345 research outputs found

    Life history of Naito Masu: a female pioneer of women’s education in Yamanashi Prefecture in the early Meiji Period

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    Naito Masu (1823~1901) was the first woman who advocated publicly the necessity of education for women; she did so in early Meiji period (1870’s) in Yamanashi Prefecture. In the Edo period, it was said that women did not need to study for a long time; therefore her achievement of founding a women’s private school and publishing a textbook regarding moral education for women were epoch making activities in the women’s education in Japan. This paper presents Masu’s life history and the process of development, because she is considered a woman who was sensitive to the gap between the education for men and women in developing their own lives. Masu’s activities following the Meiji Restoration are well-known; however, it is unknown about how and where she had been educated prior to this time. There is a travel diary written by Masu, named as “Suruga-kiko” and owned by Yamanashi Prefectural Museum. It is the appropriate source to know the first half of Masu’s life because it is thought to be written before the Meiji Restoration. This paper looks to draw a clear picture of the unknown part of Masu’s life, including her friends and acquaintances before Meiji Restoration, by citing it. She had grown her circle of acquaintances in the area along Fujigawa Highway and Fuji River. This area is associated with Japanese classic literature, as well as with most pupils of Prof. Hirata, lived in Kai no kuni. The author made investigations in the area and interviewed some people who live there now about Masu and the region’s educational history. As the result of this original research, this paper presents that Masu must developed her culture and education there

    Magnetization Curves of the Reentrant-Spin-Glass Fe_<0.65>Mn_<0.35>TiO_3 : Dependence on the Sweep Rate of Magnetic Fields(Magnetism)

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    The magnetization curves of the reentrant-spin-glass Fe_Mn_TiO_3 have been observed at 4.2 K and 1.4 K in applied fields with various sweep rates. Depending on the sweep rates and temperatures, the anomalous jumps of the magnetizations towards the values of the field-cooled-magnetization M^ are observed. This phenomenon is interpreted to be closely related to the properties of the spin-glass state

    アーレント カラ ミタ ハイデッガー ノ DENKEN

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    本論考ではハイデッガーのDenken、つまり「存在を思索する思考」に対するハンナ・アーレントの批判的観点を、哲学的範囲で考察してみたい。アーレントは周知のように生涯にわたり大哲学者ハイデッガーの哲学的弟子であり続けた。事実、ハイデッガーの80 歳(1969 年)に寄せた文では、アーレントは、ハイデッガーの思考に称賛と敬意を捧げている。存在の思索こそをハイデッガーの生来の住処とみなし、20 世紀の精神的相貌を決定するに与ったのはハイデッガーの哲学ではなくて、その純粋な思考活動であるとする。したがってそこではアーレントの批判的観点は明らかではない。 しかしアーレントの没後、70 年代後半に刊行された『精神の生活』の「思考」の巻において、ハイデッガーの思考に対するアーレントの批判的観点が明確に浮上する。『精神の生活』はカントの批判哲学の新たな解釈なのだが、それに依拠してアーレントはハイデッガーの思考における「意味と真理の混同」を問題視する。そこに基本的仮象と誤謬があるとする。アーレントによればその根拠は精神と身体を持つ人間の逆説的な存在にある。In this paper, I try to clarify Hannah Arendt’s criticism of Heidegger’s “Thinking”(Denken), which is the elemental activity of his Philosophy. It is well known that she remained a student of Heidegger’s all her life. She did honor to Heidegger and appreciated his “Being-Thinking”(Seins denken)on his 80th birthday in 1969. She doesn’t seem to have been critical at that time.  In fact, Arendt criticized Heidegger clearly in her final work, The Life of the Mind, in “One/Thinking”, which was published posthumously in 1975. On the basis of Kant’s Philosophy, she problematizes Heidegger’s confusion of ‘Meaning of Being’ with ‘Truth of Being’. She says “the need of thinking is not inspired by the quest for truth but by the quest for meaning.” Therefore, from Arendt’s point of view, there is a basic fallacy in Heidegger’s “Thinking”.  As the ground of Heidegger’s confusion, Arendt points out that the human being, itself, is conditioned by both the body and the mind, paradoxically.研究論文(Article

    Die Endlichkeit und die ontologische Erkenntnis bei Heidegger

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    Mineral trioxide aggregate induces osteoblastogenesis via Atf6

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    AbstractMineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) has been recommended for various uses in endodontics. To understand the effects of MTA on alveolar bone, we examined whether MTA induces osteoblastic differentiation using MC3T3-E1 cells. MTA enhanced mineralization concomitant with alkaline phosphatase activity in a dose- and time-dependent manner. MTA increased production of collagens (Type I and Type III) and matrix metalloproteinases (MMP-9 and MMP-13), suggesting that MTA affects bone matrix remodeling. MTA also induced Bglap (osteocalcin) but not Bmp2 (bone morphogenetic protein-2) mRNA expression. We observed induction of Atf6 (activating transcription factor 6, an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress response transcription factor) mRNA expression and activation of Atf6 by MTA treatment. Forced expression of p50Atf6 (active form of Atf6) markedly enhanced Bglap mRNA expression. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assay was performed to investigate the increase in p50Atf6 binding to the Bglap promoter region by MTA treatment. Furthermore, knockdown of Atf6 gene expression by introduction of Tet-on Atf6 shRNA expression vector abrogated MTA-induced mineralization. These results suggest that MTA induces in vitro osteoblastogenesis through the Atf6–osteocalcin axis as ER stress signaling. Therefore, MTA in endodontic treatment may affect alveolar bone healing in the resorbed region caused by pulpal infection

    Heidegger and das Problem der Erkenntnistheorie

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    Zur Auslegung von Kants Grundsätzen-Lehre bei Heidegger

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