5 research outputs found

    Etude De L’évolution Du Trait De Côte À L’aide De L’outil Mobitc : Cas Du Littoral De Grand-Bassam

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    This study proposes an assessment of the historical coastline (TDC) mobility of the Ivorian coastline, specifically the Grand-Bassam coastline (Côte d'Ivoire), and suggests reflections on the sustainable management of the coastal environment in Côte d'Ivoire, taking into account coastal erosion. The objective is to evaluate, using the MobiTC software, the spatio-temporal and statistical evolution of the morphology of the Grand-Bassam coastal zone in order to plan appropriate coastal developments. Specifically, it is to extract images on google earth, to treat them under MobiTC and to analyze the rate of spatio-temporary and statistical evolution of coastlines. To do this, data from QuickBird images provided by Google Earth from 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012 and 2016 in the study area were used. Different software was used for image processing. The ENVI 5.1 software allowed georeferencing and thresholding to make the images superimposable and highlight the baseline. The digitization of the images was done with ArcGis software. The QGIS 2.18 software was used to convert the .shp files to the mid / mif format of the MobiTC software. The latter makes it possible to understand the statistical evolution of the coastline dynamics from the creation of a baseline, the skeleton of envelopes and traces. The variations observed between 1984 and 2016 show a fattening of 0.23 m / year in some sectors and an erosion rate of 0.34 m / year in other sectors. It is noted that 62.79% of the coastline is accretion and 37.21% is eroding

    Cartographie De La Dynamique Du Trait De Cote A Grand-Lahou : Utilisation De L’outil « Digital Shoreline Analysis System (Dsas)»

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    Like many coasts, coastal erosion is evident on all the Ivorian coast and is characterized by the destruction of physical assets (infrastructure, habitat and sightseeing). Especially in Grand-Lahou, it threatens a fishing village located on a strip of land 200 meters separating the Atlantic Ocean from the Tadjo lagoon and facing the mouth of the Bandama River. To contribute to the choice of sustainable coastal development in Grand-Lahou, this study aims to characterize the dynamics of the coastline by performing coastal erosion map locally for the best appreciation of the erosion phenomenon. To do this, the GIS which consisted of compilation of coastlines data from Landsat images from 1998, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2011 and 2014 in the study area. The dynamic of the coastline in this zone was done through the Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAW). The variations observed between 1998 and 2014 show a coastline fattening at an average rate of 2.09 m / year in the west of the river mouth before Lahou-Kpanda village and erosion with a speed of 0.84 m / year on rest of the shore after Lahou Kpanda village

    Spatio-Temporal Study of Phytoplankton Groups from Inherent Optical Properties (Iops) in The Ivorian Marine Coastline from 2010 To 2020

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    Today global warming affects all environments including coastal marine environments. Climate change also affects the development and proliferation of phytoplankton groups often leading to the massive production of phytoplankton groups in marine waters. It is with this in mind that the study on the determination of phytoplankton groups from optical properties in Ivorian marine waters was initiated. This study showed a great diversity of phytoplankton in the Ivorian marine domain during the years 2010 and 2020. The data used in these studies are geospatial data (remote sensing) of the optical properties of the oceans, in particular the IOPs (inherent optical properties). These are the fusion data from the various SeaWiFS, MODIS, MERIS, VIIRS sensors from 2010 to 2020 from the various OrbView 2, NOAA, ENVISAT and AQUA satellites, in particular the absorption coefficient data for dissolved and detrital matter at 443 nm (adg ), phytoplankton absorption coefficient data at 443 nm (aph), and dissolved and detrital particulate backscatter coefficient data at 443 nm (bbp).For the processing of these data the pixel-oriented classification method was used for the identification of phytoplankton groups. The SeaDAS v 7.4 software, allowed to process and analyze the data and the Envi 5.3 software allowed to perform the data classification. The values ​​of inherent optical properties (IOPs) were obtained as well as the spatial distribution of phytoplankton groups, thus allowing the production of maps of IOPs and the production of spatio-temporal distribution maps of cyanobacteria and diatom

    Chimioprophylaxie antituberculeuse primaire à l'isoniazide : une stratégie d'actualité à l’ère du tester et traiter ; revue de la littérature

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    Position du problème : La tuberculose demeure une menace de santé publique responsable de plus d'un million de décès en 2018. La chimioprophylaxie à l'isoniazide est une des stratégies permettant le contrôle de cette maladie. Encore peu prescrite, son intérêt suscite encore plus de questions à l’ère du « tester et traiter » concernant les antirétroviraux. L'objectif de cette étude est donc de réaliser une revue des essais randomisés de chimioprophylaxie antituberculeuse primaire à l'isoniazide (« thérapie préventive à l'isoniazide », TPI), en distinguant les « essais d'efficacité (EE) » comparant la TPI à un placebo ou à l'absence de chimioprophylaxie ; et les « essais de régime » (ER), comparant la TPI à un ou plusieurs autres régimes. Méthodes : Recherche bibliographique (mots-clés sur les bases de données des articles publiés Medline, Scopus : « tuberculosis », « prophylaxis », « HIV », « randomized controlled trial ») et lecture standardisée d'articles sélectionnés rapportant des résultats d'essais randomisés de TPI chez les personnes infectées par le VIH. Résultats : Au total, 18 essais retenus (11 EE et 7 ER), incluant 19 725 participants. Les régimes étudiés étaient 3H, 6H, 9H, 12H, 36H/2RZ, 3RH, 3RZ, 3RHZ, et 3HP [H : Isoniazide, R : Rifampicine, Z : Pyrazinamide, P : Rifapentine]. Localisation : dix en Afrique, trois à Haïti, un en Inde, un aux USA, un aux Amériques et deux multi continentaux. Dans les EE avec ou sans ARV, la TPI réduit significativement le risque de tuberculose de 32 % à 71 %. Dans les EE avant les ARV, on ne retrouve aucune tendance à une réduction de la mortalité par la TPI. Dans les EE sous ARV, la TPI réduit la mortalité. Dans les ER, on ne trouve aucun argument pour préférer un autre régime à la TPI. La tolérance est bonne. La TPI diminue possiblement le risque de sélection de bacilles multirésistants, au lieu de l'aggraver, par la baisse du nombre d'épisodes de tuberculose et donc de l'utilisation des traitements antituberculeux curatifs. Conclusion : Loin d'avoir été rendue obsolète par le traitement ARV, la TPI reste une intervention d'actualité.BACKGROUND: Tuberculosis remains a public health threat responsible as recently as 2018 for more than one million deaths. Chemoprophylaxis with isoniazid is one of the strategies implemented to control the disease. Although it is not yet widely prescribed, its utilization raises additional questions in the "test and treat" era of for anti-retroviral therapy. The objective of this study is to review the different randomized controlled trials of antitubercular Isoniazid Preventive Therapy (IPT). We have distinguished (a) "efficacy trials" (ET) comparing IPT to a placebo or the absence of chemoprophylaxis and (b) "IPT regimen trials" (RT) comparing IPT to one or several other regimens. METHODS: Literature search (keywords from published articles found in the Medline and Scopus data bases: "tuberculosis", "prophylaxis", "HIV", "randomized controlled trial") and standardized reading of selected articles reporting results from randomized trials of IPT in HIV-infected people. RESULTS: Eighteen selected trials (11 ET and 7 RT), including 19,725 participants. The regimens studied were 3H, 6H, 9H, 12H, 12H, 36H/2RZ, 3RH, 3RZ, 3RHZ, and 3HP [H: Isoniazid, R: Rifampicin, Z: Pyrazinamide, P: Rifapentine]. LOCATIONS: Ten in Africa, three in Haiti, one in India, one in the USA, one in the Americas and two multi-continental trials. In ET with or without antiretrovirals (ART), IPT significantly reduces the risk of tuberculosis, by 32 to 71%. In ET prior to ART, IPT does not appear to reduce mortality. In ET in patients receiving ART, on the other hand, IPT reduces mortality. As regards RT, there seems to be no reason to prefer other regimens to IPT. Tolerance is good. Importantly, IPT may reduce (rather than worsen) the risk of multidrug-resistant bacilli selection by decreasing the number of TB episodes and, consequently, the number of curative tuberculosis treatments. CONCLUSION: Far from becoming obsolete due to ARV treatment, IPT has remained a timely and relevant intervention