144 research outputs found

    Treatment of Teeth with Root Resorptions: A Case Report and Systematic Review

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    Aim. This article presents an evaluation of different multidisciplinary treatment approaches to managing teeth with external and internal root resorptions. Methods. This study presents a clinical case of a 35-year-old female patient referred to Akdeniz University for dental issues. A comprehensive review of the literature was conducted, encompassing 21 articles sourced from PubMed and Web of Science over the past decade, including case reports and case series. Results. Case Report. A clinical case of a 35-year-old female patient seeking treatment for dental aesthetic concerns was reported and discussed. Intraoral examination revealed discoloration of maxillary anterior teeth and a sinus tract in the apical region of tooth #11. The resorption area was sealed with mineral trioxide aggregate. Afterward, the coronal part of the root was filled using the warm-vertical compaction method. During the final visit, non-vital bleaching was applied to teeth #11 and #21. After all these procedures, aesthetic coronal restorations were completed. Systematic Review. In the context of this clinical case, a literature review was conducted, encompassing an assessment of a total of 25 cases of external and internal resorptions. Among these cases, a combination of surgical and endodontic treatments was applied in 12 cases, while non-surgical endodontic treatment was performed in 13 cases. Conclusions. In the present case report, a patient who had both external and internal root resorptions was treated with mineral trioxide aggregate and flap operation, with no subsequent complications during the follow-up sessions. Among the 21 reports included in our review, 24 out of 25 treated teeth demonstrated successful outcomes, while only one tooth necessitated extraction

    Određivanje razine nekih esencijalnih (željezo, bakar, cink) i toksičnih (olovo, kadmij) metala u krvi ovaca te u uzorcima vode, biljaka i tla u sjeverozapadnoj Turskoj.

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    The aim of this investigation was to determine the levels of trace elements (zinc, iron, copper), as well as of lead and cadmium, in both the soil and in organism in order to obtain more efficient economical results and healthier sheep breeds in Northwest Turkey. Based on the results of these analyses, we plan to make suggestions to veterinarians and sheep breeders in that region on how to improve their performance. The study was carried out on 400 sheep from different sites in Northwest Turkey and included the collection of water (n = 5), plant (n = 5) and soil (n = 5) samples from every district. When serum parameters were examined an important decrease in iron levels was found in the 8th, 9th and 10th districts, while the lowest zinc levels were found in the 1st and 7th districts, the lowest copper levels in the 1st, 3rd, 5th and 6th districts, the highest lead levels in the 9th and 10th districts, and the highest cadmium levels in the 2nd, 5th and 6th districts. Analyses of water, plant and soil samples showed significant differences in zinc and copper levels between districts. High levels of lead were detected in water and plant samples. We are of the opinion that important improvements will be obtained in the treatment and control of diseases due to deficiency of trace elements and of parasitic, bacterial and viral diseases due to related systems affected by such deficiencies if these results are appropriately communicated to animal breeders and veterinary surgeons operating in the regions in question.Cilj istraživanja bio je odrediti razinu elemenata u tragovima (cink, željezo, bakar), te olova i kadmija u tlu i organizmu ovaca kako bi se polučili bolji gospodarski rezultati i uzgajale zdravije pasmine ovaca u sjeverozapadnoj Turskoj. Na temelju rezultata, za navedena područja planiraju se preporuke veterinarima i uzgajivačima na osnovi kojih bi se unaprijedio njihov rad. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 400 ovaca iz različitih područja sjeverozapadne Turske. Uzimani su uzorci vode (n = 5), biljaka (n = 5) i tla (n = 5). Utvrđena je značajno niža razina željeza u 8., 9. i 10. području. Najniža razina cinka ustanovljena je u 1. i 7. području, najniža razina bakra u 1., 3., 5. i 6. području, dok su najviše razine olova utvrđene u 9. i 10. području, a kadmija u 2., 5. i 6. području. Analiza uzoraka vode, biljaka i tla pokazala je da između različitih područja postoje značajne razlike u razini cinka i bakra. Visoke razine olova ustanovljene su u uzorcima vode i biljaka. Prijenosom ovih rezultata do veterinara i uzgajivača iz promatranih područja, ostvarit će se značajna poboljšanja u liječenju i kontroli bolesti uzrokovanih deficijencijom elemenata u tragovima. Isto se može očekivati i za bolesti uzrokovane parazitima, bakterijama i virusima u kojih navedene deficijencije imaju određenu ulogu

    Early detection of septic arthritis caused by Streptococcus dysgalactiae subspecies equisimilis in a dog – a case report

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    In this report, a seven-year-old English Pointer male with Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis arthritis joint infection is presented. The dog was referred to the Internal Medicine Department Policlinics with the symptoms of anorexia, weakness, swollen joints and ulcerative wounds on testes. On physical examination, the dog was depressed and manifesting discomfort during manipulation of the fore and hind legs’ joints. There were palpable effusions of the right carpal, elbow, and tibiotarsal joints. Haematological and serum biochemical analyses showed mild anaemia, moderate thrombocytopaenia, and elevated alanine aminotransferase. As soon as the synovial fluid aspirates were obtained aseptically from the right elbow, radiocarpal, and tibiotarsal joints, they were sent to bacteriological examination. Symptomatic and supportive treatment was initiated immediately. Empirical enrofloxacin therapy was initially started. Bacteria which were cultivated from the synovial fluid aspirates specimen were identified as S. equisimilis. The isolate was found to be resistant to enrofloxacin and susceptible to amoxycillin/clavulanic acid. According to the results of the antimicrobial susceptibility tests, enrofloxacin therapy was terminated and amoxycillin/clavulanic acid therapy was immediately started lasting for four weeks. The dog was treated successfully. To our knowledge, Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis was isolated from the synovial fluid from a dog for the first time in Turkey, as it is rarely seen in dogs

    Determination of cardiac reference parameters using M-mode and 2-D echocardiographic techniques in adult Karabash dogs

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    This study was carried out to determine the cardiac reference parameters of Karabash dogs, a breed specific to Turkey, using M-mode and 2-D echocardiography techniques

    Measurement of M-mode echocardiographic parameters in healthy adult Van cats

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    Cardiomyopathies are the most common type of cardiac diseases in cats. Although some normal echocardiographic values for cats have been published, there are variations based on breeds and gender. The objective of this study is to determine normal reference values for M-mode echocardiographic parameters in nonsedated healthy adult Van cats and to compare those values with data reported for nonsedated healthy cats of other breeds. A total of 40 clinically healthy Van cats of both sexes belonging to the Van Cat Research and Application Center of Yuzuncu Yil University were used. Body weight (BW) and 16 M-mode echocardiographic variables were measured in 40 healthy Van cats. The effect of gender and age on each echocardiographic parameter was analyzed and the relationship between BW and each parameter investigated. There was a significant relationship between gender and left atrial dimension during ventricular systole (LAD) and aortic root dimension at end-diastole (AOD) as well as between BW and interventricular septal thickness at end-diastole (IVSd) and end-systole (IVSs), left ventricular internal dimension at end-diastole (LVIDd), left ventricular posterior wall thickness at end-diastole (LVPWd), LAD, AOD, the left ventricular end diastolic volume (EDV) and the stroke volume (SV). A relationship between age and the SV parameter alone was also established. This present study is the first work on cardiac reference values for Van cats highlighting the differences in some M-mode echocardiographic parameters of healthy adult Van cats and other cat breeds, which should be considered when interpreting echocardiographic findings, in order to draw the correct conclusions regarding cardiac health

    The diagnostic importance of erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activity and some serum parameters in lambs with white muscle disease

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    The aim of this study was to determine the diagnostic importance of erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase activity (GSH-Px) in lambs with white muscle disease (WMD) and the changes in some serum parameters (glucose, creatinine, total protein, albumin. cholesterol, triglyceride, Ca, inorganic P. Na, K, Cl, AST, ALT, ALP, LDH and CPK) in healthy and white muscle diseased lambs