38 research outputs found

    Effect of ß-xilanase and ß-glucanace supplementations on the performances of broiler chickens

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    A study was conducted to evaluate the effect of enzyme supplementation on the performances of broiler chickens. One hundred and twenty five day old chicks (DOC) were allocated into five dietary treatment with 5 replicates. Every replicate had 5 DOC. The treatments were: control, control + 0.02% ß-xylanase, control + ß glucanase at three levels (0.05; 0.10 and 0.20%). The treatments were carried out in a randomized block design. Parameter measured were: feed intake, live weight gain and feed conversion ratio (FCR) at 3 and 5 weeks old, while carcass, internal organ, abdominal fat, thickness of intestine, and mortality were observed only at 5 weeks old. The results showed that enzyme supplementation did not significantly (P0.05) affect feed intake and live weight gain of chicks at 3 weeks old, but the FCR of enzyme supplementation was significantly (P0.05) better as compared with the control. FCR of birds fed with ß-glucanase tended to be better than the ß-xylanase supplementation (P0.05). The enzyme addition did not significantly (P0.05) affect all parameters recorded at 5 weeks old chickens. It is concluded that the best treatment for chicks at 3 weeks old was 0.05% ß-glucanace supplementation. This treatment improved 7.55% FCR as compared to the control. Key Word: Enzyme, Performances, Broile

    Effect of restricted feeding on productivity of Mojosari x Alabio cross-bred layer ducks (MA): 2. Second phase of laying from 44-67 weeks old

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    Productivity and feed efficiency of Mojosari Alabio (MA) cross-bred duck on the first phase of laying from 20-43 weeks old was better when fed ad lib. using pelleted diet. An experiment was conducted to evaluate effect of restricted feeding of pelleted diet on second phase of laying of MA cross-bred duck performances from 44-67 weeks old. The experiment was designed in a Completely Randomized Design. 156 MA cross-bred ducks were devided into three groups and fed three experimental diets: (1) 70% ad lib., (2) 85% ad lib. and (3) ad lib. All experimental diets were fed to ducks for 24 weeks and feed intake, egg production, egg weight, FCR, molting, egg yolk weight, albumen weight, egg shell weight and egg yolk colour score were measured as parameters. The results showed that the restricted feeding of 70 and 85% significantly (P0.05) reduced egg production, egg weight and egg yolk percentage, egg yolk colour score and induced early molting, but did not adversely affect egg white and egg shell percentage. FCR of duck fed 70% (6.47) was significantly (P0.05) the worst compared to the duck fed 85% (4.13) and ad lib. (3.55). The results indicate that MA cross-bred duck was more efficient being fed ad lib. Key words: Restricted feeding, MA crossbred duck, productivity and egg qualit

    Effect of restricted feeding on productivity of Mojosari x Alabio cross-bred layer ducks (MA): 2. Second phase of laying from 44-67 weeks old

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    Productivity and feed efficiency of Mojosari Alabio (MA) cross-bred duck on the first phase of laying from 20-43 weeks old was better when fed ad lib. using pelleted diet. An experiment was conducted to evaluate effect of restricted feeding of pelleted diet on second phase of laying of MA cross-bred duck performances from 44-67 weeks old. The experiment was designed in a Completely Randomized Design. 156 MA cross-bred ducks were devided into three groups and fed three experimental diets: (1) 70% ad lib., (2) 85% ad lib. and (3) ad lib. All experimental diets were fed to ducks for 24 weeks and feed intake, egg production, egg weight, FCR, molting, egg yolk weight, albumen weight, egg shell weight and egg yolk colour score were measured as parameters. The results showed that the restricted feeding of 70 and 85% significantly (P<0.05) reduced egg production, egg weight and egg yolk percentage, egg yolk colour score and induced early molting, but did not adversely affect egg white and egg shell percentage. FCR of duck fed 70% (6.47) was significantly (P<0.05) the worst compared to the duck fed 85% (4.13) and ad lib. (3.55). The results indicate that MA cross-bred duck was more efficient being fed ad lib

    Availability of phosphorus in defluorinated rock phosphate and bone meal for broiler chickens as assessed by a slope ratio assay

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    An experiment was conducted to determine the availability of P in defluorinated rock phosphate (DRP) and bone meal (TT) using a slope ratio assay (SRA) technique . Ten different diets were fed to 300 day-old broiler chicks for three weeks. Basal diet (RB) was formulated to contain 0.38% total P. DRP, TT and dicalcium phosphate (DCP) diets were each containing three different levels of total P: 0.45, 0.52 and 0.59%: At the end of the experiment, tibia bones were collected for ash determination. The availability of P was determined by SRA using tibia bone ash as the main parameter. The result indicated that the availability ofP in the DRP and TT were 83 .6 and 91 .3%, respectively .   Key words : Phosphorus availability, slope ratio assay, broile

    Utilization of palm oil sludge in poultry diet. 1. Dried palm oil sludge and its fermented product in broiler’s diet

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    Palm oil sludge a by product of palm oil industry is not commonly used in poultry feed due to some limiting factors such as low protein and amino acids content and high fiber content. These limiting factors were expected to be reduced by fermentation technology. Therefore an experiment was conducted to study the use of fermented (FLS) and non-fermented palm oil sludge (LS) for broiler chicken feed. Two hundred and ten day-old broiler chicks were used for this study. The birds were allocated into 35 cages with 6 birds in each cage. Each 5 group of birds were fed with one of 7 experimental diets. All diets were formulated with similar nutrient contents containing either LS or FLS at 3 different levels (5, 10 and 15%) and a control diet with no LS or FLS. The experimental diets were fed for 6 weeks and the performances were observed. Carcass yield, abdominal fat, weight of liver and gizzard were also measured at the end of the trial. The results showed that LS or FLS can be included in broiler’s diet, since the mortality, carcass yield, abdominal fat, liver and gizzard were not significantly affected. Best level inclusion of LS was 5%. Although inclusion of 10-15% LS did not affect growth and feed conversion significantly, the feed intake was significantly depressed. The best level inclusion of FLS was 10%, since higher level (15%) caused growth depression.   Key words: Palm oil sludge, fermentation, broiler

    The Utilization of turmeric and curcuma xanthorrhiza as feed additive for broilers

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    The use of plant bioactives to replace antibiotics are now widely investigated. Turmeric or Curcuma longa (CL) and curcuma xanthorrhiza (CX), are commonly used by human and known to have active ingredients as antimicrobial. Therefore a research was conducted to evaluate the possibility of using these plant bioactives to replace antibiotic in poultry feed. The bioactives concentration of the CL and CX powder were measured prior to the feeding trial and then supplemented into standard diets of broiler chikens. The levels tested in this trial were based on the active ingredients that could inhibit growth of bacteria and fungi, i.e., low, medium and high levels of the CL and CX, respectively. The combination of low level of CL + high level of CX and low level CL +  medium level of CX were also tested. A diet without feed additives and with antibiotics were used as controls. Each diet was fed from day old to 35 days old, replicated 6 times and each replication consist of 15 birds. Results showed that neither the antibiotic tested nor the turmeric (CL), xanthorrhiza (CX) nor the mixture of CL and CX gave significant (P0.05) improvement on performances (body weight, FCR and mortatlity), nutrient digestibility of feed and carcass yield of broilers. Key Words:  Broilers, Curcuma Longa, Curcuma Canthorrizhol, Bioactiv

    Fermented and unfermented palm kernel cake as broiler chicken

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    feed. Two hundred and ten, day-old broiler chicks were used for this study. They were allotted to 6 different diets containing either BIS or FBIS at 3 different levels (5, 10 and 15%) and one control diet. The results showed that 5% BIS and 5% FBIS could be used in broiler diet without adversely affecting feed intake, weight gain and feed conversion ratio. FCR of those diets were significantly (P0.05) better than the control diet. Carcass yields were not significantly affected by feeding of BIS nor FBIS. The FBIS diet produced less abdominal fat than the BIS diet.   Key words : Palm kernel cake, fermentation, broiler

    Perfil eletrolítico e peso corporal em suínos submetidos a dietas com diferentes teores de fósforo

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de dietas, com diferentes teores de fósforo, no perfil eletrolítico sanguíneo e no ganho de peso corporal em suínos. Foram utilizados 60 suínos híbridos comerciais, machos castrados, com peso corporal médio inicial de 61,07±0,86 kg, com aproximadamente 110 dias de idade. Os animais foram distribuídos em blocos ao acaso, com 5 tratamentos e 12 repetições cada um. Os tratamentos foram constituídos de dietas com 0,135, 0,200, 0,265, 0,330 e 0,395% de fósforo disponível. No início e no final do período experimental, foi determinado o peso corporal e foram coletadas amostras de sangue, sem jejum dos animais, para a mensuração de sódio, potássio, cloreto, magnésio total, fósforo e cálcio ionizado. Observou-se resposta quadrática do peso corporal, de acordo com os tratamentos, e das concentrações séricas de fósforo, magnésio total e cálcio iônico em decorrência dos tratamentos. O ganho de peso corporal foi maior nos animais alimentados com suplementação de fósforo em teores acima de 0,135%. O melhor resultado foi obtido com a dieta de 0,330% de fósforo, porém, o aumento a partir de 0,200% na dieta ocasionou elevação na concentração sérica de fósforo