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    Medical activities in the polyclinic room, ward, operating theatre and laboratory. The danger that comes from hospital medical waste which causes disease or injury. Medical waste exposure especially sharp object which causes virus infection like Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)/Acquired Immuno Defeciency Syndrome(AIDS) and hepatitis B and C, who are at higher risk of infection because contamined sharp objects are nurses. This research done at the Sembiring Hospital Delitua Deli Serdang Regency. The objectives of this research is to know the relationship of the employees with the sorting of the medical solid waste. The design of this study was survey analytics design with a cross sectional study. The Univariate and bivariate of this research used Chi Square Test. The population of this research is nurses and the total sample is 65 people with the purposive sampling tehnic. The deficient of respondents knowlegde with the sorting of the medical solid waste as much as 35 people (53,8%). The sufficient of respondents knowlegde with the sorting of the medical solid waste as much as 16 people (24,6%) and the good knowlegde as much as 14 people (21,5%). The resulted of the bivariate analitycs with the knowlegde obtained p value 0.004< α 0.05, there is a relationship of employees knowlegde with the sorting of the medical solid waste, it is expect from the hospital to provide periodic checks in the medical waste producing ward to realize the comfort and cleanliness of the hospital environment

    Otoritas Kepemimpinan Kyai dalam Membentuk Budaya Organisasi Religius

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    This research was conducted to examine the leadership of Khodimul Majlis Syubbanul Muslimin with qualitative research. Data collection techniques used are in-depth interviews, observation and documentation. In traditional leadership authority when obtaining legitimacy based on established beliefs in a tradition in society. On the other hand, it has also received legitimacy from those who exercise authority according to this tradition. In other words, traditional authority is based on traditional claims that there are virtues put forward by the leader and gains the trust of the followers based on the structural factors of the leader's heredity. Meanwhile, charismatic leadership authority has extraordinary charm, energy and character to influence others, so that it has an extraordinary number of followers (quantity) and bodyguards (followers) who are very loyal and dutifully devoted to it without reserve (quality).  From the research that has been done, the research results obtained are: by using Max Weber's Mobility theory, researchers found that the khodimul majlis syubbanul muslimin has Traditional Authority and Charismatic Authority.