892 research outputs found

    Numerical simulations of neutron star-black hole binaries in the near-equal-mass regime

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    Simulations of neutron star-black hole (NSBH) binaries generally consider black holes with masses in the range (5−10)M⊙(5-10)M_\odot, where we expect to find most stellar mass black holes. The existence of lower mass black holes, however, cannot be theoretically ruled out. Low-mass black holes in binary systems with a neutron star companion could mimic neutron star-neutron (NSNS) binaries, as they power similar gravitational wave (GW) and electromagnetic (EM) signals. To understand the differences and similarities between NSNS mergers and low-mass NSBH mergers, numerical simulations are required. Here, we perform a set of simulations of low-mass NSBH mergers, including systems compatible with GW170817. Our simulations use a composition and temperature dependent equation of state (DD2) and approximate neutrino transport, but no magnetic fields. We find that low-mass NSBH mergers produce remnant disks significantly less massive than previously expected, and consistent with the post-merger outflow mass inferred from GW170817 for moderately asymmetric mass ratio. The dynamical ejecta produced by systems compatible with GW170817 is negligible except if the mass ratio and black hole spin are at the edge of the allowed parameter space. That dynamical ejecta is cold, neutron-rich, and surprisingly slow for ejecta produced during the tidal disruption of a neutron star : v∼(0.1−0.15)cv\sim (0.1-0.15)c. We also find that the final mass of the remnant black hole is consistent with existing analytical predictions, while the final spin of that black hole is noticeably larger than expected -- up to χBH=0.84\chi_{\rm BH}=0.84 for our equal mass case

    Unequal mass binary neutron star simulations with neutrino transport: Ejecta and neutrino emission

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    We present 12 new simulations of unequal mass neutron star mergers. The simulations are performed with the SpEC code, and utilize nuclear-theory-based equations of state and a two-moment gray neutrino transport scheme with an improved energy estimate based on evolving the number density. We model the neutron stars with the SFHo, LS220, and DD2 equations of state (EOS) and we study the neutrino and matter emission of all 12 models to search for robust trends between binary parameters and emission characteristics. We find that the total mass of the dynamical ejecta exceeds 0.01  M⊙ only for SFHo with weak dependence on the mass ratio across all models. We find that the ejecta have a broad electron fraction (Y_e) distribution (≈0.06–0.48), with mean 0.2. Y_e increases with neutrino irradiation over time, but decreases with increasing binary asymmetry. We also find that the models have ejecta with a broad asymptotic velocity distribution (≈0.05–0.7c). The average velocity lies in the range 0.2c−0.3c and decreases with binary asymmetry. Furthermore, we find that disk mass increases with binary asymmetry and stiffness of the EOS. The Y_e of the disk increases with softness of the EOS. The strongest neutrino emission occurs for the models with soft EOS. For (anti) electron neutrinos we find no significant dependence of the magnitude or angular distribution or neutrino luminosity with mass ratio. The heavier neutrino species have a luminosity dependence on mass ratio but an angular distribution which does not change with mass ratio

    Massive disk formation in the tidal disruption of a neutron star by a nearly extremal black hole

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    Black hole-neutron star (BHNS) binaries are important sources of gravitational waves for second-generation interferometers, and BHNS mergers are also a proposed engine for short, hard gamma-ray bursts. The behavior of both the spacetime (and thus the emitted gravitational waves) and the neutron star matter in a BHNS merger depend strongly and nonlinearly on the black hole's spin. While there is a significant possibility that astrophysical black holes could have spins that are nearly extremal (i.e. near the theoretical maximum), to date fully relativistic simulations of BHNS binaries have included black-hole spins only up to S/M2S/M^2=0.9, which corresponds to the black hole having approximately half as much rotational energy as possible, given the black hole's mass. In this paper, we present a new simulation of a BHNS binary with a mass ratio q=3q=3 and black-hole spin S/M2S/M^2=0.97, the highest simulated to date. We find that the black hole's large spin leads to the most massive accretion disk and the largest tidal tail outflow of any fully relativistic BHNS simulations to date, even exceeding the results implied by extrapolating results from simulations with lower black-hole spin. The disk appears to be remarkably stable. We also find that the high black-hole spin persists until shortly before the time of merger; afterwards, both merger and accretion spin down the black hole.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures, submitted to Classical and Quantum Gravit

    High-accuracy waveforms for binary black hole inspiral, merger, and ringdown

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    The first spectral numerical simulations of 16 orbits, merger, and ringdown of an equal-mass non-spinning binary black hole system are presented. Gravitational waveforms from these simulations have accumulated numerical phase errors through ringdown of ~0.1 radian when measured from the beginning of the simulation, and ~0.02 radian when waveforms are time and phase shifted to agree at the peak amplitude. The waveform seen by an observer at infinity is determined from waveforms computed at finite radii by an extrapolation process accurate to ~0.01 radian in phase. The phase difference between this waveform at infinity and the waveform measured at a finite radius of r=100M is about half a radian. The ratio of final mass to initial mass is M_f/M = 0.95162 +- 0.00002, and the final black hole spin is S_f/M_f^2=0.68646 +- 0.00004.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures; New figure added, text edited to improve clarity, waveform made availabl

    Gravity Waves, Chaos, and Spinning Compact Binaries

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    Spinning compact binaries are shown to be chaotic in the Post-Newtonian expansion of the two body system. Chaos by definition is the extreme sensitivity to initial conditions and a consequent inability to predict the outcome of the evolution. As a result, the spinning pair will have unpredictable gravitational waveforms during coalescence. This poses a challenge to future gravity wave observatories which rely on a match between the data and a theoretical template.Comment: Final version published in PR

    Low mass binary neutron star mergers : gravitational waves and neutrino emission

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    Neutron star mergers are among the most promising sources of gravitational waves for advanced ground-based detectors. These mergers are also expected to power bright electromagnetic signals, in the form of short gamma-ray bursts, infrared/optical transients, and radio emission. Simulations of these mergers with fully general relativistic codes are critical to understand the merger and post-merger gravitational wave signals and their neutrinos and electromagnetic counterparts. In this paper, we employ the SpEC code to simulate the merger of low-mass neutron star binaries (two 1.2M⊙1.2M_\odot neutron stars) for a set of three nuclear-theory based, finite temperature equations of state. We show that the frequency peaks of the post-merger gravitational wave signal are in good agreement with predictions obtained from simulations using a simpler treatment of gravity. We find, however, that only the fundamental mode of the remnant is excited for long periods of time: emission at the secondary peaks is damped on a millisecond timescale in the simulated binaries. For such low-mass systems, the remnant is a massive neutron star which, depending on the equation of state, is either permanently stable or long-lived. We observe strong excitations of l=2, m=2 modes, both in the massive neutron star and in the form of hot, shocked tidal arms in the surrounding accretion torus. We estimate the neutrino emission of the remnant using a neutrino leakage scheme and, in one case, compare these results with a gray two-moment neutrino transport scheme. We confirm the complex geometry of the neutrino emission, also observed in previous simulations with neutrino leakage, and show explicitly the presence of important differences in the neutrino luminosity, disk composition, and outflow properties between the neutrino leakage and transport schemes.Comment: Accepted by PRD; 23 pages; 24 figures; 4 table

    Neutron star-black hole mergers with a nuclear equation of state and neutrino cooling: Dependence in the binary parameters

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    We present a first exploration of the results of neutron star-black hole mergers using black hole masses in the most likely range of 7M⊙−10M⊙7M_\odot-10M_\odot, a neutrino leakage scheme, and a modeling of the neutron star material through a finite-temperature nuclear-theory based equation of state. In the range of black hole spins in which the neutron star is tidally disrupted (χBH≳0.7\chi_{\rm BH}\gtrsim 0.7), we show that the merger consistently produces large amounts of cool (T≲1 MeVT\lesssim 1\,{\rm MeV}), unbound, neutron-rich material (Mej∼0.05M⊙−0.20M⊙M_{\rm ej}\sim 0.05M_\odot-0.20M_\odot). A comparable amount of bound matter is initially divided between a hot disk (Tmax∼15 MeVT_{\rm max}\sim 15\,{\rm MeV}) with typical neutrino luminosity Lν∼1053 erg/sL_\nu\sim 10^{53}\,{\rm erg/s}, and a cooler tidal tail. After a short period of rapid protonization of the disk lasting ∼10 ms\sim 10\,{\rm ms}, the accretion disk cools down under the combined effects of the fall-back of cool material from the tail, continued accretion of the hottest material onto the black hole, and neutrino emission. As the temperature decreases, the disk progressively becomes more neutron-rich, with dimmer neutrino emission. This cooling process should stop once the viscous heating in the disk (not included in our simulations) balances the cooling. These mergers of neutron star-black hole binaries with black hole masses MBH∼7M⊙−10M⊙M_{\rm BH}\sim 7M_\odot-10M_\odot and black hole spins high enough for the neutron star to disrupt provide promising candidates for the production of short gamma-ray bursts, of bright infrared post-merger signals due to the radioactive decay of unbound material, and of large amounts of r-process nuclei.Comment: 20 pages, 19 figure

    Post-merger evolution of a neutron star-black hole binary with neutrino transport

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    We present a first simulation of the post-merger evolution of a black hole-neutron star binary in full general relativity using an energy-integrated general relativistic truncated moment formalism for neutrino transport. We describe our implementation of the moment formalism and important tests of our code, before studying the formation phase of a disk after a black hole-neutron star merger. We use as initial data an existing general relativistic simulation of the merger of a neutron star of 1.4 solar mass with a black hole of 7 solar mass and dimensionless spin a/M=0.8. Comparing with a simpler leakage scheme for the treatment of the neutrinos, we find noticeable differences in the neutron to proton ratio in and around the disk, and in the neutrino luminosity. We find that the electron neutrino luminosity is much lower in the transport simulations, and that the remnant is less neutron-rich. The spatial distribution of the neutrinos is significantly affected by relativistic effects. Over the short timescale evolved, we do not observe purely neutrino-driven outflows. However, a small amount of material (3e-4Msun) is ejected in the polar region during the circularization of the disk. Most of that material is ejected early in the formation of the disk, and is fairly neutron rich. Through r-process nucleosynthesis, that material should produce high-opacity lanthanides in the polar region, and could thus affect the lightcurve of radioactively powered electromagnetic transients. We also show that by the end of the simulation, while the bulk of the disk is neutron-rich, its outer layers have a higher electron fraction. As that material would be the first to be unbound by disk outflows on longer timescales, the changes in Ye experienced during the formation of the disk could have an impact on the nucleosynthesis outputs from neutrino-driven and viscously-driven outflows. [Abridged]Comment: 29 pages, 25 figure

    Solving Einstein's Equations With Dual Coordinate Frames

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    A method is introduced for solving Einstein's equations using two distinct coordinate systems. The coordinate basis vectors associated with one system are used to project out components of the metric and other fields, in analogy with the way fields are projected onto an orthonormal tetrad basis. These field components are then determined as functions of a second independent coordinate system. The transformation to the second coordinate system can be thought of as a mapping from the original ``inertial'' coordinate system to the computational domain. This dual-coordinate method is used to perform stable numerical evolutions of a black-hole spacetime using the generalized harmonic form of Einstein's equations in coordinates that rotate with respect to the inertial frame at infinity; such evolutions are found to be generically unstable using a single rotating coordinate frame. The dual-coordinate method is also used here to evolve binary black-hole spacetimes for several orbits. The great flexibility of this method allows comoving coordinates to be adjusted with a feedback control system that keeps the excision boundaries of the holes within their respective apparent horizons.Comment: Updated to agree with published versio

    A Numerical Relativity Waveform Surrogate Model for Generically Precessing Binary Black Hole Mergers

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    A generic, non-eccentric binary black hole (BBH) system emits gravitational waves (GWs) that are completely described by 7 intrinsic parameters: the black hole spin vectors and the ratio of their masses. Simulating a BBH coalescence by solving Einstein's equations numerically is computationally expensive, requiring days to months of computing resources for a single set of parameter values. Since theoretical predictions of the GWs are often needed for many different source parameters, a fast and accurate model is essential. We present the first surrogate model for GWs from the coalescence of BBHs including all 77 dimensions of the intrinsic non-eccentric parameter space. The surrogate model, which we call NRSur7dq2, is built from the results of 744744 numerical relativity simulations. NRSur7dq2 covers spin magnitudes up to 0.80.8 and mass ratios up to 22, includes all ℓ≤4\ell \leq 4 modes, begins about 2020 orbits before merger, and can be evaluated in ∼ 50 ms\sim~50\,\mathrm{ms}. We find the largest NRSur7dq2 errors to be comparable to the largest errors in the numerical relativity simulations, and more than an order of magnitude smaller than the errors of other waveform models. Our model, and more broadly the methods developed here, will enable studies that would otherwise require millions of numerical relativity waveforms, such as parameter inference and tests of general relativity with GW observations.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures; Added report numbe
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