38 research outputs found

    Peranan Faktor Lingkungan Terhadap Populasi Helopeltis Spp. Dan Sanurus Indecora Pada Jambu Mete

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    Role of environment factors on the population ofHelopeltis Spp. and Sanurus indecora on cashewplantationAn experiment to find out the effect of environment factors on theattack of insect pests on cashew plantation was carried out in WestLombok District, West Nusa Tenggara Province. The experiment wasconducted in hot and rainy seasons from June 2004 to March 2005 in twolocations : Tanah Sebang and Sambik Jengkel. These were located in thesame district (Kecamatan Kayangan, West Lombok District). In 40 sampleplants were observed : 20 from monoculture and 20 from polyculture(mixed cropping). The variables observed were (a) Helopeltis populationper plant (b) S. indecora population per plant, (c) number of shootsattacked by Helopeltis, (d) number of shoots attacked by. S. indecora, (e)number of ant colonies per plant, (f) percentage of eggs parasitoid, (g)temperature, relative humidity, daily raindrops, (h) type of intercrops asalternative hosts, (i) litters or weeds surrounding the plantation, (j) numberof hermaphrodite flowers and fruits. The research result showed that thepopulation and damage intensity were different between hot and rainyseasons. In dry season, only the symptom of Helopeltis damage was seen.The population S. indecora always existed during the dry season. In therainy season from January to March, shoots started to appear, also thepopulation of Helopeltis. The injury level was different between those twoinsects. At Tanah Sebang the shoots attacked by S. indecora was 23.1%higher than that of Helopeltis (3.8-7.4%), while in Sambik Jengkel, theshoots attacked by Helopeltis was (43.8-54.6%) higher than that of S.indecora (11.5-22.3%). The main factors played roles in the environmentwere alternate hosts, micro climate and interaction between S. indecora,Helopeltis spp. and predator ants

    Perkembangan Jambu Mete Dan Strategi Pengendalian Hama Utamanya

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    Cashew nut Development and Control Strategy of Its Main PestsCashew plant produces export commodity having a very high value and stability compared with other Indonesian export commodities. Beside shells and nuts, the plant produces lacca oil and other products from the fruits. The cashew growing area increases every year and the end of 2006 achieved 595.111 ha. Pests can cause the death or the lower productivity and nut quality. In several production area, Helopeltis has the largest attack area, followed by Sanurus indecora or other pests. Several problems have been found in the field, such as: a). more branches produced by the plant caused micro climate changes, b). Helopeltis spp and S. indecora have a very wide host range, c). the over USAge of synthetic insecticide, d). the lack of farmers knowledge of intercropping, e). there is interaction among Helopeltis spp, S. indecora and Dolichoderus sp. Before 2001, synthetic insecticide were commonly used for controlling insect pest. Since then, other control methods have been developed. The control strategy are a). ecosystem engineering and its utilization surrounding cashew plantation and b). large scale assessment of agroecologies and farmer and extension worker supervision in Field School of Integrated Pest Management (FSIPM)


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    ABSTRAKStatus P pada tanaman dapat diduga dengan menganalisis kadar Ppada daun, karena daun merupakan suatu bagian tanaman yang sangataktif. Untuk itu, diperlukan informasi posisi daun yang sesuai untukdijadikan contoh daun untuk analisis status P tanaman. Percobaan inibertujuan untuk menentukan posisi daun yang sesuai untuk analisis statusP dan mempelajari perbedaan antara kadar P tersedia di tanah dan dirhizosphere, serta hubungannya dengan kadar P daun bibit jarak pagar.Percobaan dilakukan di rumah kaca Balai Penelitian Tanaman Rempahdan Aneka Tanaman Industri (Balittri) Pakuwon, Sukabumi, Jawa Barat,pada September 2006 sampai dengan Juli 2007, disusun dalam rancanganacak lengkap (RAL) dengan 3 (tiga) ulangan. Setiap unit percobaan terdiriatas 20 tanaman. Perlakuan yang diuji adalah: (a) daun ke-1 atau daunyang terletak tepat di bawah kuncup daun yang belum mekar sempurna,(b) daun ke-2 atau daun yang terletak setelah/di bawah daun ke-1, (c) daunke-3, dan (d) daun ke-4. Parameter yang diamati adalah kadar P daun (%),kadar P tersedia di tanah dan rhizosphere yang diukur dengan metodeBray-1 P. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa daun ke-2 adalah posisidaun yang sesuai sebagai contoh daun untuk analisis status P pada bibitjarak pagar (Jatropha curcas L.). Kadar P di rhizosphere lebih rendahdaripada kadar P di tanah (Bray-1P) yang jauh dari akar jarak pagar. Padadaun ke-2, keeratan hubungan yang ditunjukkan oleh koefisien regresi (R2)antara kadar Bray-1 P di rhizosphere dan kadar P daun jarak pagar (R2 =0.394) lebih tinggi daripada hubungan antara kadar Bray-1 P di tanah dankadar P daun (R2 = 0.371), sehingga untuk keperluan menggambarkanketersediaan P tanah atau untuk melihat hubungan P tanah tersedia dengankadar ataupun serapan P tanaman jarak pagar, akan lebih tepat bila contohtanah yang diambil berasal dari rhizosphere akar tanaman.Kata kunci: Jarak pagar (Jatropha curcas L.), posisi daun, status P, Ptanah tersediaABSTRACTDetermination of leaf sample position for analysis of Pstatus in physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.) seedlings andthe available P in the root zoneStatus of P in plants can be quantified by analyzing concentrationsof the nutrient in leaf as the leaf is the most active plant part. For this,information on appropriate leaf position as samples for analysis of P statusin the plants is needed. A research was conducted with aims to determinean appropriate leaf position of physic nut seedlings and to studydifferences between the concentrations of available P (Bray-1 P) in thebulk soil and the rhizosphere, along with their relationships with theconcentrations of leaf P. The experiment was carried out in a glasshouse ofIndonesian Spices and Other Industrial Crops Research Institute,Sukabumi, West Java, from September 2006 to July 2007. The experimentwas arranged in a completely randomized design with three replications.Each experimental unit consisted of 20 plants. The treatments were: (a) 1stleaf or a leaf located exactly below the shoot, (b) 2nd leaf or a leaf locatedbelow the 1st leaf, (c) 3rd leaf, and (d) 4th leaf. All the leaves were takenfrom the primary branch of the plants. Parameters measured were Pconcentrations in the leaf, P concentrations in the bulk soil and therhizosphere (Bray-1 P). The results showed that the 2nd leaf position wasthe appropriate leaf position to be taken as samples for the leaf analysis ofP status in physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.) seedlings. The concentrationsof Bray-1 P in the rhizosphere were lower than that in the bulk soil, whichis further away from the roots. The R2 values for the relationships betweenthe Bray-1 P concentrations in the rhizosphere and the the 2nd leaf Pconcentrations were higher than that between the Bray-1 P concentrationsin the bulk soil and the 2nd leaf P concentrations, hence, for the objectivesto show the soil P availability or to show the relationships between theavailable soil P and the concentrations or the P uptake by the physic nut, itwill be more accurate if the soil samples are taken from the rhizosphere.Key words: Physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.), leaf position, P status,available soil


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    ABSTRAKJarak pagar (Jatropha curcas L.) menghasilkan limbah dari bijipada saat pemrosesan biji menjadi minyak kasar (JCO). Limbah ini berupabungkil yang dapat dimanfaatkan baik untuk pupuk organik maupununtuk bahan pestisida nabati. Bahan kimia yang bersifat toksik terhadapserangga dalam biji jarak pagar adalah phorbol ester dan curcin.Keduanya terikat dalam minyak ketika pemrosesan dan efektif untukmengendalikan beberapa hama tanaman perkebunan setelah diformulasi.Ternyata di dalam bungkil sebagai limbahnya masih tersisa kedua bahanaktif tersebut, oleh sebab itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihatefektivitas formula ekstrak bungkil jarak pagar terhadap hama utama kapasyaitu Helicoverpa armigera H农bner. Penelitian dilaksanakan diLaboratorium Entomologi, Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pemanis dan Serat(Balittas Malang) pada bulan April sampai Desember 2010 menggunakanrancangan acak kelompok dengan 6 perlakuan (4 perlakuan konsentrasidan 2 kontrol) dan 4 ulangan. Biji jarak pagar yang digunakan merupakanaksesi dari Sulawesi Selatan, Lampung, dan Jawa Timur. Bungkildimaserasi聽 menggunakan聽 pelarut聽 metanol,聽 kemudian聽 diformulasimenggunakan detergen dengan konsentrasi 5, 10, 20, dan 40 ml ditambahmasing-masing 1 g detergen dalam 1 liter larutan. Aplikasi dilakukan duamacam sebagai racun kontak dan racun pakan. Pengamatan dilakukanterhadap mortalitas, berat pupa, dan peneluran serangga pada 24, 48, 72,dan 120 jam setelah aplikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa urutanefektivitas aksesi jarak pagar adalah Sulawesi Selatan, Lampung, dan JawaTimur yang ternyata berkorelasi positif dengan kandungan phorbol esteryaitu 9,39; 6,64; dan 4,39 碌g/ml. Tidak satu butirpun telur yang diletakkanpada aplikasi 10 ml aksesi Sulsel + 1 g detergen/l larutan dan 20 ml aksesiJatim + 1 g detergen/l larutan.Kata kunci : Jatropha curcas L, curcin, phorbol ester, bungkil biji jarakpagar, Helicoverpa armigera H农bner, mortalitas, peneluranABSTRACTEffect of Jatropha cake oil on mortality and fertility ofHelicoverpa armigera H农bnerPhysic nut (Jatropha curcas L.) produces waste from its seedsduring seed processing into JCO. This waste (cake) can be furtherprocessed into organic fertilizer and botanical pesticide. The toxicchemicals for insect inside the seeds are phorbol ester and curcin. Both areincluded in JCO during the process and those are effective to control estatecrops insect pests after being formulated. In fact same of those chemicalsstill remain in the seeds cake, therefore, the objective of the research is tofind out the effectiveness of its formulation on Helicoverpa armigeraH农bner, the main pest of cotton. The research was carried out at theIndonesian Sweetener and Fiber Crops Research Institute, Malang fromApril to December 2010, and the experiment was arranged usingRandomized Block Design with 6 treatments and 4 replicates. Thematerials used were three (3) accessions of jatropha from South Sulawesi,Lampung, and East Java origins. Methanol was used for extracting thechemicals, and then detergent was used for formulating 4 concentrationlevels of : 5, 10, 20, and 40 ml/l + 1 g detergent each. The methods usedwere contact and oral applications. The parameters observed weremortality, pupae weight and fertility. It was revealed that the effectivenesswas positively correlated with phorbol ester contents i.e. 9.39, 6.64, and4.39 碌g/ml for South Sulawesi, Lampung, and East Java accessions,respectively. There was no egg laid by female of H. armigera fed withshoots and squares contaminated with bio-pesticides (10 and 20 ml/l ofSouth Sulawesi and East Java accessions).Key words : Jatropha curcas L, curcin, phorbol ester, Jatropha seed cakeoil, Helicoverpa armigera H农bner, mortality, fertilit

    EFEKTIVITAS MINYAK JARAK PAGAR DAN JAMUR Beauveria bassiana UNTUK PENGENDALIAN HAMA Helopeltis spp . PADA KAKAO / Effectivity of Jatropha Oil and Beauveria bassiana Fungi to Control Helopeltis spp. on Cacao

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    The oil of jatropha seeds has a potency as botanical pesticide, because of its chemical subtances which are unsaponifiable such as streoester, tryacycerol, diacilglicerol, sterol, monoacilglycerol and others. The chemical substances which are toxic to insect are sterol and triterpene alcohol. The other substance in fruits and seeds which is also toxic is curcin. The objective of this research is to find out the efectivity of jatropha cake and oil on mortality of Helopeltis spp. combined with commercial B. bassiana. Two factors were used in this activity i.e. accessions of Jatropha curcas and strains of B. bassiana. Accession factors consist of nine levels based on phorbol ester and curcin, as B. bassiana consists of three strains, so there were 27 combinations of treatments. The research used factorially block design with three replications. Variables observed were damage intensity, mortality of helopeltis and the effect on cacao seeds and B. bassiana development. The formulation contained 20% of jatropha oil or cake, 60% of solvent, 10% of emulsifiers and others. This formula was diluted in water with 10% concentration. The result of the research were a) Jatropha oil and cake had the same effect on insect mortality b) the combination between two accessions of jatropha (C100 and JW) and ED7 resulted 97-100% mortality, while c) B80 and C81 gave the highest mortality on Helopeltis spp. without the use of fungi.Keywords: Beauveria bassiana, cacao, Helopeltis spp, Jatropha curcas oil聽AbstrakMinyak biji jarak pagar berpotensi seb agai pestisida nabati, karena mengandung bahan kimia yang bersifat toksik terhadap serangga. Suatu penelitian telah dilakukan di Bogor dan Cianjur dari bulan Januari sampai dengan Desember 2012 untuk mengetahui efektifitas minyak dan bungkil biji jarak pagar dikombinasikan dengan Beauveria bassiana terhadap mortalitas Helopeltis spp. pada pertanaman kakao dan melihat tingkat kerusakannya. Kegiatan penelitian disusun dalam 2 faktor perlakuan yaitu aksesi jarak pagar dan strain B. bassiana. Aksesi terdiri dari 9 level dipilih dari berbagai jenis yang proporsinya berbeda antara curcin dan phorbol ester. Faktor kedua B. bassiana terdiri atas 3 level yaitu strain yang berasal dari kumbang Scolytidae dan Tingidae serta kontrol, sehingga kombinasi seluruhnya menjadi 27 perlakuan. Rancangan yang digunakan faktorial dalam kelompok dan diulang tiga kali. Banyaknya buah per perlakuan adalah tiga buah per tanaman. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap mortalitas serangga, banyaknya bercak per buah dan pengaruhnya terhadap biji, serta perkembangan B. bassiana. Helopeltis spp. diinfestasikan ke buah kakao yang telah dikerodong. Konsentrasi larutan yang disemprotkan adalah 10 cc/l. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Minyak dan bungkil jarak pagar memberikan efek yang sama terhadap mortalitas Helopeltis (2) Pemilihan aksesi terbaik tergantung dari ada-tidaknya jamur B. bassiana. Bila tersedia B. bassiana strain ED7 pilihan aksesi yaitu C100, dan jarak wangi. Kedua aksesi tersebut bila dikombinasikan dengan strain ED7 menghasilkan mortalitas 97-100%, (3) Apabila jamur B. bassiana tidak tersedia, pilihannya adalah B80 dan C81 karena efektivitasnya paling tinggi tanpa dikombinasikan dengan jamur B. bassiana.Kata kunci: minyak jarak pagar, B.bassiana, Helopeltis sp., kaka


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    ABSTRACTHelopeltis antonii is one of the major pests in most cashew growingareas in Indonesia. The pest attacks cashew plants in the nursery and alsoin the fields which caused significant damage. Apart of cashew the insectshave a lot of alternate host plants such as tea, cocoa, neem, pepper,mangoes, jamboes, etc. This research was aimed at investigating thedispersion pattern of H. antonii in cashew plantation. The research wasconducted in smallholder cashew plantation in Ngadirejo, Wonogiri,Indonesia from March 2004 to May 2006. The observation of H. antoniipopulation was carried out on 60 sample plants which selectedsystematically in about 2 ha cashew plantation area every two weeks.Distribution analysis using various indices of dispersion and regressionmodels was applied to evaluate the dispersion of H. antonii in cashewplantation. The result shows that variance to mean ratio (s 2 / x ), 蠂2, Lloydmean crowding, Green鈥檚 coefficient of dispersion and Taylor鈥檚 power lawindicate aggregated distribution when the population is high duringflushing-flowering seasons of cashew plants, and it indicates regular orrandom distribution when the population is low during post-floweringseasons. The aggregated distribution on cashew plants indicated that thereis a preferency to food sources of the plants and an individual behaviour toaggregate. Therefore, sampling and monitoring H. antonii in cashewplantation should be carried out systematically during flushing-floweringseasonsKey words: Cashew, 聽Anacardium 聽occidentale, 聽pest 聽management,Helopeltis antonii, dispersion, Central JavaABSTRAKPola sebaran Helopeltis antonii Signoret (Hemiptera:Miridae) pada pertanaman jambu meteHelopeltis antonii merupakan salah satu hama utama tanamanjambu mete yang ditemukan hampir di setiap area pengembangan mete diIndonesia. Hama ini menyerang tanaman jambu mete sejak pembibitanhingga di lapangan dengan kerusakan yang cukup signifikan. Selain jambumete, serangga ini juga mempunyai banyak inang alternatif antara lain teh,kakao, mimba, lada,mangga, jambu air dll. Penelitian ini bertujuan untukmenentukan sebaran serangga tersebut, khususnya sebaran horizontal padapertanaman jambu mete. Penelitian dilakukan di pertanaman jambu metemilik petani di daerah Ngadirejo, Wonogiri, Indonesia dari Maret 2004sampai Mei 2006. Pengamatan populasi H. antonii dilakukan pada 60tanaman sampel yang dipilih secara sistematik pada area pertanamanjambu mete seluas kurang lebih 2 ha setiap 2 minggu sekali. Hasil analisismenggunakan beberapa indek pengelompokan dan model regresi yaiturasio keragaman terhadap rata-rata (s 2 / x ), 蠂2,rata-rata pengelompokandari Lloyd, koefisien sebaran dari Green dan hukum kekuatan Taylormenunjukkan penyebaran yang mengelompok jika populasi tinggi selamamusim pembentukan tunas dan pembungaan jambu mete, dan merata atauacak jika populasi rendah sesudah musim pembungaan. Pengelompokan H.antonii pada tanaman jambu mete menunjukkan adanya ketertarikan padaketersediaan makanan pada tanaman jambu mete dan perilaku individuserangga tersebut. Oleh karena itu untuk pengambilan sampel danpengamatan serangga tersebut sebaiknya dilakukan secara sistematis padasaat musim pembentukan tunas dan pembungaan.Kata kunci: Jambu mete, Anacardium occidentale, pengendalian hama,Helopeltis antonii, sebaran, Jawa Tenga


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    Bushy-pepper is a modification of pepper farming technology without using the climbed pole. The research about bushy pepper had been carried out by many people but had not massively developed in pepper production center. The purpose of this research is to analyze the technical and financial performance of pepper cultivation in new development areas, conducted from September to November 2017 in Banyumas District, Central Java, by using survey method. Respondent was determined through snow-ball method and data collected using interview and plant observation. Technical performance analysis used cross-tabulation and descriptive interpretation, as the financial performance was analyzed using financial feasibility criteria such as NPV, B/C, and IRR. The research result showed that in Banyumas District bushy pepper was carried out using monoculture and polyculture cropping-pattern as intercrops under pine-forest. The two cropping pattern applicated denoted the good technical performance of vegetative and generative growth. In 2016/2017 there was endemy of pepper rot disease caused the low productivity during the last five years. The effect of high pepper price in the period 2012-2017 pushed the sale value of pepper, so the two cropping pattern of applicated produced feasible financial performance with positive NPV, B/C > 1, and IRR > 18%. Optimation of technical performance requires policy of handling of pepper rot disease and increasing application of cultivation technology, especially the use of healthy seed.Keywords: Bushy-pepper, cropping pattern, financial performance, technical performance聽AbstrakLada perdu merupakan hasil modifikasi teknologi budidaya lada yang tidak menggunakan tiang panjat. Penelitian tentang lada perdu sudah banyak dilakukan, namun demikian lada perdu belum diusahakan secara masif di daerah sentra produksi lada. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis kinerja teknis dan finansial budidaya lada perdu di daerah pengembangan baru, dilakukan pada bulan September sampai dengan November 2017 di Kabupaten Banyumas, Jawa Tengah, dengan menggunakan metode survei. Penentuan responden dengan metode bola salju dan pengumpulan data dengan teknik wawancara disertai observasi lapang. Analisis kinerja teknis menggunakan tabulasi silang dan diinterpretasi secara deskriptif, sedangkan kinerja finansial dianalisis dengan kriteria kelayakan finansial NPV, B/C, dan IRR. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa di Kabupaten Banyumas lada perdu dibudidayakan dengan pola tanam monokultur dan pola tanam polikultur sebagai tanaman sela pada tegakan hutan pinus. Kedua pola tanam yang diterapkan menunjukkan kinerja teknis yang relatif baik pada pertumbuhan vegetatif dan generatif, namun mengalami serangan penyakit busuk pangkal batang pada tahun 2016/2017 menyebabkan produktivitas kumulatif selama lima tahun relatif rendah. Pengaruh harga lada yang relatif tinggi pada periode 2012-2017 mendongkrak nilai jual lada, sehingga kedua pola tanam yang diterapkan menghasilkan kinerja finansial yang layak berdasarkan kriteria NPV positif, B/C > 1, dan IRR > 18%. Pengoptimalan kinerja teknis memerlukan kebijakan penanganan penyakit busuk pangkal batang dan perbaikan penerapan teknologi budidaya, khususnya penggunaan benih yang sehat.Kata kunci: kinerja finansial, kinerja teknis, lada perdu, pola tana