17 research outputs found

    Traditional knowledge of wild edible plants used in Palestine (Northern West Bank): A comparative study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A comparative food ethnobotanical study was carried out in fifteen local communities distributed in five districts in the Palestinian Authority, PA (northern West Bank), six of which were located in Nablus, two in Jenin, two in Salfit, three in Qalqilia, and two in Tulkarm. These are among the areas in the PA whose rural inhabitants primarily subsisted on agriculture and therefore still preserve the traditional knowledge on wild edible plants.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Data on the use of wild edible plants were collected for one-year period, through informed consent semi-structured interviews with 190 local informants. A semi-quantitative approach was used to document use diversity, and relative importance of each species.</p> <p>Results and discussion</p> <p>The study recorded 100 wild edible plant species, seventy six of which were mentioned by three informants and above and were distributed across 70 genera and 26 families. The most significant species include <it>Majorana syriaca, Foeniculum vulgare, Malvasylvestris</it>, <it>Salvia fruticosa, Cyclamen persicum, Micromeria fruticosa, Arum palaestinum, Trigonella foenum-graecum</it>, <it>Gundelia tournefortii</it>, and <it>Matricaria aurea</it>. All the ten species with the highest mean cultural importance values (mCI), were cited in all five areas. Moreover, most were important in every region. A common cultural background may explain these similarities. One taxon (<it>Majoranasyriaca</it>) in particular was found to be among the most quoted species in almost all areas surveyed. CI values, as a measure of traditional botanical knowledge, for edible species in relatively remote and isolated areas (Qalqilia, and Salfit) were generally higher than for the same species in other areas. This can be attributed to the fact that local knowledge of wild edible plants and plant gathering are more spread in remote or isolated areas.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Gathering, processing and consuming wild edible plants are still practiced in all the studied Palestinian areas. About 26 % (26/100) of the recorded wild botanicals including the most quoted and with highest mCI values, are currently gathered and utilized in all the areas, demonstrating that there are ethnobotanical contact points among the various Palestinian regions. The habit of using wild edible plants is still alive in the PA, but is disappearing. Therefore, the recording, preserving, and infusing of this knowledge to future generations is pressing and fundamental.</p

    Sensitive detection of human papillomavirus in cervical, head/neck, and schistosomiasis-associated bladder malignancies

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    We assayed for the presence of human papilloma virus (HPV) DNA in serum and/or peripheral blood fraction (PBF) of individuals with cervical, head/neck, or bladder cancer due to schistosomiasis. Using mass spectroscopy coupled with competitive PCR, HPV DNA was detected at the individual molecule level by using “MassARRAY” assays. The resultant sensitivity was superior to real-time fluorescent PCR-based assays, while specificity was maintained. Our principal findings were: (i) Virtually all tested cervical cancers and schistosomiasis-associated bladder cancers, and a plurality of head/neck cancers, are associated with HPV DNA in the tumor. (ii) All 27 bladder cancers due to schistosomiasis were associated with the presence of HPV-16 DNA, which can be detected in tumor and serum but not in PBF. In contrast, no serum HPV-16 DNA signal was detected in seven individuals with schistosomiasis-associated bladder cancers after surgical removal of the tumor. (iii) Among the head/neck cancers we studied, anterior tumors were more often associated with HPV DNA in tumor, serum, and/or PBF than posterior tumors. (iv) In cervical cancer, where all tumors contain HPV DNA, viral DNA could be detected often in serum and/or PBF. Further, HPV-16 DNA was detected in serum and/or PBF of most patients with untreated high-grade cervical dysplasia but disappeared if the dysplasia was eliminated. The sensitive, specific, and quantitative MassARRAY technique should make it feasible to monitor cancer occurrence and treatment and recurrence of malignancies and dysplasias associated with HPV DNA

    Efeito da aplicação de ácido giberélico no crescimento da palmeira-ráfia Effect of gibbeerllic acid application on lady palm growth

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    A palmeira-ráfia possui grande importância econômica devido ao seu interesse comercial. É uma planta ornamental muito apreciada por sua beleza e utilização em ambiente interno, crescendo bem em locais com sombra e apresentando resistência à exposição solar. O valor econômico dessa planta está relacionado à altura e número de hastes. O objetivo do trabalho foi promover o crescimento da planta, através da aplicação do regulador de crescimento ácido giberélico (GA3). Mudas de palmeira-ráfia com aproximadamente um ano de idade foram aspergidas a cada 21 dias (quatro aplicações) com solução de ácido giberélico nas concentrações de 0; 75; 150; 225; e 300 mg.L-1. Os resultados indicaram que a aplicação do ácido giberélico foi eficiente na promoção do crescimento da espécie, sendo esse incremento significativo nas variáveis: comprimento dos pecíolos, lâminas foliares e altura da planta. Não se observou diferença no acúmulo de matéria seca ou fresca do pecíolo entre os tratamentos, e plantas do tratamento-controle foram superiores às dos tratamentos 225 e 300 mg L-1, nas variáveis diâmetro do colo e massa fresca e seca das raízes. Devido ao incremento na altura das mudas e à alteração da disposição das folhas da palmeira, a utilização do ácido giberélico pode ser recomendada para a produção de mudas de alta qualidade.<br>Lady Palm is of great economic importance due its commercial interest. It is an ornamental plant growing in shadowy places, resistant to sun exposure and very appreciated for its beauty and ornamental value. Its commercial value is associated to plant height and shoot number. The aim of this work was to stimulate lady palm growth by applying the plant growth regulator gibberellic acid. Plantlets of R. excelsa approximately one year old were sprayed every 21 days (4 applications) with gibberellic acid solution at concentrations of 0; 75; 150; 225 and 300 mg L-1. The results showed that gibberellic acid was efficient in promoting the growth of the species and was statistically significant for petioles, leaf length and plant height. Petiole dry and fresh mass did not show any significant difference between treatments for stem diameter, with root dry and fresh mass having a higher value for the control than for the 225 and 300 mg L-1 treatments. Due to the higher height and leaf architecture changes observed, gibberellic acid can be used as a tool to stimulate Lady Palm growth, adding commercial value to the plantlets

    Nuclear medicine procedures in neuroblastoma

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    In NB diagnostic setting, nuclear medicine procedures have demonstrated major accuracy for both staging and treatment response assessments, including the evaluation of bone and bone marrow involvement. 123I-MIBG scintigraphy has been extensively used in research and clinical practice for over 35 years, representing the most important functional imaging modality in NB assessment. Furthermore, therapy with 131I-MIBG has been extensively employed in neuroblastoma since the late 1980s, with a systematic review analyzing 1121 patients treated with 131I-MIBG. 131I-MIBG was used as single agent (monotherapy) in patients with a poor prognosis, in particular those with recurrent/refractory disease, as a palliative treatment. So far, 131I-MIBG therapy is included in multicentric trials on high-risk neuroblastoma patients. However, in recent years, different types of “new” PET tracers have been introduced in the diagnostic workup of NB showing very promising results [21, 22]. In this new diagnostic scenario, it seems important to identify strengths and limitation of each different functional diagnostic modality. The aim of this chapter is to analyze, in terms of availability and accuracy, the principal nuclear medicine procedures used in NB. In addition, the prevalent or complementary role of each functional imaging method is highlighted

    Radiopharmaceuticals drug interactions: a critical review

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    Radiopharmaceuticals play a critical role in modern medicine primarily for diagnostic purposes, but also for monitoring disease progression and response to treatment. As the use of image has been increased, so has the use of prescription medications. These trends increase the risk of interactions between medications and radiopharmaceuticals. These interactions which have an impact on image by competing with the radiopharmaceutical for binding sites for example can lead to false negative results. Drugs that accelerate the metabolism of the radiopharmaceutical can have a positive impact (i.e. speeding its clearance) or, if repeating image is needed, a negative impact. In some cases, for example in cardiac image among patients taking doxirubacin, these interactions may have a therapeutic benefit. The incidence of drug-radiopharmaceuticals adverse reactions is unknown, since they may not be reported or even recognized. Here,we compiled the medical literature, using the criteria of a systematic review established by the Cochrane Collaboration, on pharmaceutical-drug interactions to provide a summary of documented interactions by organ system and radiopharmaceuticals. The purpose is to provide a reference on drug interactions that could inform the nuclear medicine staff in their daily routine. Efforts to increase adverse event reporting, and ideally consolidate reports worldwide, can provide a critically needed resource for prevention of drug-radiopharmaceuticals interactions.<br>Os radiofármacos desempenham função crítica na medicina moderna, primariamente para fins diagnósticos, mas também no monitoramento da progressão de doenças assim como na avaliação de respostas ao tratamento. O uso da tecnologia por imagem tem crescido e conseqüentemente as prescrições de medicamentos (radiofármacos em especial) com esse propósito. Este fato, aumenta o risco de interações entre medicamentos e radiofármacos. Interações que podem ter um impacto na imagem, podem resultar em falso negativo e assim ter sérias conseqüências para o paciente. Já drogas que aceleram o metabolismo podem ter resultado positivo pois podem aumentar a taxa de eliminação do radiofármaco (clearance acelerado). Contudo, podem ainda ter resultados negativos, se a interação resultar em necessidade de repetição do exame. Em alguns casos, por exemplo em imagem cardíaca, entre pacientes sob o uso de doxarubicina, essas interações podem ter efeito terapêutico. A incidência de efeitos adversos envolvendo radiofármacos é desconhecida, além de não ser oficialmente reconhecida, nem notificada, principalmente no Brasil. Nesse estudo foram compilados da literatura médica, usando a metodologia da revisão sistemática, estabelecida pela Cochrane Collaboration, estudos e relatos de interações medicamentosas com radiofármacos. O objetivo é prover uma referência (sumário) de interações medicametosas com radiofármacos que possa auxiliar a medicina nuclear na sua rotina diária. Contudo, esforços devem ser feitos na tentativa de instituir a notificação de efeitos adversos com radiofármacos, e assim prevenir esse tipo de interação