218 research outputs found

    Effect of milo ration on fattening steer of Japanese cattle

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    1 Plan for fattening cattle (1) There are improved cattles in Japan, called Japanese black breed cattle, Hapanese brown breed cattle and Japanese polled cattle. (2) Subject of fattening experiments are judged to be of practical value in Milo, as fattening feeds for Japanese black cattle. (3) Experimental period are 100 days. Cattle are steered and 2~3 years old. (4) The experiment was exercised at Yamaguchi Breeding Farm in Yamaguchi-Ken. (5) The steers gave compound feeds include Milo for A and B group. (6) We adopted labour saving husbandry system for cattle. 2 Result of experiment (1) Growth in body is average J. 32kg per day per head in A group and average 0.94kg per day per head in B group, exceeded growth standard average 1. 08 kg per day. (2) Growth in linear is of good condition, growth in heart girth especially. And ilower flank repleted in general appearance. (3) Compound feeds see Table 9 and amount of roughage see Table 10. (4) Account and cost of concentrate and dry matter, price of roughage to per 1 kg gain and nutrient per gain see Table 11, 12, 13. (5) Slaughter and carcass record were of good condition generally. (6) Settlement of accounts have been positive income. The difference of incomings and outgoings were A group larger than B group in average profit. 3 Synthesis (1) When Milo used for cattle fattening, there are brought about growth good results. According to the quality of meat have been the same results also. (2) Price of Milo is cheap, it seems suitable feed for fattening cattle, now price is 27 yen per 1 kg. (3) But we must have deep consideration, because we must study related the sorts, amounts of roughage and all amounts of concentrated feeds, when we have selected several feeds on compound. There are numbers of researches afresh

    Numerical study for the c-dependence of fractal dimension in two-dimensional quantum gravity

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    We numerically investigate the fractal structure of two-dimensional quantum gravity coupled to matter central charge c for 2c1-2 \leq c \leq 1. We reformulate Q-state Potts model into the model which can be identified as a weighted percolation cluster model and can make continuous change of Q, which relates c, on the dynamically triangulated lattice. The c-dependence of the critical coupling is measured from the percolation probability and susceptibility. The c-dependence of the string susceptibility of the quantum surface is evaluated and has very good agreement with the theoretical predictions. The c-dependence of the fractal dimension based on the finite size scaling hypothesis is measured and has excellent agreement with one of the theoretical predictions previously proposed except for the region near c1c\approx 1.Comment: 41 pages, 16 figure

    Studies on Electrocardiograms of Fishes : I. Test of method to detect the ECG from fish

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    病態生理学的な目的で魚類のECGを解析する場合に最も適当な導出方法を得る為,従来の各種導出方法について吟味した. 露出心臓表面からのECG単極導出法 1) コイの露出心臓表面から単極導出法よりECGを記録した. 2) コイの露出心臓表面から得られたECGはP,QS群,Tの各波からなっており,その他の波は記録されなかった. 3) 心臓表面の各部位から得られたECGの波形と心室運動が停止した場合のECGに見られるQRS群,及びT波の消失から,P波は心房に,QRS群,及びT波は心室に由来する事を確認した. 体表面からのECG単極及び双極導出法 1) 麻酔したコイの体表面から単極導出法によって,比較的明瞭なECGを導出する事ができた. 2) 麻酔液を含む水を鰓に還流したコイの両胸鰭から双極導出法により,個体差の比較的少ない,安定したECGが得られた.従ってこの両胸鰭からの双極導出法は病態生理学的研究に用いる事が可能であろう. 体内(囲心腔)からのEC双極導出法 1) 電極をコイ,ニジマス,フナ,ハマチ,マダイの囲心腔内に挿入し,双極導出法によりECGを導出した. 2) 各魚種とも基線の動揺が少なく安定したECGが得られ,その波形はコイの胸鰭からの双極導出の場合と良く類似した. 3) この方法3),6)は電極を挿入する場合に魚体を傷つける,電極の挿入位置を正確に定める事が難しいなどの欠点があるが,心臓起電力が小さい魚や游泳状態にある魚からも安定したECGの導出が可能であり,魚類の病態生理学的研究,或は運動生理学的研究,さらには生態学的研究に現在,用いる事ができる最適の方法であるといえよう.Examinations have been made to find out the suitable method of detecting the ECG from fish for the purpose of pathological physiology study. The results obtained can be summarized as follows; Unipolar leads of ECG from the surface of the heart. ECGs, directly recorded on the surface of the Carp heart, consisted of P wave followed by QRS complex and a T wave (Fig. 4). Other waves derived from the heart could not be detected. Unipolar lead and bipolar lead of ECG from the body surface. i) ECG could be recorded from almost all the body surface of Carp by using unipolar lead. The amplitude of the QRS complex was about 40 µV in the vicinity of the heart. ii) ECGs obtained by using bipolar leads from pectoral fins of Carp were stable and the QRS complex appeared as a QS type ordinarily and exceptionally as a QR type. This method may be useful for the pathological physiology study of fish. The amplitude of QRS complex was 70 µV on the average. Bipolar lead of ECG from within the body. Electrodes were inserted into the chest with operation. ECGs by this method were easily detected from Carp, Crucian carp, Rainbow trout, Yellow tail, Sea bream under swimming condition in aquariums. The patterns of ECGs from the chest cavity were similar to those from pectoral fins of Carp. The amplitudes of the QRS complex were 1.12 mV in Carp, 0.40 mV in Crucian carp, 1.15 mV in Rainbow trout, 0.88 mV in Yellow tail, 0.12 mV in Sea bream. From the above results, it is apparent that the bipolar lead from the chest cavity is the most useful and suitable method to study fish ECG pathophysiologically and ecologically

    Topical Issue on Optical Particle Characterization and Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere: Part I

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    Increasing our understanding of the Earth-atmosphere system has been a scientific and political priority for the last few decades. This system not only touches on environmental science, but it has applicability to our broader understanding of planetary atmospheres in general. While this issue focuses primarily on electromagnetics, other fundamental fields of science, including fluid and thermodynamics play major roles. In recent years, significant research efforts have led to advances in the fields of radiative transfer and electromagnetic scattering from irregularly shaped particles. Recently, several workshops and small conferences have taken place to promote the fusion of these efforts. Late in 2013, for instance, two such meetings took place. The Optical Characterization of Atmospheric Aerosols (OCAA) meeting took place in Smolenice, Slovakia to promote a better understanding of microphysical properties of aerosol particles, and the characterization of such atmospheric particles using optical techniques. A complementary conference was organized in Nagoya, Japan, the 3rd International Symposium on Atmospheric Light Scattering and Remote Sensing (ISALSaRS), whose goal is to fuse the advances achieved in particle characterization with remote-sensing techniques. While the focus of these meetings is slightly different, they represent the same aspects of this rapidly growing field. This Topical Issue is the first of two parts. Within this issue we analyze different aspects of the problem of atmospheric characterization and present a broad overview of the topical area. Research includes theory and experiment, ranging from fundamental microphysical properties of individual aerosol particles to broad characterizations of atmospheric properties. Since this is an active field, we also have encouraged the submission of ideas for new methodologies that may represent the future of the field

    Neuropathology does not Correlate with Regional Differences in the Extent of Expansion of CTG Repeats in the Brain with Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1

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    Myotonic dystrophy (DM1) is known to be an adult-onset muscular dystrophy caused by the expansion of CTG repeats within the 3' untranslated region of the dystrophin myotonin protein kinase (DMPK) gene. The clinical features of DM1 include CNS symptoms, such as cognitive impairment and personality changes, the pathogenesis of which remains to be elucidated. We hypothesized that the distribution of neuropathological changes might be correlated with the extent of the length of the CTG repeats in the DMPK genes in DM1 patients. We studied the neuropathological changes in the brains of subjects with DM1 and investigated the extent of somatic instability in terms of CTG repeat expansion in the different brain regions of the same individuals by Southern blot analysis. The neuropathological changes included état criblé in the cerebral deep white matter and neurofibrillary tangles immunoreactive for phosphorylated tau in the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex, both of which were compatible with the subcortical dementia in DM1 patients. However, the length of the CTG repeats did not correlate with the regional differences in the extent of neuropathological changes. Our data suggested that pathomechanisms of dementia in DM1 might be more multifactorial rather than a toxic gain-of-function due to mutant RNA

    PCTK3/CDK18 regulates cell migration and adhesion by negatively modulating FAK activity

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    PCTAIRE kinase 3 (PCTK3) is a member of the cyclin dependent kinase family, but its physiological function remains unknown. We previously reported that PCTK3-knockdown HEK293T cells showed actin accumulation at the leading edge, suggesting that PCTK3 is involved in the regulation of actin reorganization. In this study, we investigated the physiological function and downstream signal transduction molecules of PCTK3. PCTK3 knockdown in HEK293T cells increased cell motility and RhoA/Rho-associated kinase activity as compared with control cells. We also found that phosphorylation at residue Tyr-397 in focal adhesion kinase (FAK) was increased in PCTK3-knockdown cells. FAK phosphorylation at Tyr-397 was increased in response to fibronectin stimulation, whereas its phosphorylation was suppressed by PCTK3. In addition, excessive expression of PCTK3 led to the formation of filopodia during the early stages of cell adhesion in HeLa cells. These results indicate that PCTK3 controls actin cytoskeleton dynamics by negatively regulating the FAK/Rho signaling pathway


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    This study examined the educational practice of “Video Conferencing Discussions” between Kanazawa University, Japan, and Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Turkey, to determine whether such practices could deepen the students’ understanding of each other’s societies and culture. Students were involved in both intergroup discussions using a video conferencing platform that connected the classrooms and individual connections through Zoom. To examine the learning effects, the discourse structures during the video conferencing discussions were examined, individual student reports and questionnaires were analyzed, and interviews were conducted. It was found that this video conferencing educational practice resulted in deeper understanding and learning, and the results confirmed that the different video conferencing forms influenced the discourse structures, such as turn-taking and participant attitudes

    Determinant Structure of the Rational Solutions for the Painlev\'e IV Equation

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    Rational solutions for the Painlev\'e IV equation are investigated by Hirota bilinear formalism. It is shown that the solutions in one hierarchy are expressed by 3-reduced Schur functions, and those in another two hierarchies by Casorati determinant of the Hermite polynomials, or by special case of the Schur polynomials.Comment: 19 pages, Latex, using theorem.st