979 research outputs found

    Questionnaire survey on point‐of‐care ultrasound utilization during cardiac arrest among emergency physicians in Hong Kong

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    Introduction: Although point‐of‐care ultrasound (POCUS) is recognized as a useful diagnostic and prognostic tool during the management of out‐of‐hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA), opposing viewpoints exist. The objectives of this study are to investigate the knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) in POCUS utilization during OHCA among emergency medicine (EM) physicians in Hong Kong and to identify their barriers. Methods: A cross‐sectional questionnaire was conducted among EM physicians in 9 accident and emergency departments in Hong Kong. The questionnaire assessed participants' demographics, knowledge, attitude, practices, and barriers on this issue. Composite scores for KAP were calculated. Subgroup analysis and multiple regression analysis were used to explore the correlation between KAP and participants' demographics. Participants' barriers were evaluated by binary and open‐ended questions. Results: A total of 224 questionnaires were distributed and 150 questionnaires were returned (response rate: 67.0%). Statistically significant associations of knowledge and attitude with practice were demonstrated (both p < 0.001). Independent predictors of more frequent POCUS use in OHCA included EM fellowship status (p = 0.005), receiving training on this issue (p < 0.001), and working in large hospitals (p = 0.007). The top‐ranked barriers were chaotic environment (74%), no structural education on this practice (63%), and the lack of staff (61%). Conclusions: The knowledge and attitude of performing POCUS during OHCA were demonstrated to enhance EM physicians' practice. By improving physicians' knowledge and removing the possible barriers they are facing, POCUS can be optimally utilized during OHCA to improve patient care

    Evaluation of the material parameters of piezoelectric materials by various methods

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    Genome sequence and genetic linkage analysis of Shiitake mushroom _Lentinula edodes_

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    _Lentinula edodes_ (Shiitake/Xianggu) is an important cultivated mushroom. Understanding the genomics and functional genomics of _L. edodes_ allows us to improve its cultivation and quality. Genome sequence is a key to develop molecular genetic markers for breeding and genetic manipulation. We sequenced the genome of _L. edodes_ monokaryon L54A using Roche 454 and ABI SOLiD genome sequencing. Sequencing reads of about 1400Mb were de novo assembled into a 40.2 Mb genome sequence. We compiled the genome sequence into a searchable database with which we have been annotating the genes and analyzing the metabolic pathways. In addition, we have been using many molecular techniques to analyze genes differentially expressed during development. Gene ortholog groups of _L. edodes_ genome sequence compared across genomes of several fungi including mushrooms identified gene families unique to mushroom-forming fungi. We used a mapping population of haploid basidiospores of dikaryon L54 for genetic linkage analysis. High-quality variations such as single nucleotide polymorphisms, insertions, and deletions of the mapping population formed a high-density genetic linkage map. We compared the linkage map to the _L. edodes_ L54A genome sequence and located selected quantitative trait loci. The Shiitake community will benefit from these resources for genetic studies and breeding.&#xd;&#xa

    Dissecting the effects of METTL3 on alternative splicing in prostate cancer

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    Although the role of METTL3 has been extensively studied in many cancers, its role in isoform switching in prostate cancer (PCa) has been poorly explored. To investigate its role, we applied standard RNA-sequencing and long-read direct RNA-sequencing from Oxford Nanopore to examine how METTL3 affects alternative splicing (AS) in two PCa cell lines. By dissecting genome-wide METTL3-regulated AS events, we noted that two PCa cell lines (representing two different PCa subtypes, androgen-sensitive or resistant) behave differently in exon skipping and intron retention events following METTL3 depletion, suggesting AS heterogeneity in PCa. Moreover, we revealed that METTL3-regulated AS is dependent on N6-methyladenosine (m6A) and distinct splicing factors. Analysis of the AS landscape also revealed cell type specific AS signatures for some genes (e.g., MKNK2) involved in key functions in PCa tumorigenesis. Finally, we also validated the clinical relevance of MKNK2 AS events in PCa patients and pointed to the possible regulatory mechanism related to m6A in the exon14a/b region and SRSF1. Overall, we characterize the role of METTL3 in regulating PCa-associated AS programs, expand the role of METTL3 in tumorigenesis, and suggest that MKNK2 AS events may serve as a new potential prognostic biomarker

    University Staff’s Perceptions of Community College Transfer Students’ Transition Experiences Within a “2+2” Pathway in an Asian Educational Context

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    Various countries have alternative pathway policies for 2-year community college graduates to articulate to 2-year university study, forming a “2+2” pathway. However, few studies have explored university staff members’ perceptions of this “2+2” transfer pathway and their understanding of transfer students’ (TSs) transition experiences. This descriptive qualitative study addressed this research gap. Forty-two academic and supporting staff participated in the focus group interviews. Specifically, the study explored the assets and challenges of the “2+2” pathway from the university staff perspective in Hong Kong. The articulation pathway and TSs are highly recognized for their prior learning, academic performances, and the value of the second chance. However, while the university staff were sympathetic to the challenges filling these transfer pathways, their offering of help was limited by government funding and policies restrictions. It is recommended that policies should be established at government and university levels to recognize and tackle TSs’ unique needs to alleviate their heavy workloads through better articulation between community college and university studies. Improving articulation will allow TSs time for social involvement in university life and thus enhance their mental well-being

    Service learning and school community partnership

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    Background Service learning offered university students the opportunity to apply knowledge and skills in social care context while strengthening community health. This paper aimed at highlighting the essential features of the program in achieving sustainable outcomes. Project design and methods Students from different faculty, worked as a team to address the health issues of a less resourceful school. The students were required to plan and develop the related resources and products for matching the learning needs. Through the implementation, students shifted from following an instructive guide to acting on a more self-directed learning process at different stages of service. The health promotion programs could include nutritious breakfast, adequate exercises, healthy beverages and interpersonal communication. Efficacy of the service learning was assessed by the pre and post service survey on the attainment of generic skills of interpersonal effectiveness, problem solving, social responsibility and teamwork. Impact of the service was evaluated by the pre and post program testing. Individual learning experience was collected by the reflective journal writing. Significance and implication School community plays a major role in providing a healthy learning environment for children and adolescents. With the input of subject knowledge and field practice, faculty students attained improvement in generic skills. The school participants increased health knowledge and the importance of healthier lifestyle was reinforced. Both parties owned the program materials for the continuity of practice. The partnership creates initiatives of applying health-promoting school concepts. This project work also built up the ground work for a feasible framework of school health service and practice

    Cytokine Response Patterns in Severe Pandemic 2009 H1N1 and Seasonal Influenza among Hospitalized Adults

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    BACKGROUND: Studying cytokine/chemokine responses in severe influenza infections caused by different virus subtypes may improve understanding on pathogenesis. METHODS: Adults hospitalized for laboratory-confirmed seasonal and pandemic 2009 A/H1N1 (pH1N1) influenza were studied. Plasma concentrations of 13 cytokines/chemokines were measured at presentation and then serially, using cytometric-bead-array with flow-cytometry and ELISA. PBMCs from influenza patients were studied for cytokine/chemokine expression using ex-vivo culture (Whole Blood Assay,±PHA/LPS stimulation). Clinical variables were prospectively recorded and analyzed. RESULTS: 63 pH1N1 and 53 seasonal influenza patients were studied. pH1N1 patients were younger (mean±S.D. 42.8±19.2 vs 70.5±16.7 years), and fewer had comorbidities. Respiratory/cardiovascular complications were common in both groups (71.4% vs 81.1%), although severe pneumonia with hypoxemia (54.0% vs 28.3%) and ICU admissions (25.4% vs 1.9%) were more frequent with pH1N1. Hyperactivation of the proinflammatory cytokines IL-6, CXCL8/IL-8, CCL2/MCP-1 and sTNFR-1 was found in pH1N1 pneumonia (2-15 times normal) and in complicated seasonal influenza, but not in milder pH1N1 infections. The adaptive-immunity (Th1/Th17)-related CXCL10/IP-10, CXCL9/MIG and IL-17A however, were markedly suppressed in severe pH1N1 pneumonia (2-27 times lower than seasonal influenza; P-values<0.01). This pattern was further confirmed with serial measurements. Hypercytokinemia tended to be sustained in pH1N1 pneumonia, associated with a slower viral clearance [PCR-negativity: day 3-4, 55% vs 85%; day 6-7, 67% vs 100%]. Elevated proinflammatory cytokines, particularly IL-6, predicted ICU admission (adjusted OR 12.6, 95%CI 2.6-61.5, per log(10)unit increase; P = 0.002), and correlated with fever, tachypnoea, deoxygenation, and length-of-stay (Spearman's rho, P-values<0.01) in influenza infections. PBMCs in seasonal influenza patients were activated and expressed cytokines ex vivo (e.g. IL-6, CXCL8/IL-8, CCL2/MCP-1, CXCL10/IP-10, CXCL9/MIG); their 'responsiveness' to stimuli was shown to change dynamically during the illness course. CONCLUSIONS: A hyperactivated proinflammatory, but suppressed adaptive-immunity (Th1/Th17)-related cytokine response pattern was found in severe pH1N1 pneumonia, different from seasonal influenza. Cytokine/immune-dysregulation may be important in its pathogenesis

    BING, a novel antimicrobial peptide isolated from Japanese medaka plasma, targets bacterial envelope stress response by suppressing cpxR expression

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    Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) have emerged as a promising alternative to small molecule antibiotics. Although AMPs have previously been isolated in many organisms, efforts on the systematic identification of AMPs in fish have been lagging. Here, we collected peptides from the plasma of medaka (Oryzias latipes) fish. By using mass spectrometry, 6399 unique sequences were identified from the isolated peptides, among which 430 peptides were bioinformatically predicted to be potential AMPs. One of them, a thermostable 13-residue peptide named BING, shows a broad-spectrum toxicity against pathogenic bacteria including drug-resistant strains, at concentrations that presented relatively low toxicity to mammalian cell lines and medaka. Proteomic analysis indicated that BING treatment induced a deregulation of periplasmic peptidyl-prolyl isomerases in gram-negative bacteria. We observed that BING reduced the RNA level of cpxR, an upstream regulator of envelope stress responses. cpxR is known to play a crucial role in the development of antimicrobial resistance, including the regulation of genes involved in drug efflux. BING downregulated the expression of efflux pump components mexB, mexY and oprM in P. aeruginosa and significantly synergised the toxicity of antibiotics towards these bacteria. In addition, exposure to sublethal doses of BING delayed the development of antibiotic resistance. To our knowledge, BING is the first AMP shown to suppress cpxR expression in Gram-negative bacteria. This discovery highlights the cpxR pathway as a potential antimicrobial target

    Biophysical and nutritional combination treatment for myosteatosis in patients with sarcopenia: a study protocol for single-blinded randomised controlled trial

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    Introduction Sarcopenia is characterised by age-related loss of skeletal muscle and function and is associated with risks of adverse outcomes. The prevalence of sarcopenia increases due to ageing population and effective interventions is in need. Previous studies showed that β-hydroxy β-methylbutyrate (HMB) supplement and vibration treatment (VT) enhanced muscle quality, while the coapplication of the two interventions had further improved muscle mass and function in sarcopenic mice model. This study aims to investigate the efficacy of this combination treatment in combating sarcopenia in older people. The findings of this study will demonstrate the effect of combination treatment as an alternative for managing sarcopenia. Methods and analysis In this single-blinded randomised controlled trial, subjects will be screened based on the Asian Working Group for Sarcopenia (AWGS) 2019 definition. 200 subjects who are aged 65 or above and identified sarcopenic according to the AWGS algorithm will be recruited. They will be randomised to one of the following four groups: (1) Control+ONS; (2) HMB+ONS; (3) VT+ONS and (4) HMB+VT + ONS, where ONS stands for oral nutritional supplement. ONS will be taken in the form of protein formular once/day; HMB supplements will be 3 g/day; VT (35 Hz, 0.3 g, where g=gravitational acceleration) will be received for 20 mins/day and at least 3 days/week. The primary outcome assessments are muscle strength and function. Subjects will be assessed at baseline, 3-month and 6-month post treatment. Ethics and dissemination This study was approved by Joint CUHK-NTEC (The Chinese University of Hong Kong and New Territories East Cluster) Clinical Research Management Office (Ref: CRE-2022.223-T) and conformed to the Declaration of Helsinki. Trial results will be published in peer-reviewed journals and disseminated at academic conferences
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