267 research outputs found

    The Hidden Strengths in Family Business: Functional Conflict

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    Conflict is likely in family businesses. Although some types of conflict are negative and should be minimized, other types are helpful and should be understood and encouraged to improve decisions. Using Jehn's (1997) framework, three types of conflict are identified and related to family business issues. A framework for conflict resolution is presented. Finally, recommendations for introducing and managing positive conflict in family businesses are offered.Yeshttps://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/manuscript-submission-guideline

    Anorgasmia in women

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    This article reports on the etiology and treatment of anorgasmia. Etiological factors include childhood and adolescent experiences, current individual attitudes, and lifestyle factors, as well as the quality and dynamics of past and present committed relationships. It is important to assess the nature of each of the previously mentioned factors in determining the nature of the orgasmic dysfunction as well as assisting in the development of a treatment plan. Treatment approaches for anorgasmia need to address individual factors (e.g., performance anxiety, poor body image) as well as interpersonal problems. A systemic treatment framework would appear to be the most useful approach to treat this sexual dysfunction, as this type of strategy identifies and treats the difficulties experienced by the anorgasmic woman within the total context of her life. Of course, this approach necessitates the involvement of the partner in therapy, and treatment is unlikely to be effective unless the problems experienced by both the woman and her partner are addressed. Limitations of past research in terms of inadequate evaluation of treatment, low sample sizes, and poorly defined interventions are discussed. Finally, directions for future research to advance our understanding of the most effective treatments for anorgasmia are considered. <br /

    School organizational culture: The peak of research in the context of neoliberal policies

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    Inscrita numa matriz teórica multirreferencial, a problemática da cultura organizacional tem sido objecto de múltiplos desenvolvimentos conceptuais e diversificadas apropriações políticas e ideológicas. No campo da educação e no contexto mais específico das organizações escolares, as abordagens culturais e simbólicas sofreram algumas inflexões teóricas apenas compreensíveis quando contextualizadas no quadro mais global das políticas internacionais de cariz neoliberal e neoconservador. Neste trabalho, procura-se reflectir criticamente sobre a forma como a problemática da cultura organizacional em contexto escolar passa a ser (re)perspectivada numa altura em que se expandem alguns objectivos e valores políticos associados às ideologias da modernização e da racionalização. Num segundo momento, tomando como ponto de partida a análise de um vasto número de investigações integradas em quatro bases de dados electrónicas de âmbito internacional, debatemos as principais tendências teóricas, conceptuais e metodológicas deste campo de estudo, fazendo sobressair o lugar e o estatuto da escola enquanto contexto privilegiado de investigação, designadamente nos domínios crítico-reflexivos.Within a multi-referential theoretical framework, the issue of organizational culture has been a subject for multiple conceptual developments and different ideological and political appropriations. In the field of education and in the specific context of school organizations, the cultural and symbolic approaches were subjected to some theoretical inflections. These can only be understood in the global framework of international policies of neoliberal and neoconservative nature. First, this paper critically discusses how the issue of organizational culture in school context was put in perspectives at a time when some political-ideological objectives and values were associated to modernization and rationalization ideologies. Based on the analysis of a great number of researches included in four electronic databases with an international scope, it then discusses the main theoretical, conceptual and methodological trends of this field of study, stressing the place and statute of school as a privileged research context, namely in the reflexive and critical domain.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Mudança organizacional: uma abordagem preliminar

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