15 research outputs found

    Effects of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms on Human N-Acetyltransferase 2 Structure and Dynamics by Molecular Dynamics Simulation

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    BACKGROUND: Arylamine N-acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2) is an important catalytic enzyme that metabolizes the carcinogenic arylamines, hydrazine drugs and chemicals. This enzyme is highly polymorphic in different human populations. Several polymorphisms of NAT2, including the single amino acid substitutions R64Q, I114T, D122N, L137F, Q145P, R197Q, and G286E, are classified as slow acetylators, whereas the wild-type NAT2 is classified as a fast acetylator. The slow acetylators are often associated with drug toxicity and efficacy as well as cancer susceptibility. The biological functions of these 7 mutations have previously been characterized, but the structural basis behind the reduced catalytic activity and reduced protein level is not clear. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We performed multiple molecular dynamics simulations of these mutants as well as NAT2 to investigate the structural and dynamical effects throughout the protein structure, specifically the catalytic triad, cofactor binding site, and the substrate binding pocket. None of these mutations induced unfolding; instead, their effects were confined to the inter-domain, domain 3 and 17-residue insert region, where the flexibility was significantly reduced relative to the wild-type. Structural effects of these mutations propagate through space and cause a change in catalytic triad conformation, cofactor binding site, substrate binding pocket size/shape and electrostatic potential. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our results showed that the dynamical properties of all the mutant structures, especially in inter-domain, domain 3 and 17-residue insert region were affected in the same manner. Similarly, the electrostatic potential of all the mutants were altered and also the functionally important regions such as catalytic triad, cofactor binding site, and substrate binding pocket adopted different orientation and/or conformation relative to the wild-type that may affect the functions of the mutants. Overall, our study may provide the structural basis for reduced catalytic activity and protein level, as was experimentally observed for these polymorphisms

    Molecular Characterization, Tissue Distribution, Subcellular Localization and Actin-Sequestering Function of a Thymosin Protein from Silkworm

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    We identified a novel gene encoding a Bombyx mori thymosin (BmTHY) protein from a cDNA library of silkworm pupae, which has an open reading frame (ORF) of 399 bp encoding 132 amino acids. It was found by bioinformatics that BmTHY gene consisted of three exons and two introns and BmTHY was highly homologous to thymosin betas (Tβ). BmTHY has a conserved motif LKHTET with only one amino acid difference from LKKTET, which is involved in Tβ binding to actin. A His-tagged BmTHY fusion protein (rBmTHY) with a molecular weight of approximately 18.4 kDa was expressed and purified to homogeneity. The purified fusion protein was used to produce anti-rBmTHY polyclonal antibodies in a New Zealand rabbit. Subcellular localization revealed that BmTHY can be found in both Bm5 cell (a silkworm ovary cell line) nucleus and cytoplasm but is primarily located in the nucleus. Western blotting and real-time RT-PCR showed that during silkworm developmental stages, BmTHY expression levels are highest in moth, followed by instar larvae, and are lowest in pupa and egg. BmTHY mRNA was universally distributed in most of fifth-instar larvae tissues (except testis). However, BmTHY was expressed in the head, ovary and epidermis during the larvae stage. BmTHY formed complexes with actin monomer, inhibited actin polymerization and cross-linked to actin. All the results indicated BmTHY might be an actin-sequestering protein and participate in silkworm development

    Genetic variability in CYP3A4 and CYP3A5 in primary liver, gastric and colorectal cancer patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Drug-metabolizing enzymes play a role in chemical carcinogenesis through enzymatic activation of procarcinogens to biologically reactive metabolites. The role of gene polymorphisms of several cytochrome P450 enzymes in digestive cancer risk has been extensively investigated. However, the drug-metabolizing enzymes with the broader substrate specificity, CYP3A4 and CYP3A5, have not been analyzed so far. This study aims to examine associations between common CYP3A4 and CYP3A5 polymorphisms and digestive cancer risk.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>CYP3A4 and CYP3A5 genotypes were determined in 574 individuals including 178 patients with primary liver cancer, 82 patients with gastric cancer, 151 patients with colorectal cancer, and 163 healthy individuals.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The variant allele frequencies for patients with liver cancer, gastric cancer, colorectal cancer and healthy controls, respectively, were: <it>CYP3A4*1B</it>, 4.8 % (95% C.I. 2.6–7.0), 3.7 % (0.8–6.6) 4.3% (2.0–6.6) and 4.3% (2.1–6.5); <it>CYP3A5*3</it>, 91.8 % (93.0–97.4), 95.7% (92.6–98.8), 91.7% (88.6–94.8) and 90.8% (87.7–93.9). The association between <it>CYP3A4*1B </it>and <it>CYP3A5*3 </it>variant alleles did not significantly differ among patients and controls. No differences in genotypes, allele frequencies, or association between variant alleles were observed with regard to gender, age at diagnosis, tumour site or stage.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Common polymorphisms on <it>CYP3A4 </it>and <it>CYP3A5 </it>genes do not modify the risk of developing digestive cancers in Western Europe.</p

    Mesalazine pharmacokinetics and NAT2 phenotype

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    BACKGROUND: Mesalazine undergoes extensive metabolism by N-acetylation. While there is some evidence for an involvement of N-acetyltransferase (NAT) type 1, a potential role of NAT type 2 (NAT2) in vivo has not been tested. METHODS: In two studies in healthy young Caucasians, NAT2 phenotyping was carried out using a caffeine metabolic ratio in urine 4-6 h postdose. In study A, 1,000 mg mesalazine doses were given thrice daily for 5 days, and urine and blood samples were drawn during the last dosing interval. In study B, a 1,000 mg single dose was given, and samples were taken for 48 h postdose. Pharmacokinetics of mesalazine and N-acetylmesalazine (LC-MS/MS) were calculated by noncompartmental methods. RESULTS: NAT2 phenotype could be allocated unequivocally in 21 slow and 5 rapid acetylators in study A, and in 9 slow and 8 rapid acetylators in study B. Geometric mean (CV%) values in study A for slow [rapid] acetylators were as follows: mesalazine AUC 11.1 microg/mL.h (51%) [12.0 microg/mL.h (52%)], N-acetylmesalazine AUC 27.7 microg/mL.h (32%) [30.5 microg/mL.h (27%)], mesalazine Ae 8.53% (89%) [9.03% (52%)], N-acetylmesalazine Ae 31.4% (46%) [32.2 (41%)]. Values in study B were as follows: mesalazine AUC 3.45 microg/mL.h (113%) [2.36 microg/mL.h (87%)], N-acetylmesalazine AUC 21.3 microg/mL.h (29%) [18.0 microg/mL.h (39%)], mesalazine Ae 0.2% (256%) [0.1% (359%)], N-acetylmesalazine Ae 30.9% (44%) [18.1% (84%)]. Higher AUC and Ae values for mesalazine in steady state study indicate saturation of mesalazine metabolism. Statistics provided no evidence for a true difference in mesalazine pharmacokinetics between slow and rapid acetylators, and no significant correlation between NAT2 activity and any mesalazine pharmacokinetic parameter was found. CONCLUSION: NAT2 has no major role in human metabolism of mesalazine in vivo

    Androgens Contribute to Age-Associated Changes in Peripheral T-Cell Homeostasis Acting in a Thymus-Independent Way

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    Objective: Considering a causal role of androgens in thymic involution, age-related remodeling of peripheral T-cell compartments in the absence of testicular hormones was evaluated. Methods: Rats were orchidectomized (ORX) at the age of 1 month, and T-peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) and splenocytes from young (75-day-old) and aged (24-month-old) rats were examined for differentiation/activation and immunoregulatory marker expression. Results: In ORX rats, following the initial rise, the counts of CD4+ and CD8+ PBLs diminished with aging. This reflected the decline in thymic export as shown by recent thymic emigrant (RTE) enumeration. Orchidectomy increased the count of both of the major T-splenocyte subsets in young rats, and they (differently from controls) remained stable with aging. The CD4+:CD8+ T-splenocyte ratio in ORX rats shifted towards CD4+ cells compared to age-matched controls. Although in the major T-cell subsets in the blood and spleen from aged ORX rats the numbers of RTEs were comparable to the corresponding values in age-matched controls, the numbers of mature naive and memory/activated cells substantially differed. Compared with age-matched controls, in aged ORX rats the numbers of CD4+ mature naive PBLs and splenocytes were reduced, whereas those of CD4+ memory/activated cells (predictive of early mortality) were increased. Additionally, in spleens from aged ORX rats, despite unaltered thymic export, CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ and natural killer T cell counts were greater than in age-matched controls. Conclusion: (i) Age-related decline in thymopoietic efficacy is not dependent on androgen presence, and (ii) androgens are involved in the maintenance of peripheral T-cell (particularly CD4+ cell) homeostasis during aging. (C) 2014 S. Karger AG, Base