3,704 research outputs found

    Spectroscopic studies of fractal aggregates of silver nanospheres undergoing local restructuring

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    We present an experimental spectroscopic study of large random colloidal aggregates of silver nanoparticles undergoing local restructuring. We argue that such well-known phenomena as strong fluctuation of local electromagnetic fields, appearance of "hot spots" and enhancement of nonlinear optical responses depend on the local structure on the scales of several nanosphere diameters, rather that the large-scale fractal geometry of the sample.Comment: 3.5 pages, submitted to J. Chem. Phy

    Local anisotropy and giant enhancement of local electromagnetic fields in fractal aggregates of metal nanoparticles

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    We have shown within the quasistatic approximation that the giant fluctuations of local electromagnetic field in random fractal aggregates of silver nanospheres are strongly correlated with a local anisotropy factor S which is defined in this paper. The latter is a purely geometrical parameter which characterizes the deviation of local environment of a given nanosphere in an aggregate from spherical symmetry. Therefore, it is possible to predict the sites with anomalously large local fields in an aggregate without explicitly solving the electromagnetic problem. We have also demonstrated that the average (over nanospheres) value of S does not depend noticeably on the fractal dimension D, except when D approaches the trivial limit D=3. In this case, as one can expect, the average local environment becomes spherically symmetrical and S approaches zero. This corresponds to the well-known fact that in trivial aggregates fluctuations of local electromagnetic fields are much weaker than in fractal aggregates. Thus, we find that, within the quasistatics, the large-scale geometry does not have a significant impact on local electromagnetic responses in nanoaggregates in a wide range of fractal dimensions. However, this prediction is expected to be not correct in aggregates which are sufficiently large for the intermediate- and radiation-zone interaction of individual nanospheres to become important.Comment: 9 pages 9 figures. No revisions from previous version; only figure layout is change

    Thermally stable composite system Al2O3-Ce 0.75Zr0.25O2 for automotive three-way catalysts

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    Present-day three-way catalysts operate in contact with exhaust gases whose temperature is as high as >1000 C, so the problem of developing thermally stable catalytic compositions is still topical. A series of Al2O 3-Ce0.75Zr0.25O2 composites containing 0, 10, 25, and 50 wt % Al2O3 has been synthesized by direct precipitation. The as-prepared composites and those calcined in air at 1000 and 1100 C have been characterized by BET, X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, and temperature-programmed reduction methods. The composites aged at 1050 C in a 2% O2 + 10% H2O + 88% N2 atmosphere have been used to prepare monolith catalysts, and the oxygen storage capacity (OSC) of the latter has been measured using a gas analysis setup. As the proportion of Al2O 3 in the composite is raised, the mixing uniformity and degree of dispersion of Ce x Zr1-x O2-δ particles increase, their chemical composition becomes homogeneous, and the amount of cerium involved in oxidation and reduction increases. The composite containing 50 wt % Al2O3 is a mixture of Ce x Zr 1-x O2-δ and Al2O3 crystallites, whose size is practically unaffected by calcination. The (Pt/Al2O3 + Al2O3-Ce 0.75Zr0.25O2) based on this composite has the highest OSC and is the most active. For this reason, full-scale testing of this catalyst is recommended. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Anharmonic vs. relaxational sound damping in glasses: II. Vitreous silica

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    The temperature dependence of the frequency dispersion in the sound velocity and damping of vitreous silica is reanalyzed. Thermally activated relaxation accounts for the sound attenuation observed above 10 K at sonic and ultrasonic frequencies. Its extrapolation to the hypersonic regime reveals that the anharmonic coupling to the thermal bath becomes important in Brillouin-scattering measurements. At 35 GHz and room temperature, the damping due to this anharmonicity is found to be nearly twice that produced by thermally activated relaxation. The analysis also reveals a sizeable velocity increase with temperature which is not related with sound dispersion. This suggests that silica experiences a gradual structural change that already starts well below room temperature.Comment: 13 pages with 8 figure

    Ordering in ternary nitride semiconducting alloys

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    We present a thorough theoretical study of ordering phenomena in nitride ternary alloys GaInN, AlInN, and AlGaN. Using the Monte Carlo approach and energetics based on the Keating model we analyze the influence of various factors on ordering in bulk crystals and epitaxial layers. We characterize the degree of both short range order (SRO) and long ranger order (LRO) for different compositions, temperatures and for substrates associated with different epitaxial strain. For the description of the SRO the Warren-Cowley parameters related to the first four coordination shells are used. The LRO is detected by means of the introduced sim-LRO parameter, based on the Bragg-Williams approach. The description of the observed long-range ordering patterns and conditions for their occurrence follows

    Low temperature breakdown of coherent tunneling in amorphous solids induced by the nuclear quadrupole interaction

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    We consider the effect of the internal nuclear quadrupole interaction on quantum tunneling in complex multi-atomic two-level systems. Two distinct regimes of strong and weak interactions are found. The regimes depend on the relationship between a characteristic energy of the nuclear quadrupole interaction λ\lambda_{\ast} and a bare tunneling coupling strength Δ0\Delta_{0}. When Δ0>λ\Delta_{0}>\lambda_{\ast}, the internal interaction is negligible and tunneling remains coherent determined by Δ0\Delta_{0}. When Δ0<λ\Delta_{0}<\lambda_{\ast}, coherent tunneling breaks down and an effective tunneling amplitude decreases by an exponentially small overlap factor η1\eta^{\ast}\ll1 between internal ground states of left and right wells of a tunneling system. This affects thermal and kinetic properties of tunneling systems at low temperatures T<λT<\lambda_{*}. The theory is applied for interpreting the anomalous behavior of the resonant dielectric susceptibility in amorphous solids at low temperatures T5T\leq 5mK where the nuclear quadrupole interaction breaks down coherent tunneling. We suggest the experiments with external magnetic fields to test our predictions and to clarify the internal structure of tunneling systems in amorphous solids.Comment: To appear in the Physical Review

    Discovery of the Sub-second Linearly Polarized Spikes of Synchrotron Origin in the UV Ceti Giant Optical Flare

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    Copyright © Astronomical Society of Australia 2017During our optical monitoring of UV Ceti, iconic late-type flaring star, with high temporal resolution using the Russian 6-m telescope in 2008, we detected a giant flare with the amplitude of about 3 magnitudes in U band. Near flare maximum, more than a dozen of spike bursts have been discovered with triangular shapes and durations from 0.6 to 1.2 s and maximal luminosities in the range (1.5–8) × 1027 erg s−1. For the half of these events, the linear polarization exceeds 35% with significance better than 5σ. We argue that these events are synchrotron emission of electron streams with the energies of several hundred MeV moving in the magnetic field of about 1.4 kG. Emission from such ultra-relativistic (with energies far exceeding 10 MeV) particles is being routinely observed in solar flares, but has never been detected from UV Ceti-type stars. This is the first ever detection of linearly polarized optical light from the UV Ceti-type stars which indicates that at least some fraction of the flaring events on these stars is powered by a non-thermal synchrotron emission mechanism

    Методика перестроения маршрута полета воздушного судна в процессе его выполнения

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       A significant number of aviation incidents is related to loss of control in flight and controlled flight into terrain (LOC-I, CFIT, LALT categories). Investigation of these aviation incidents has revealed that these incidents often occur due to the need for rapid changes in flight routes as a result of detecting obstacles, such as thunderstorms, along the aircraft's path. During the determination of alternative routes to circumvent the encountered obstacle, as well as during the implementation process of the chosen rerouted route, the flight crew makes errors due to increased psycho-physiological workload and time constraints. This article presents an approach to the automatic rerouting of the aircraft's flight route to avoid obstacles detected during flight. The algorithm proposed by the authors allows for evaluating the safety of the original route, calculating alternative route options to bypass the obstacles encountered during flight, verifying their feasibility considering the aircraft's flight technical characteristics and control parameter limitations, and selecting the optimal rerouted route based on specific criteria, such as minimizing the increase in the flight route length, reducing additional fuel consumption, time required for implementing the new flight route, etc. Examples of rerouting the flight route of a hypothetical aircraft with detected obstacles along the flight path are provided in the article to demonstrate the algorithm's functionality. It is shown, in particular, that in the considered example, the shortest route for obstacle avoidance is not optimal in terms of time. It is also demonstrated that the safety of flying along the identified alternative rerouted routes depends, among other factors, on the selected flight speed. Therefore, for each calculated rerouted route, the algorithm determines a range of speeds within which the implementation of the obtained rerouted route is possible. This highlights the complexity and non-triviality of the pilot's task of autonomously finding a safe obstacle avoidance route on board the aircraft.   Большое количество авиационных происшествий связано с потерей управления в полете, а также со столкновением с землей в управляемом полете (категории LOC-I, CFIT, LALT). В результате расследования данных авиационных происшествий выявлено, что часто указанные авиационные происшествия обусловлены необходимостью быстрого изменения маршрута полета вследствие выявления на пути следования воздушного судна препятствий, например, грозового фронта. При определении альтернативных маршрутов облета возникшего препятствия, а также впроцессе реализации выбранного маршрута облета экипаж совершает ошибки ввиду повышенной психофизиологической нагрузки и дефицита времени. В данной статье представлен подход к автоматическому перестроению маршрута полета воздушного судна для облета обнаруженных в процессе полета препятствий. Предлагаемый авторами алгоритм позволяет оценить безопасность исходного маршрута, рассчитать варианты альтернативных маршрутов облета обнаруженных впроцессе полета препятствий, проверить их на реализуемость с учетом летно-технических характеристик воздушного судна, ограничений на управляющие параметры, а также выбрать среди найденных маршрутов облета оптимальный с точки зрения какого-либо критерия, например, исходя из минимизации увеличения протяженности маршрута полета, сокращения дополнительных затрат топлива, времени, необходимого на реализацию нового маршрута полета, и т. д. Для демонстрации работоспособности алгоритма в статье представлены примеры перестроения маршрута полета гипотетического воздушного судна с выявленными на пути следования препятствиями. Показано, в частности, что в рассмотренном примере самый короткий маршрут облета препятствий не является оптимальным с точки зрения временных затрат. Также демонстрируется, что безопасность пролета по найденным альтернативным маршрутам облета препятствий зависит в том числе от выбранной скорости полета. Поэтому для каждого рассчитанного маршрута облета препятствий алгоритм определяет диапазон скоростей, в котором возможна реализация полученного маршрута облетапрепятствий. Последнее указывает на сложность и нетривиальность самостоятельного решения задачи поиска безопасного маршрута облета препятствий пилотом на борту воздушного судна

    Anharmonic vs. relaxational sound damping in glasses: I. Brillouin scattering from densified silica

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    This series discusses the origin of sound damping and dispersion in glasses. In particular, we address the relative importance of anharmonicity versus thermally activated relaxation. In this first article, Brillouin-scattering measurements of permanently densified silica glass are presented. It is found that in this case the results are compatible with a model in which damping and dispersion are only produced by the anharmonic coupling of the sound waves with thermally excited modes. The thermal relaxation time and the unrelaxed velocity are estimated.Comment: 9 pages with 7 figures, added reference