1,065 research outputs found

    Fluorescent Probes for Analysis and Imaging of Monoamine Oxidase Activity

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    Monoamine oxidases catalyze the oxidative deamination of dietary amines and amine neurotransmitters, and assist in maintaining the homeostasis of the amine neurotransmitters in the brain. Dysfunctions of these enzymes can cause neurological and behavioral disorders including Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases. To understand their physiological roles, efficient assay methods for monoamine oxidases are essential. Reviewed in this Perspective are the recent progress in the development of fluorescent probes for monoamine oxidases and their applications to enzyme assays in cells and tissues. It is evident that still there is strong need for a fluorescent probe with desirable substrate selectivity and photophysical properties to challenge the much unsolved issues associated with the enzymes and the diseases.X1132Ysciescopu

    Twisting of a Pristine α-Fe Nanowire: From Wild Dislocation Avalanches to Mild Local Amorphization.

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    The torsion of pristine α-Fe nanowires was studied by molecular dynamics simulations. Torsion-induced plastic deformation in pristine nanowires is divided into two regimes. Under weak torsion, plastic deformation leads to dislocation nucleation and propagation. Twisting-induced dislocations are mainly 12 screw dislocations in a -oriented nanowire. The nucleation and propagation of these dislocations were found to form avalanches which generate the emission of energy jerks. Their probability distribution function (PDF) showed power laws with mixing between different energy exponents. The mixing stemmed from simultaneous axial and radial dislocation movements. The power-law distribution indicated strongly correlated 'wild' dislocation dynamics. At the end of this regime, the dislocation pattern was frozen, and further twisting of the nanowire did not change the dislocation pattern. Instead, it induced local amorphization at the grip points at the ends of the sample. This "melting" generated highly dampened, mild avalanches. We compared the deformation mechanisms of twinned and pristine α-Fe nanowires under torsion

    Proteomic analyses reveal distinct chromatin-associated and soluble transcription factor complexes.

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    The current knowledge on how transcription factors (TFs), the ultimate targets and executors of cellular signalling pathways, are regulated by protein-protein interactions remains limited. Here, we performed proteomics analyses of soluble and chromatin-associated complexes of 56 TFs, including the targets of many signalling pathways involved in development and cancer, and 37 members of the Forkhead box (FOX) TF family. Using tandem affinity purification followed by mass spectrometry (TAP/MS), we performed 214 purifications and identified 2,156 high-confident protein-protein interactions. We found that most TFs form very distinct protein complexes on and off chromatin. Using this data set, we categorized the transcription-related or unrelated regulators for general or specific TFs. Our study offers a valuable resource of protein-protein interaction networks for a large number of TFs and underscores the general principle that TFs form distinct location-specific protein complexes that are associated with the different regulation and diverse functions of these TFs

    Acoustic Emission from Porous Collapse and Moving Dislocations in Granular Mg-Ho Alloys under Compression and Tension.

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    We identified heterogeneous Mg-Ho alloys as an ideal material to measure the most extensive acoustic emission spectra available. Mg-Ho alloys are porous and show a high density of dislocations, which slide under external tension and compression. These dislocations nucleate near numerous heterogeneities. Two mechanisms compete under external forcing in the structural collapse, namely collapsing holes and the movements of dislocations. Their respective fingerprints in acoustic emission (AE) measurements are very different and relate to their individual signal strengths. Porous collapse generates very strong AE signals while dislocation movements create more but weaker AE signals. This allows the separation of the two processes even though they almost always coincide temporarily. The porous collapse follows approximately mean-field behavior (ε = 1.4, τ' = 1.82, α = 2.56, x = 1.93, χ = 1.95) with mean field scaling fulfilled. The exponents for dislocation movement are greater (ε = 1.92, τ' = 2.44, α = 3.0, x = 1.7, χ = 1.42) and follows approximately the force integrated mean-field predictions. The Omori scaling is similar for both mechanisms. The Bath's law is well fulfilled for the porous collapse but not for the dislocation movements. We suggest that such 'complex' mixing behavior is dominant in many other complex materials such as (multi-) ferroics, entropic alloys and porous ferroelastics, and, potentially, homogeneous materials with the simultaneous appearance of different collapse mechanisms.We appreciate the support of the Natural Science Foundation of China (51320105014, 51621063) and 111 project 2.0 (BP2018008). EKHS is grateful to EPSRC (EP/P024904/1) and the Leverhulme trust (RPG-2012-564)

    In vivo two-photon fluorescent imaging of fluoride with a desilylation-based reactive probe

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    A two-photon excitable molecular probe for fluoride, developed based on a fluoride-specific desilylation reaction, is demonstrated to be useful for fluorescent imaging of fluoride ions in live zebrafish by one-photon as well as two-photon microscopy for the first time.X117778Nsciescopu

    Breakdown of Shape Memory Effect in Bent Cu-Al-Ni Nanopillars: When Twin Boundaries Become Stacking Faults.

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    Bent Cu-Al-Ni nanopillars (diameters 90-750 nm) show a shape memory effect, SME, for diameters D > 300 nm. The SME and the associated twinning are located in a small deformed section of the nanopillar. Thick nanopillars (D > 300 nm) transform to austenite under heating, including the deformed region. Thin nanopillars (D < 130 nm) do not twin but generate highly disordered sequences of stacking faults in the deformed region. No SME occurs and heating converts only the undeformed regions into austenite. The defect-rich, deformed region remains in the martensite phase even after prolonged heating in the stability field of austenite. A complex mixture of twins and stacking faults was found for diameters 130 nm < D < 300 nm. The size effect of the SME in Cu-Al-Ni nanopillars consists of an approximately linear reduction of the SME between 300 and 130 nm when the SME completely vanishes for smaller diameters.This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 51171140, 51231008, 51321003and 51320105014), the 973 Program of China (2012CB619402), the 111 Project of China (B06025), and EPSRC (EP/K009702/1). The authors thank Xiaolei Wu for helpful discussion on this paper

    Rotatable precipitates change the scale-free to scale dependent statistics in compressed Ti nano-pillars.

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    Compressed nano-pillars crackle from moving dislocations, which reduces plastic stability. Crackling noise is characterized by stress drops or strain bursts, which scale over a large region of sizes leading to power law statistics. Here we report that this "classic" behaviour is not valid in Ti-based nanopillars for a counterintuitive reason: we tailor precipitates inside the nano-pillar, which "regulate" the flux of dislocations. It is not because the nano-pillars become too small to sustain large dislocation movements, the effect is hence independent of size. Our precipitates act as "rotors": local stress initiates the rotation of inclusions, which reduces the stress amplitudes dramatically. The size distribution of stress drops simultaneously changes from power law to exponential. Rotors act like revolving doors limiting the number of passing dislocations. Hence each collapse becomes weak. We present experimental evidence for Ti-based nano-pillars (diameters between 300 nm and 2 μm) with power law distributions of crackling noise P(s) ∼ s-τ with τ ∼ 2 in the defect free or non-rotatable precipitate states. Rotors change the size distribution to P(s) ∼ exp(-s/s0). Rotors are inclusions of ω-phase that aligns under stress along slip planes and limit dislocation glide to small distances with high nucleation rates. This opens new ways to make nano-pillars more stable

    Shear friction strength of monolithic concrete interfaces

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    YesThis paper presents an integrated model for shear friction strength of monolithic concrete interfaces derived from the upper-bound theorem of concrete plasticity. The model accounts for the effects of applied axial stresses and transverse reinforcement on the shear friction action at interfacial shear cracks. Simple equations were also developed to generalize the effectiveness factor for compression, ratio of effective tensile to compressive strengths and angle of concrete friction. The reliability of the proposed model was then verified through comparisons with previous empirical equations and 103 push-off test specimens compiled from different sources in the literature. The previous equations considerably underestimate the concrete shear transfer capacity and the underestimation is notable for the interfaces subjected to additional axial stresses. The proposed model provides superior accuracy in predicting the shear friction strength, resulting in a mean between experimental and predicted friction strengths of 0.97 and least scatter. Moreover, the proposed model has consistent trends with test results in evaluating the effect of various parameters on the shear friction strength

    Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in China: where we are and where to go

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    Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT) is an effective and sometimes the only curative therapy for patients with certain hematological diseases. Allo-HSCT has been practiced in China for approximately 30 years, and great improvements have been made within the past decade, particularly in fields such as the haploidentical HSCT system, strategies to overcome relapse and GVHD, and modified HSCT for elderly patients. This review will describe the current situation and provide a prospective of these unique aspects of Allo-HSCT in China