129 research outputs found

    Research Notes : Calico mosaic of soybeans: Sources of resistance and inheritance of reaction

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    Calico mosaic of soybean is caused by the alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV) (Almeida et al., 1981). Soybean plants infected with AMV were first reported in the USA by Allington et al. (1969), in soybean fields close to alfalfa fields. The presence of AMV in Brazil was reported by Costa et al. (1980), who demonstrated in their study that soybean was a good differential host for the virus

    Soja: desenvolvimento e selecao de germoplasma para regiões de baixas latitudes.

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    A soja no Piaui; Cultivar Tropical; Cultivar Timbira; Cultivar BR-10 (Teresina); BR-11 (Carajas); Cultivar BR 27 (Cariri); Cultivar BR-29 (Serido); Cultivar BR-32 (Nova Tropical); Cultivar BR/EMGOPA 312 (Potiguar); Cultivar BR-35 (Rio Balsas); Cultivar Embrapa 9 (Bays);Cultivar Embrapa 10 (Vale do Rio Doce); Cultivar Embrapa 31 (Mina); Cultivar 33 (Cariri RC); Cultivar Embrapa 34 (Teresina RC); Cultivar Embrapa 63 (Mirador); Cultivar MA/BR 64 (Parnaiba); Cultivar MA/BR 65 (Sambaiba); Cultivar MA/BRS 165 (Serudo RCH).bitstream/item/35895/1/Doc37.pd

    Genetic studies of a male-sterile, female-fertile soybean mutant.

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    Studies on a new spontaneous male-sterile / female-fertile soybean mutant identified by the Embrapa Soybean breeding program were carried out in Londrina, PR. The mutant showing segregation for male-sterility (BR93-12879) was selected within F4 progeny lines derived from the IAS-5 (3) X OCEPAR 9-SS1 cross performed in 1993. The F1 , F2 and F3 generations of cross among heterozygous plants of the BR93-12879 line and recessive homozygous plants (male-sterile) of the T 266H (ms1ms1), T 259H (ms2ms2 ), T 273H (ms3ms3), T274H (ms4ms4), T 277H (ms5ms5) and T 295H (ms6ms6) lines were studied to identify whether the new mutationis conditioned by a new allele or by a mutation in one of the six loci already described in the literature. The F1, F2 and F3 plants from the crosses were visually classified as male-sterile or male-fertile. Results from the allele test and inheritance study among the mutant genotype and the recessive homozygous male-sterile lines (ms1, ms2, ms3, ms4, ms5 and ms6 ) showed that a single recessive gene controls the male-sterile trait of BR93-12879. This gene is allele to the already described ms1 -gene and resulted from a genetic mutation in the ms-loci

    Cultivar de soja BRS Aroeira.

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    Divergência genética em genótipos de girassol.

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    Uma investigação sobre a diversidade genética em 15 genótipos de girassol, por meio de 12 características agronômicas, foi implementada no Instituto Agronômico de Campinas, Brasil. Análises de variância univariada e multivariada revelaram diferenças entre os genótipos. A distância generalizada de Mahalanobis indicou um alto grau de divergência genética. Os genótipos foram agrupados em três grupos. As características início do florescimento, 50% do florescimento, número de folhas e altura da inserção do capítulo contribuíram com grande parte da divergência genética observada. Por meio desses resultados, é possível identificar materiais divergentes e complementares para o desenvolvimento de novos cultivares superiores

    Photoperiodism and genetic control of the long juvenile period in soybean: a review.

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    Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill)is a short day plant that flowers when days are shorter than the maximum critical value, and this period is specific for each genotype. Soybean sensitivity to photoperiodism determines the limits of the sowing period for a latitude and hinders adaptation to wider ranges of latitude. The long juvenile period (LJP), which delays flowering under short day condictions, has been identified in soybean cultivars. The introduction of the LJP characteristic in soybean has made its cultivation possible in regions with latitudes lower than 15 o . Knowledge of the controlling genetic mechanisms of this characteristic can help in the development of soybean genotypes for lower latitudes with greater adaptation to sowing periods within the same latitude. Some conclusions about the genetic LJP control in soybean were reached from the present review: a) plants with LJP have a lower development rate for flowering, resulting in the lengthening of the vegetative period; b) the LJP characteristic has a direct influence on plant photoreceptivity and flowering induction; c) the genetic control of flowering time in short days is determined by a different and independent genetic system from that which determines long day flowering time; d) late flowering under short day conditions is a quantitative characteristic controlled by recessive genes, and it is believed that one to five main genes control flowering. Genotypes with a single pair of recessive alleles did not have LJP

    MA/BR 65 (Sambaiba): nova cultivar de soja adaptada para o Estado do Piaui.

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    Molecular markers linked to the resistance to race 3 of the soybean cyst nematode Heterodera glycines.

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    The objective of this study was to identify molecular markers associated with the resistance to race 3 of the SCN. Two Microsatellites (Satt187 and Satt309) and three RAPD markers (OPAG-05 946, OPF-04 1038 , and OPAQ-01 1987 ) were found which explained 31.3%, 28.9%, 13.8%, 11.4% and 9.9%, respectively, of the phenotypic resistance variation to race 3 of the SCN. However, by multiple regression analysis, with the elimination of markers which least contributed to an explanation of the resistance, the most significant combination occurred with the inclusion of the markers Satt187 and Satt309, which together explained 75.2% of the resistance. These markers were mapped in two distinct regions. One located in the linkage group G with the markers OPAG-05 846, OPF-04 1038 , OPAQ-01 1987 and Satt309 at an interval of 34.7 cM, and another located in the group A 2 with the marker Satt187. Inheritance studies have shown those two dominant genes control resistance to SCN, in the population analyzed

    BRS 137: cultivar de soja para cultivo no sul do Brasil.

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    A liberação de cultivares de elevado potencial produtivo e com resistência a doenças é fundamental para continuar agregando rendimento na produção brasileira de soja. A cultivar BRS 137 é resultado do programa de melhoramento de soja desenvolvido pela Embrapa. A cultivar apresentou rendimento médio de grãos 2% superior ao da cultivar IAS 5, em 24 ambientes, no Rio Grande do Sul. É resistente à pústula-bacteriana (Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. glycines), ao cancro-da-haste (Diaporthe phaseolorum f. sp. meridionalis), à podridão-parda-da-haste (Phialophora gregata), à mancha-olho-de-rã (Cercospora sojina) e ao oídio (Microsphaera diffusa). É indicada para cultivo no Rio Grande do Sul, em semeaduras realizadas a partir de meados de outubro até fim de novembro, com população máxima de 300.000 plan-tas/ha