2,594 research outputs found

    Using GES DISC Data to Study Kilauea Volcano of 2018

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    Kilauea volcano in Hawaii which erupted in early May 2018 injected massive amount of SO2 and ash into the atmosphere. The lava flow during the eruption destroyed many home and neighborhoods. The SO2 plume during the eruption of Kilauea volcano is analyzed from May to August 2018 using multiple satellite products such as Level 2 TROPspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) and Level 3 Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) from the NASA Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC). GES DISC hosts multi-disciplinary Earth science data sets that can be used to analyze natural disasters, such as the Kilauea volcano. Additionally, GES DISC's Giovanni tool can be used to visualize these data. We acquired OMI through the subsetting function, which is processed by the GES DISC in-house developed backend software Level3/4 Regrider and Subsetter (L34RS) and TROPOMI using OPeNDAP.Data from the OMI OMSO2e product showed elevated levels of SO2 amounts during the eruption between May to August 2018. Similarly, ground-based stations at Hawaii Volcanoes National Park recorded higher SO2 concentrations during the same time period. This study uses wind direction from Modern-Era Retrospective analysis for Research and Applications, version 2 (MERRA-2) to analyze the transport and dispersion of SO2 plume and map lava flows from the volcano using thermal images from Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS). Furthermore, satellite observations combined with socioeconomic and public health data are used to analyze its impact in public health

    Effect of non-vacuum thermal annealing on high indium content InGaN films deposited by pulsed laser deposition

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    InGaN films with 33% and 60% indium contents were deposited by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) at a low growth temperature of 300 °C. The films were then annealed at 500-800 °C in the non-vacuum furnace for 15 min with an addition of N(2) atmosphere. X-ray diffraction results indicate that the indium contents in these two films were raised to 41% and 63%, respectively, after annealing in furnace. In(2)O(3) phase was formed on InGaN surface during the annealing process, which can be clearly observed by the measurements of auger electron spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Due to the obstruction of indium out-diffusion by forming In(2)O(3) on surface, it leads to the efficient increment in indium content of InGaN layer. In addition, the surface roughness was greatly improved by removing In(2)O(3) with the etching treatment in HCl solution. Micro-photoluminescence measurement was performed to analyze the emission property of InGaN layer. For the as-grown InGaN with 33% indium content, the emission wavelength was gradually shifted from 552 to 618 nm with increasing the annealing temperature to 800 °C. It reveals the InGaN films have high potential in optoelectronic applications

    Multi-Label Multi-Kernel Transfer Learning for Human Protein Subcellular Localization

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    Recent years have witnessed much progress in computational modelling for protein subcellular localization. However, the existing sequence-based predictive models demonstrate moderate or unsatisfactory performance, and the gene ontology (GO) based models may take the risk of performance overestimation for novel proteins. Furthermore, many human proteins have multiple subcellular locations, which renders the computational modelling more complicated. Up to the present, there are far few researches specialized for predicting the subcellular localization of human proteins that may reside in multiple cellular compartments. In this paper, we propose a multi-label multi-kernel transfer learning model for human protein subcellular localization (MLMK-TLM). MLMK-TLM proposes a multi-label confusion matrix, formally formulates three multi-labelling performance measures and adapts one-against-all multi-class probabilistic outputs to multi-label learning scenario, based on which to further extends our published work GO-TLM (gene ontology based transfer learning model for protein subcellular localization) and MK-TLM (multi-kernel transfer learning based on Chou's PseAAC formulation for protein submitochondria localization) for multiplex human protein subcellular localization. With the advantages of proper homolog knowledge transfer, comprehensive survey of model performance for novel protein and multi-labelling capability, MLMK-TLM will gain more practical applicability. The experiments on human protein benchmark dataset show that MLMK-TLM significantly outperforms the baseline model and demonstrates good multi-labelling ability for novel human proteins. Some findings (predictions) are validated by the latest Swiss-Prot database. The software can be freely downloaded at http://soft.synu.edu.cn/upload/msy.rar

    Imbalanced Multi-Modal Multi-Label Learning for Subcellular Localization Prediction of Human Proteins with Both Single and Multiple Sites

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    It is well known that an important step toward understanding the functions of a protein is to determine its subcellular location. Although numerous prediction algorithms have been developed, most of them typically focused on the proteins with only one location. In recent years, researchers have begun to pay attention to the subcellular localization prediction of the proteins with multiple sites. However, almost all the existing approaches have failed to take into account the correlations among the locations caused by the proteins with multiple sites, which may be the important information for improving the prediction accuracy of the proteins with multiple sites. In this paper, a new algorithm which can effectively exploit the correlations among the locations is proposed by using Gaussian process model. Besides, the algorithm also can realize optimal linear combination of various feature extraction technologies and could be robust to the imbalanced data set. Experimental results on a human protein data set show that the proposed algorithm is valid and can achieve better performance than the existing approaches

    Gene ontology based transfer learning for protein subcellular localization

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Prediction of protein subcellular localization generally involves many complex factors, and using only one or two aspects of data information may not tell the true story. For this reason, some recent predictive models are deliberately designed to integrate multiple heterogeneous data sources for exploiting multi-aspect protein feature information. Gene ontology, hereinafter referred to as <it>GO</it>, uses a controlled vocabulary to depict biological molecules or gene products in terms of biological process, molecular function and cellular component. With the rapid expansion of annotated protein sequences, gene ontology has become a general protein feature that can be used to construct predictive models in computational biology. Existing models generally either concatenated the <it>GO </it>terms into a flat binary vector or applied majority-vote based ensemble learning for protein subcellular localization, both of which can not estimate the individual discriminative abilities of the three aspects of gene ontology.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this paper, we propose a Gene Ontology Based Transfer Learning Model (<it>GO-TLM</it>) for large-scale protein subcellular localization. The model transfers the signature-based homologous <it>GO </it>terms to the target proteins, and further constructs a reliable learning system to reduce the adverse affect of the potential false <it>GO </it>terms that are resulted from evolutionary divergence. We derive three <it>GO </it>kernels from the three aspects of gene ontology to measure the <it>GO </it>similarity of two proteins, and derive two other spectrum kernels to measure the similarity of two protein sequences. We use simple non-parametric cross validation to explicitly weigh the discriminative abilities of the five kernels, such that the time & space computational complexities are greatly reduced when compared to the complicated semi-definite programming and semi-indefinite linear programming. The five kernels are then linearly merged into one single kernel for protein subcellular localization. We evaluate <it>GO-TLM </it>performance against three baseline models: <it>MultiLoc, MultiLoc-GO </it>and <it>Euk-mPLoc </it>on the benchmark datasets the baseline models adopted. 5-fold cross validation experiments show that <it>GO-TLM </it>achieves substantial accuracy improvement against the baseline models: 80.38% against model <it>Euk-mPLoc </it>67.40% with <it>12.98% </it>substantial increase; 96.65% and 96.27% against model <it>MultiLoc-GO </it>89.60% and 89.60%, with <it>7.05% </it>and <it>6.67% </it>accuracy increase on dataset <it>MultiLoc plant </it>and dataset <it>MultiLoc animal</it>, respectively; 97.14%, 95.90% and 96.85% against model <it>MultiLoc-GO </it>83.70%, 90.10% and 85.70%, with accuracy increase <it>13.44%</it>, <it>5.8% </it>and <it>11.15% </it>on dataset <it>BaCelLoc plant</it>, dataset <it>BaCelLoc fungi </it>and dataset <it>BaCelLoc animal </it>respectively. For <it>BaCelLoc </it>independent sets, <it>GO-TLM </it>achieves 81.25%, 80.45% and 79.46% on dataset <it>BaCelLoc plant holdout</it>, dataset <it>BaCelLoc plant holdout </it>and dataset <it>BaCelLoc animal holdout</it>, respectively, as compared against baseline model <it>MultiLoc-GO </it>76%, 60.00% and 73.00%, with accuracy increase <it>5.25%</it>, <it>20.45% </it>and <it>6.46%</it>, respectively.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Since direct homology-based <it>GO </it>term transfer may be prone to introducing noise and outliers to the target protein, we design an explicitly weighted kernel learning system (called Gene Ontology Based Transfer Learning Model, <it>GO-TLM</it>) to transfer to the target protein the known knowledge about related homologous proteins, which can reduce the risk of outliers and share knowledge between homologous proteins, and thus achieve better predictive performance for protein subcellular localization. Cross validation and independent test experimental results show that the homology-based <it>GO </it>term transfer and explicitly weighing the <it>GO </it>kernels substantially improve the prediction performance.</p

    A Multi-Label Predictor for Identifying the Subcellular Locations of Singleplex and Multiplex Eukaryotic Proteins

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    Subcellular locations of proteins are important functional attributes. An effective and efficient subcellular localization predictor is necessary for rapidly and reliably annotating subcellular locations of proteins. Most of existing subcellular localization methods are only used to deal with single-location proteins. Actually, proteins may simultaneously exist at, or move between, two or more different subcellular locations. To better reflect characteristics of multiplex proteins, it is highly desired to develop new methods for dealing with them. In this paper, a new predictor, called Euk-ECC-mPLoc, by introducing a powerful multi-label learning approach which exploits correlations between subcellular locations and hybridizing gene ontology with dipeptide composition information, has been developed that can be used to deal with systems containing both singleplex and multiplex eukaryotic proteins. It can be utilized to identify eukaryotic proteins among the following 22 locations: (1) acrosome, (2) cell membrane, (3) cell wall, (4) centrosome, (5) chloroplast, (6) cyanelle, (7) cytoplasm, (8) cytoskeleton, (9) endoplasmic reticulum, (10) endosome, (11) extracellular, (12) Golgi apparatus, (13) hydrogenosome, (14) lysosome, (15) melanosome, (16) microsome, (17) mitochondrion, (18) nucleus, (19) peroxisome, (20) spindle pole body, (21) synapse, and (22) vacuole. Experimental results on a stringent benchmark dataset of eukaryotic proteins by jackknife cross validation test show that the average success rate and overall success rate obtained by Euk-ECC-mPLoc were 69.70% and 81.54%, respectively, indicating that our approach is quite promising. Particularly, the success rates achieved by Euk-ECC-mPLoc for small subsets were remarkably improved, indicating that it holds a high potential for simulating the development of the area. As a user-friendly web-server, Euk-ECC-mPLoc is freely accessible to the public at the website http://levis.tongji.edu.cn:8080/bioinfo/Euk-ECC-mPLoc/. We believe that Euk-ECC-mPLoc may become a useful high-throughput tool, or at least play a complementary role to the existing predictors in identifying subcellular locations of eukaryotic proteins

    'Unite and conquer': enhanced prediction of protein subcellular localization by integrating multiple specialized tools

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Knowing the subcellular location of proteins provides clues to their function as well as the interconnectivity of biological processes. Dozens of tools are available for predicting protein location in the eukaryotic cell. Each tool performs well on certain data sets, but their predictions often disagree for a given protein. Since the individual tools each have particular strengths, we set out to integrate them in a way that optimally exploits their potential. The method we present here is applicable to various subcellular locations, but tailored for predicting whether or not a protein is localized in mitochondria. Knowledge of the mitochondrial proteome is relevant to understanding the role of this organelle in global cellular processes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In order to develop a method for enhanced prediction of subcellular localization, we integrated the outputs of available localization prediction tools by several strategies, and tested the performance of each strategy with known mitochondrial proteins. The accuracy obtained (up to 92%) surpasses by far the individual tools. The method of integration proved crucial to the performance. For the prediction of mitochondrion-located proteins, integration via a two-layer decision tree clearly outperforms simpler methods, as it allows emphasis of biologically relevant features such as the mitochondrial targeting peptide and transmembrane domains.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We developed an approach that enhances the prediction accuracy of mitochondrial proteins by uniting the strength of specialized tools. The combination of machine-learning based integration with biological expert knowledge leads to improved performance. This approach also alleviates the conundrum of how to choose between conflicting predictions. Our approach is easy to implement, and applicable to predicting subcellular locations other than mitochondria, as well as other biological features. For a trial of our approach, we provide a webservice for mitochondrial protein prediction (named YimLOC), which can be accessed through the AnaBench suite at http://anabench.bcm.umontreal.ca/anabench/. The source code is provided in the Additional File <supplr sid="S2">2</supplr>.</p> <suppl id="S2"> <title> <p>Additional file 2</p> </title> <text> <p>This file contains scripts for the online server YimLOC. Please note that there scripts only codes for the ready-to-use STACK-mem-DT described in the main text. The scripts do not provide the training process.</p> </text> <file name="1471-2105-8-420-S2.pdf"> <p>Click here for file</p> </file> </suppl

    An Efficient Data Structure for Dynamic Two-Dimensional Reconfiguration

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    In the presence of dynamic insertions and deletions into a partially reconfigurable FPGA, fragmentation is unavoidable. This poses the challenge of developing efficient approaches to dynamic defragmentation and reallocation. One key aspect is to develop efficient algorithms and data structures that exploit the two-dimensional geometry of a chip, instead of just one. We propose a new method for this task, based on the fractal structure of a quadtree, which allows dynamic segmentation of the chip area, along with dynamically adjusting the necessary communication infrastructure. We describe a number of algorithmic aspects, and present different solutions. We also provide a number of basic simulations that indicate that the theoretical worst-case bound may be pessimistic.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures; full version of extended abstract that appeared in ARCS 201

    Analysis and Prediction of the Metabolic Stability of Proteins Based on Their Sequential Features, Subcellular Locations and Interaction Networks

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    The metabolic stability is a very important idiosyncracy of proteins that is related to their global flexibility, intramolecular fluctuations, various internal dynamic processes, as well as many marvelous biological functions. Determination of protein's metabolic stability would provide us with useful information for in-depth understanding of the dynamic action mechanisms of proteins. Although several experimental methods have been developed to measure protein's metabolic stability, they are time-consuming and more expensive. Reported in this paper is a computational method, which is featured by (1) integrating various properties of proteins, such as biochemical and physicochemical properties, subcellular locations, network properties and protein complex property, (2) using the mRMR (Maximum Relevance & Minimum Redundancy) principle and the IFS (Incremental Feature Selection) procedure to optimize the prediction engine, and (3) being able to identify proteins among the four types: “short”, “medium”, “long”, and “extra-long” half-life spans. It was revealed through our analysis that the following seven characters played major roles in determining the stability of proteins: (1) KEGG enrichment scores of the protein and its neighbors in network, (2) subcellular locations, (3) polarity, (4) amino acids composition, (5) hydrophobicity, (6) secondary structure propensity, and (7) the number of protein complexes the protein involved. It was observed that there was an intriguing correlation between the predicted metabolic stability of some proteins and the real half-life of the drugs designed to target them. These findings might provide useful insights for designing protein-stability-relevant drugs. The computational method can also be used as a large-scale tool for annotating the metabolic stability for the avalanche of protein sequences generated in the post-genomic age

    Design of superconducting MRI surface coil by using method of moment

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    A method of moment with an enhanced model to design high-temperature superconductor (HTS) RF surface coils for magnetic resonant image (MRI) is presented. The resonant frequency and quality factor (Q) of HTS RF spiral coils are simulated using this method. The agreements of resonant frequencies and Qs between the simulation and measurement are excellent with differences less than 1% and 3%, respectively. The 0.2-μ m-thick YBaCuO (YBCO) thin films are deposited onto single side of 0.508-mm-thick LaAlO 3 (LAO) and sapphire substrate and patterned into a spiral shape. To accurately analyze the resonant frequency and Q of a coil, an enhanced two-fluid model is employed. HTS RF coils with diameter of 65 mm for 0.2T and 1.5T MRI systems are designed and fabricated with the measured Q of 19 K and 23 K, respectively. In addition, the shift of resonant frequency due to the mutual coupling between two HTS spiral coils is predicted by this method, which is important for design of HTS coil arrays in an MRI system.published_or_final_versio