716 research outputs found

    An Era of Climax of Cordiality in Sino-Pakistan Relations

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    The paper seeks to analyze the developments between China and Pakistan since the end of Indo-Pakistan war of 1965 to 1971. After the signing of Pakistan’s boundary, air and trade agreements with China, the latter continued its support to Pakistan. Their bilateral relations reached to the climax of cordiality by the exchange official visits of both leaderships and support to each other’s key issues and interests. Pakistan changed its pro-West policy of casting vote in favor of Taiwan and against of China for membership in United Nations. Chinese assistance for Pakistan’s defense sector began and supported the Pakistan’s view regarding the disputed area of Kashmir. However it was Pakistan’s start of good relations with the Soviet Union which created a doubt in China’s mind after the Tashkent Conference. It was natural for China to express her surprise on the new bilateral relationship between Pakistan and Soviet Union and called it superpowers’ conspiracy. The paper concludes that bilateralism in Pakistan’s foreign policy brought China and the US to normalization of relations where Pakistan played a bridge role between the two

    Searching Friends and Strengthening Security: Pak-China Relations in 1950s

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    The paper covers Sino-Pakistan bilateral relations from the establishment of their diplomatic relations to the end of year 1960. The paper doesn’t describe the cultural and economic aspects of their bilateral relations in detail. Although there were some suspicions and differences between China and Pakistan, but as a whole, the period witnessed for normal relations, if not cordial one. The era saw search for making friends in international community by the two states. Both the countries took start as independent and sovereign states in the circumstances, when the world was divided into two rival blocs. The need for making friends, in the presence of the heydays of Cold War, was the result of their respective historical legacies and thereafter, the international system. The Communist China emerged after a long civil war with the Nationalists, and Pakistan got independence from the British colonialism. The paper concludes that, for Pakistan, the continuing threat and hostilities from India; and for China, the Taiwan issue side by side with the United States’ policies, added a new thinking in the minds of the two states’ leaders

    Chinas Seat in United Nations, Kashmir Issue and the India-Pakistan War of 1965

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    On the one hand the Sino-Indian border war Sino- Soviet hostile relations and the US-China rivalry and on the other hand Pak-India enmity Pak-Soviet hostility and Pakistan s disillusionment with the US brought China and Pakistan closer to each other China was in struggle to get membership in United Nations where the Western powers were blocking its way and Taiwan was allowed to be a Chinese nation representative In 1960s Pakistan abandoned its policy of following the West and voted for Communist China in the UN China too refrained from its policy of neutrality regarding Indo-Pak issues and openly started to support Pakistan on Kashmir issue Beijing supported Islamabad in its war with New Delhi China condemned Indian aggression against Pakistan and appreciated the Kashmiri freedom fighters in their struggle from Indian illegal occupation This paper covers discussion and analysis on China s seat in UN Kashmir issue and Indo-Pak war of 196

    Pak-China Boundary Agreement: Factors and Indian Reactions

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    Aim of the paper is to discuss the Sino-Pakistan boundary agreement and to analyze the factors responsible. In 1960, Pakistan put forward its offer to China for border demarcation. The Chinese Government did not respond to the Pakistani offer. China was working hard to persuade India for the border settlement. But when the hopes for the Sino-Indian rapprochement failed, China asserted for negotiations with Pakistan. China was also motivated by the concept that the Western powers might manipulate the situation between the two countries and could assert pressure on Pakistan’s decision making process which would bring hostilities between the two countries. If China would more delay its border negotiations with Pakistan, the US wishes might come true and a permanent stalemate in relations could persist in future. As long as Pakistan was dependent on the US for its military and economic needs, it seemed difficult to get closer with China and negotiate for a border demarcation. Despite the opposition of India and the US, both Pakistan and China demarcated their border and signed a boundary agreement

    A General Class Of Estimators For Finite Population Mean In The Presence Of Non-Response When Using The Second Raw Moments

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    In this paper, a general class of family of estimators for estimation of finite population mean is proposed under non-response, by using information on second raw moments. Properties of some ratio, product, modified ratio and modified product type estimators, which are members of a suggested class of estimators, are studied.  It is shown that a suggested class of estimators performs better than the usual ratio and product type estimators as well as regression and other considered estimators. A numerical study is carried out to support a suggested class of estimators

    Access to Education in Bangladesh: Country Analytic Review of Primary and Secondary Education

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    This country analytical review examines the key issues in access to and participation in primary and secondary education in Bangladesh, with a special focus on areas and dimensions of exclusion. Against a background of overall progress, particularly in closing the gender gap in primary and secondary enrollment, the research applies a conceptual framework outlining different forms of exclusion and presents two significant findings which compromise access and diminish gains made: high dropout rates at primary and secondary levels and nominal access but virtual exclusion from quality learning. Other areas surveyed in the review include interventions by public sector and non-governmental providers in primary and secondary education as well as the financing of basic education. This review of the literature concludes with suggestions for future research directions that might lead to new understanding and insights on equitable access and participation

    The Estimation ofAggregate Consumption Function for High Income Countries

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    Aggregate Real Private Consumption (ARPC) is one of the major components of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP)that contributes to specify any economy’s long term living standards. The contribution of ARPC stands on an average around 55%. It is therefore important to understand the components of the consumption which is almost more than half of the aggregate economic expenditure. The study is an attempt to make a case for developing countries to bring policy level changes in order to determine the consumption pattern of developing countries’ GDP. Using appropriate empirical model the study investigates the validity of Permanent Income Hypothesis (PIH) and Absolute Income Hypothesis (AIH)on ARPC for selected developed economies. The results of the study reveals that the important determinants of ARPC in the long-run are real GDP and wealth, while in the short-run they are real interest rate and unemployment rate

    Developing pedagogical content knowledge of science teachers through action research: A case study from Pakistan

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    The aim of this study is to analyze the action research undertaken by Khan as a teacher researcher in a private school as part of the degree requirement of his M.Ed. program in Teacher Education at the Aga Khan University, Institute for Educational Development. The purpose of this analysis undertaken by the first author and supervisor of the study in collaboration with Khan was to understand the development of Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) of the teacher researcher through action research in a science classroom in the context of Pakistan. Khan taught the concepts of heat and temperature using an inquiry based pedagogy to grade 9 physics class and also examined his own practice of this innovation using action research. Using Carlsen’s concept of PCK as the lens for analysis of the research report written by Khan the first author finds that transforming his understanding of the topic to teach with the indicated instructional strategy required him to transform his own understanding of science content. The findings also indicate that the requirement of cumulative testing wa

    Trust based Mechanism for Isolation of Malicious Nodes in Internet of Things

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    The Internet of Things systems are prone to the attacks as they have ad-hoc and limited resource structure. IoT-based systems are utilized for managing a large volume of information and assist in services related to industrial and medical applications. Due to this, the IoT attains becomes a target for a multitude of attackers and adversaries namely occasional hackers, cybercriminals, hacktivists, government, etc. The major goal of potential attackers is to steal the sensitive information such as credit card numbers, location data, credential of financial account and information related to health, by hacking the Internet of Things devices.  The version number attack is one of malicious activity of IoT which affect network performance to great extend. The version number attack is triggered by the malicious nodes which can flood unlimited hello packets in the network. The hello flood attack raised situation of denial of service in the network. The trust based mechanism is proposed in this research work in which trust value is assigned to each node based on their activities. The node which is least trusted will be marked as malicious and get isolated from the network. The proposed scheme is implemented in NS2 and results are analyzed in terms of throughput, packetloss, energy consumption and delay

    Economic Evaluation of Pesticide Use Externalities in the Cotton Zones of Punjab, Pakistan

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    The crop protection strategy in Pakistan is almost entirely based on pesticide use whereas development of integrated pest management (IPM) based technologies is in its initial phases of scrutiny as well as implementation. The inefficient use of chemicals has resulted in environmental pollution and sub-optimal returns to the society on the costly investments. This study estimates the social cost of pesticide use and suggests appropriate guidelines for regulating the safe use of pesticides. An overall economic evaluation of the externalities for the current pesticide use levels shows that external costs are quite higher than the currently paid price at the farm gate level. The environmental degradation and public health costs inflicted on the society due to the inefficient chemical use on cotton crop amounts to twelve thousand million rupees. The reduced reliance on crop protection through chemical methods seems inevitable for a sustainable and healthy crop production.economic evaluation; externalities; pesticide use; social cost; crop protection; Punjab; Pakistan
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