123 research outputs found

    On unconditional well-posedness of modified KdV

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    Bourgain(1993) proved that the periodic modified KdV equation (mKdV) is locally well-posed in Sobolev spave H^s(T), s >= 1/2, by introducing new weighted Sobolev spaces X^s,b, where the uniqueness holds conditionally, namely in the intersection of C([0, T]; H^s) and X^s,b. In this paper, we establish unconditional well-posedness of mKdV in H^s(T), s >= 1/2, i.e. we in addition establish unconditional uniqueness in C([0, T]; H^s), s >= 1/2, of solutions to mKdV. We prove this result via differentiation by parts. For the endpoint case s = 1/2, we perform careful quinti- and septi-linear estimates after the second differentiation by parts.Comment: 18 pages, small changes in Section 1. (Remark 1.2 added), to appear in Int. Math. Res. No

    X-Ray Fluctuations from Locally Unstable Advection-Dominated Disks

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    The response of advection-dominated accretion disks to local disturbances is examined by one-dimensional numerical simulations. It is generally believed that advection-dominated disks are thermally stable. We, however, find that any disurbance added onto accretion flow at large radii does not decay so rapidly that it can move inward with roughly the free-fall velocity. Although disturbances continue to be present, the global disk structure will not be modified largely. This can account for persistent hard X-ray emission with substantial variations observed in active galactic nuclei and stellar black hole candidates during the hard state. Moreover, when the disturbance reaches the innermost parts, an acoustic wave emerges, propagating outward as a shock wave. The resultant light variation is roughly (time) symmetric and is quite reminiscent of the observed X-ray shots of Cygnus X-1.Comment: plain TeX, 11 pages, without figures; to be published in ApJ Lette

    A case of eosinophilic gastroenteritis with stenosis in the colon

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    大腸に全周性狭窄をきたした好酸球性胃腸炎の1例を報告した。症例は54才の女性で,腹痛と下痢を主訴に来院した。上部消化管検査では異常を認めなかったが,下部消化管造影検査と大腸内視鏡検査で横行結腸の全周性狭窄を認め,生検にて大腸粘膜の好酸球浸潤を認めた。貝料理の摂取にて腹痛発作が出現したが,原因抗原は同定できなかった。貝類の摂取を避けることにより,症状は消失し,末梢血液中の好酸球増多は消失した。本邦ではこれまでに124例 の報告があるが,大腸に全周性の狭窄をきたす症例は稀であり,文献的考察を加え報告する。We report a case of eosinophilic gastroenteritis with a stenosis in the transverse colon. A patient, 54 year-old-woman, presented to our clinic with abdominal pain and diarrhea. Esophagogastric endoscopy and biopsy were normal. Contrast barium enema examination and colonic endoscopy showed a stenotic segment in the transverce colon. Biopsy specimens obteind from the stenotic segment revealed moderate eosinophilic infiltration in the colonic mucosa. Oral intake of sea shells exacerbated her symptoms. Avoiding sea shells has resulted in the disappearance of symptoms and peripheral blood eosinophilia. The present case was discussed in comparison with the 124 cases heretofore reported in Japan

    Use of Recombinant Endolysin to Improve Accuracy of Group B Streptococcus Tests

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    Group B Streptococcus (GBS) causes serious neonatal infection via vertical transmission. The prenatal GBS screening test is performed at the late stage of pregnancy to avoid risks of infection. In this test, enrichment culture is performed, followed by GBS identification. Selective medium is used for the enrichment; however, Enterococcus faecalis, which is a potential contaminant in swab samples, can interfere with the growth of GBS. Such bacterial contamination can lead to false-negative results. Endolysin, a bacteriophage-derived enzyme, degrades peptidoglycan in the bacterial cell wall; it is a promising antimicrobial agent for selectively eliminating specific bacterial genera/species. In this study, we used the recombinant endolysin EG-LYS, which is specific to E. faecalis; the endolysin potentially enriched GBS in the selective culture. First, in the false-negative model (coculture of GBS and E. faecalis, which disabled GBS detection in the subsequent GBS identification test), EG-LYS treatment at 0.1 mg/ml improved GBS detection. Next, we used 548 vaginal swabs to test the efficacy of EG-LYS treatment in improving GBS detection. EG-LYS treatment (0.1 mg/ml) increased the GBS-positive ratio to 17.9%, compared to 15.7% in the control (phosphate-buffered saline [PBS] treatment). In addition, there were an increased number of GBS colonies under EG-LYS treatment in some samples. The results were supported by the microbiota analysis of the enriched cultures. In conclusion, EG-LYS treatment of the enrichment culture potentially improves the accuracy of the prenatal GBS screening test

    Leucine imparts cardioprotective effects by enhancing mTOR activity and mitochondrial fusion in a myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury murine model

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    Background: Coronary artery disease is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality among patients with diabetes. Previously, we demonstrated that branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) showed cardioprotective effects against cardiac ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury. A recent study suggested that leucine (Leu), a BCAA, is a key amino acid involved in mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) activity and mitochondrial function. However, whether Leu has cardioprotective effects on diabetic hearts is unclear. In this study, we examined the preconditioning effect of Leu treatment on high-fat diet (HFD)-induced obese mouse which simulate prediabetic heart. Methods: In vivo mice models of I/R injury were divided into the following groups: control, mTOR+/−, and high-fat diet (HFD)-induced obese groups. Mice were randomly administered with Leu, the mTOR inhibitor rapamycin (Rap), or Leu with Rap. Isolated rat cardiomyocytes were subjected to simulated I/R injury. Biochemical and mitochondrial functional assays were performed to evaluate the changes in mTOR activity and mitochondrial dynamics caused by Leu treatment. Results: Leu-treated mice showed a significant reduction in infarct size when compared with the control group (34.8% ± 3.8% vs. 43.1% ± 2.4%, n = 7, p < 0.05), whereas Rap-treated mice did not show the protective effects of Leu. This preconditioning effect of Leu was attenuated in mTOR+/− mice. Additionally, Leu increased the percentage of fused mitochondria and the mitochondrial volume, and decreased the number of mitochondria per cell in isolated cardiomyocytes. In HFD-induced obese mice, Leu treatment significantly reduced infarct size (41.0% ± 1.1% vs. 51.0% ± 1.4%, n = 7, p < 0.05), which was not induced by ischemic preconditioning, and this effect was inhibited by Rap. Furthermore, we observed enhanced mTOR protein expression and mitochondrial fusion with decreased reactive oxygen species production with Leu treatment in HFD-induced obese mice, but not in mTOR+/− mice. Conclusions: Leu treatment improved the damage caused by myocardial I/R injury by promoting mTOR activity and mitochondrial fusion on prediabetic hearts in mice

    Study of the preparation with sodium picosulfate and PEG intestinal lavage solution for total colonoscopy.

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    Total colonoscopyの前処置における被検者の負担軽減と良好な腸管洗浄を得る目的で,50例の大腸内視鏡検査において,前日の食事制限せず, sodium picosulfate 20mℓ前夜服用,検査当日PEG腸管洗浄液1ℓ以上服用する前処置法の有用性について検討した。本前処置法によってPEG腸管洗浄液平均1230mℓの服用により,50例中48例で観察可能な腸管洗浄が得られ,PEG腸管洗浄液の服用量の減量が可能であった。腹痛,嘔気,腹鳴などの症状出現例は認めたが,重篤な副作用は認めなかった。腸管洗浄度の点で,高齢者の大腸内視鏡検査の前処置として有用である。以上よりSodium Picosulfate 20mℓをPEG腸管洗浄液と併用することにより,優れた腸管洗浄度を得られると同時にPEG腸管洗浄液服用量の減量か可能であり,total colonoscopyの前処置として有用であることが示された。The following results were obtained from a total colonoscopic study of 50 patients who received preparation with 20mℓ of sodium picosulfate (Laxoberon®) and PEG intestinal lavage solution (Niflec®) prior to the examination. (l) The present method in combination with a mean of 1230mℓ of PEG intestinal lavage solution allowed colonic cleaning for which observation was available in 48 of 50 patients. (2) With this method. no adverse reactions were observed except for mild abdominal pain, nausea, and rugitus in a few patients. (3) This method was particularly as a preparation for colonoscopic examination in elderly patients. Thus, we conclude that preparation with 20mℓ of sodium picosulfate and PEG intestinal lavage solution is useful for colonoscopic examination

    Endoscopic aspiration of pure pancreatic juice is useful in diagnosis and treatment of chronic pancreatitis.

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    内視鏡的純粋膵液採取法の慢性膵炎診療における意義を検討した。本法を用い,セクレパン100単位静注後10分間膵液を採取するintaraductal secretin test(IDST,膵管内セクレチン試験)はこれまで膵外分泌機能検査のgold standardである十二指腸液を採取するセクレチン試験に代用ができ,しかも10分間の採取時間で終了する利点を有する。本法を施行することにより,蛋白栓が除去され,痔痛の消失に有用である。また,慢性膵炎と鑑別を要する膵癌を除外診断するために,本法によって採取した膵液の細胞診,腫瘍マーカー,癌遺伝子の検出は有用である。Endoscopical aspiration of pure pancreatic juice is useful in following aspects. Firstly, intraductal secretin test by using this method can be substituted for duodenal secretin test, which is a gold standard examination for estimation of exocrine pancreatic function. In addition, endoscopic aspiration of protein pluge eliminates abdominal pain of some painful patients with chronic pancreatitis. Cytological examination, determination of tumor marker, and detection of oncogene in the obtained pancreatic juice are complementary diagnostic approach to pancreatic cancer, which must be differentially diagnosed from chronic pancreatitis

    The Japan Public Health Center-based Prospective Study for the Next Generation (JPHC-NEXT): Study Design and Participants

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    Background: Lifestyle and life-environment factors have undergone drastic changes in Japan over the last few decades. Further, many molecular epidemiologic studies have reported that genetic, epigenetic, and other biomarker information may be useful in predicting individual disease risk.Methods: The Japan Public Health Center-based Prospective Study for the Next Generation (JPHC-NEXT) was launched in 2011 to identify risk factors for lifestyle-related disease, elucidate factors that extend healthy life expectancy, and contribute toward personalized healthcare based on our more than 20 years’ experience with the JPHC Study. From 2011 through 2016, a baseline survey was conducted at 16 municipalities in seven prefectures across the country. A self-administered questionnaire was distributed to all registered residents aged 40–74, which mainly asked about lifestyle factors, such as socio-demographic situation, personal medical history, smoking, alcohol and dietary habits. We obtained informed consent from each participant to participate in this long follow-up study of at least 20 years, including consent to the potential use of their residence registry, medical records, medical fee receipts, care insurance etc., and to the provision of biospecimens (blood and urine), including genomic analysis.Results: As of December 31, 2016, we have established a population-based cohort of 115,385 persons (Response rate 44.1%), among whom 55,278 (47.9% of participants) have provided blood and urine samples. The participation rate was slightly higher among females and in the older age group.Conclusion: We have established a large-scale population-based cohort for next-generation epidemiological study in Japan