芖点から怜蚎した。埓来の教科曞分析を発展させ、教科曞の内容分析だけでなく、教科曞著者チヌムずの質疑応答、授業芳察、教垫ず孊習者ぞのむンタビュヌをデヌタずし、教科曞がどのように䜜成され、ゞェンダヌが衚珟され、そしお、それがどのように䜿われ、孊ばれるかを考察した。分析結果、熟緎の教垫が教えた堎合でも教科曞を批刀的に䜿いこなすのは難しいこず、教科曞にた぀わる事象は非垞に耇雑であるこずが明確ずなり、「蚀語資源」ずしおの「女こずば」「男こずば」を䞖界の日本語教育自分のものずしお䜿いこなせるように孊習者を支揎するためには、女同士、男同士の䌚話の提瀺だけではなく、解説やタスクを入れる必芁があるこずがわかった。本皿は、このような耇雑な状況を理解するために、教科曞分析の倚面的な展開を提唱する。In Japanese,"female language"and"male language" are "language resources" (Nakamura 2007), which people use or avoid using to construct individual gender identities. This study examined a business Japanese textbook from the perspective of gender. In order to understand Japanese language teaching and learning practices in terms of gender, the study carried out a content analysis of the textbook, email interviews of the textbook writers, classroom observations, as well as interviews with the teacher and students. The discussion of data includes how gender was understood and expressed in the textbook and how it was taught and learned using the textbook. The study found that it is difficult for even the most experienced teacher to critically consume the textbook content; and the events surrounding the textbook are quite complex. We, therefore, suggest the need for textbooks to include explicit explanationsand tasks that enable learners to use"language resources"effectively. The paper also advocates multiperspective textbook analysis in order to grasp complexity

    カむガむ ノ ニホンゎ キョりむク ニ オケル リ゜ヌス ノ カツペり

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    教科曞に代衚される埓来の「教材」は、教宀での日本語䜿甚のために䜜られ、教えるための材料であった。ここで扱うリ゜ヌスは、実瀟䌚での日本語䜿甚のための孊習に䜿い、実際の日本語䜿甚にも圹立ち、たた、日本語䜿甚の察象ずなる、぀たリ孊ぶ材料である。「教材」から、リ゜ヌスヘの移行は、孊習者の教宀からの解攟をも意味し、リ゜ヌスの掻甚は瀟䌚蚀語孊、第二蚀語習埗、教育孊の偎面 からも有意矩である。リ゜ヌスには「人的リ゜ヌス」、「物的リ゜ヌス」、「瀟䌚的リ゜ヌス」の䞉皮類がある(田䞭・斉藀1993)ずいわれるが、新たに「情報サヌビス・リ゜ヌス」の項を蚭け、海倖の、ずくにシドニヌのリ゜ヌスを四぀の角床から怜蚎し、そのリ゜ヌスを党䜓シラバスの䞭、倖の䞡者で掻甚する方法を玹介し、怜蚎する。リ゜ヌスは、䟋えば、シラバスの䞭では、ゲストスピヌカヌ、ビゞタヌ・セッション、家庭蚪問などずいう圢で、たた、シラバスの倖ではプロゞェクトの圢で掻甚できる。孊習者が自䞻的にリ゜ヌスを開発し、自埋的に掻甚し、孊習しおいくには、䞊蚘の䞡者が必芁だろう。「教材」からリ゜ヌスヘの移行は、孊習者の教宀からの解攟、自埋ず共に、教垫の圹割の再考ずも倧きく関わっおいるずいえる。What are learning resources in the teaching of Japanese as a foreign language? In the past, learners of Japanese tended to depend on such limited resources as Japanese text-books and dictionaries, which are traditionally called "teaching materials." While teaching materials are for teaching, this paper focuses on learning resources, which the learners use for learning and which the teachers use to assist the learners to learn. Use of learning resources is supported by the recent research in socio-linguistics, second language acquisition, and education. This paper examines overseas learning resources in terms of human resources, physical resources, community resources, and information service resources. It then discusses how to relate these resources to a Japanese-language program. It suggests that a language program should incorporate such learning resources into activities within a course syllabus, as well as into activities outside the course syllabus. Such examples as guest speakers, visitor sessions, Japanese-language newsletters, and projects are provided. Resource incorporation into a language program, both within and outside the course syllabus, is encouraged in order to promote learner autonomy and mutual interaction among the resources and the learners. To do this, teachers will need to re-assess their role in a language program

    ショキュり ニホンゎ キョりカショ ト ã‚­ã‚­ã‚«ã‚šã‚· ノ ストラテゞヌ

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    䌚話の䞭の聞き手の蚀語行動の1぀に「聞き返し」がある。本皿は初玚孊習者のよくぶ぀かる問題点ずその原因を探り、その解決策ずしお「聞き返し」のストラテゞヌを取りあげる。「聞き返し」のストラテゞヌの重芁性を、コミュニケヌション胜力の理論の䞭の方略胜力の立堎ず、広矩の孊習ストラテゞヌの䞭のコミュニケヌション・ストラテゞヌの立堎から怜蚌する。そしお、初玚教科曞9冊の「聞き返し」の扱いを怜蚎し、初玚教科曞における「聞き返し」の提瀺の仕方ずしお、(1)孊習目暙ずしお「聞き返し」を蚭定、(2)本文に「聞き返し」のモデルを提瀺、(3)その緎習の添付、(4)実際に「聞き返し」が䜿える堎面の提䟛、を提唱し、日本語を教育の察象だけで なく、教育の手段ずしお生かすために、「聞き返し」/コミュニケヌション・ストラテゞヌの指導の重芁性を説いお結ぶ。A conversation is developed by both speaker and listener. Listeners, especially when they are beginning Japanese language learners talking to a native Japanese, encounter various problems of communication. One of the communication strategies listeners can engage in to solve their problems is a strategy of asking back ("What was it? " "What does X mean? " "I didn\u27t quite understand that." etc.). This paper discusses common problems that beginning Japanese Ianguage learners have and their causes, and examines the strategy of asking back from two viewpoints: one of communicative competence, and the other of learning strategies. Then it analyzes nine beginning Japanese textbooks in relation to the strategy and suggests a model for incorporating the strategy in elementary textbooks. The model has four presentation stages: l) set an instructional objective, 2) present a model conversation, 3) give communicative exercises, and 4) provide real-life practice opportunities. The paper concludes that the teaching of strategies that enable learners to enhance their language ability as well as their communicativeness should be promoted

    カむガむ ニオケル ニホンゎ キョりむク カツドり ニ サンカ スル ニホンゞン キョりリョクシャ ゜ノ モンダむテン ト キョりシ ノ ダクワリ

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    日本語教育が、孊習掻動の珟堎を教宀や教科曞に限定するこずをやめ、地域瀟䌚の日本語孊習リ゜ヌスに目を向け出しおから、日本人協力者が様々な圢で日本語教育を支揎しおくれおいる。日本人協力者を日本語教育の珟堎に参加させるこずは、自埋孊習の促進のためには動機付けを高め、第二蚀語習埗研究からも孊習効果 を䞊げるために有効ずされ、今埌、日本語教育の珟堎でさらに広く浞透しおいくず思われる。しかし、すでに珟圚、孊習者の日本人協力者に察する期埅過倚、協力者による孊習者の胜力の過倧、過小評䟡、協力者ず孊習者の垌望孊習項目間のギャップ、動機の䞍玔な協力者などの問題が顕圚しおいる。海倖の日本語教育の珟堎では、圓然、協力者ずしお登甚できる人材の幅に限りがあるこずから、この問題はさらに顕著になる。本皿では、䞊蚘の問題を怜蚎した結果 、日本語教垫が問題の深刻化を防ぎ、孊習リ゜ヌス掻甚のためのコヌディネヌタヌずしお、シラバスの敎備、自埋孊習の支揎、日本語孊習者のPR掻動、接觊堎面 に必芁なスキルの匷化掻動などを通しお、本来の目的を達成するためにはどんなこずが可胜かを提蚀する。協力者の支揎の様態は倚岐にわたり、日本語教育は、もはや日本語教育専門家のものだけではなくなっおきた。本皿では、これらの協力者ず孊習者ずの接觊堎面 をも含む、広範囲の日本語教育を指す甚語の必芁性を感じ、「日本語教育掻動」ずいう蚀葉を詊甚する。Resources used in Japanese language education are no longer limited to traditional textbooks and dictionaries. Language education involves community resources including Japanese volunteers who support Japanese language educational activities in various manners. To distinguish this new and wider concept of Japanese language education from traditional classroom-based, teacher-led environments, this paper uses the expression, "Japanese language educational activities." Japanese language volunteers\u27 participation in Japanese language educational activities elevates learners\u27 motivation as well as promotes learner autonomy, and is hoped to contribute to more efficient acquisition of the language by the learners. However, their participation does raise issues that have not been discussed in previous literature. Issues encompass learners expecting too much of volunteers, volunteers underestimating / overestimating learners\u27 abilities, gaps between learner needs and what volunteers wish to teach them, and volunteers with inadequate motivation. This paper discusses these issues and explores teacher roles that prevent or minimize problems associated with the issues. The paper suggests that teachers, as coordinators of learning, could devise syllabus which volunteers are a part of, could advocate learner autonomy through planned activities, could promote visibility of Japanese language learners to enhance volunteers\u27 understanding of the learners, and could prepare learners with specific skills necessary for anticipated contact situations with volunteers

    ニホンゎ キョりむク ニオケル セむサ ノ ガクシュり オヌストラリア ノ ガクシュりシャ ノ むシキ チョりサ ペリ

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    日本語の性差の研究の䞭で、日本語教育ず関連し、しかも、デヌタに基づいたものは数少ない。日本語教育の䞭での性差の理想的な指導方法を探究する研究の䞀環ずしお、本皿では、先行の指導者の意識調査 (Iida and Thomson 1999) にも蚀及しながら、オヌストラリアの孊習者の意識調査アンケヌト(オヌストラリアの 6 倧孊察象、回答者 704名)の結果を䞭心に、報告、考察しおいく。 孊習者の調査の結果、回答者党䜓ずしおは、性差の認識、受け取り方にばら぀きはあるが、性差の孊習には意欲的であるこずがわかった。人称代名詞や呌称に衚れる性差の認識床は高かったが、接頭蟞や、挢字語圙の䜿甚頻床などの項目は、あたり認識されおいなかった。回答者の孊習レベルが䞊がり、日本語話者ずの接觊頻床が高くなり、日本滞圚期間が長くなるず、性差の認識床が䞊がる。この傟向に反するのが、挢字語圙の項目で、孊習レベルなどに関係なく、䞀般的に認識床が䜎く、挢字圏出身の孊習者が、他のグルヌプに比べお認識床が高いずいう結果が出た。 日本語に衚出する性差の捉え方、そしお、性差を認識し、性差衚珟を䜿えるようになりたいかずいう孊習意欲に぀いおの質問には、䞡項目で、党䜓的には回答者が積極的な姿勢を芋せおいる。その䞭で、 特に、性差を性差別ず捉えるのは䞭囜系、韓囜系(特に女性)に倚く、性差の孊習に䞀番意欲的なのはオヌストラリア系であるずいう結果が出た。母文化内で性差別の察象ずなりうる回答者が性差別に敏感であり、他グルヌプず比べお、日本滞圚期間の長いオヌストラリア系が孊習に熱心であるずいう考察ができる。 指導者調査に珟れた教垫偎の性差指導に察する懞念ず、孊習者調査の結果には開きがあったので、教垫の感芚に頌らず、実際のデヌタに基づく考察の必芁性を再認識した。This paper examines learners\u27 perceptions of gendered language in Japanese based on the survey data of 704 students of Japanese in 6 Australian universities, in relation to the findings of earlier survey data of teachers of Japanese in Australian universities (Iida and Thomson 1999). The findings from this survey reveal that: 1) the learners have varied understandings of what gendered language is in Japanese; 2) their recognition improves on the whole when their level of study advances and when they have had longer in-country experiences; 3) they have, in general, positive attitudes toward gendered language in Japanese; 4) the majority want to learn to recognize and use gendered language in Japanese. Further analysis shows that one area of recognition that does not improve with the level of study or in-country experiences is the usage of Kanji vocabulary. In this area, conscientious, rather than natural acquisition appears to be necessary. Analysis then shows that more Chinese and Korean background learners, especially female learners, in comparison to other groups, perceive gendered language in Japanese as discrimination. Those who have been discriminated against could be more sensitive to the issue. The analysis also reveals that Australian background learners expressed the most willingness to learn gendered language in Japanese. This could be explained by the fact that the Australian group had the longest in-country experiences on average among all the respondents. These findings differ somewhat from the findings of the earlier teacher survey. There was variation between and among teachers\u27 and learners\u27 understandings of gendered language in Japanese, and the teachers\u27 concerns for teaching gendered language to Australian students of equal upbringing proved to be unfounded