1,329 research outputs found

    Generalized second law of thermodynamics in modified FRW cosmology with corrected entropy-area relation

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    Using the corrected entropy-area relation motivated by the loop quantum gravity, we investigate the validity of the generalized second law of thermodynamics in the framework of modified FRW cosmology. We consider a non-flat universe filled with an interacting viscous dark energy with dark matter and radiation. The boundary of the universe is assumed to be the dynamical apparent horizon. We find out that the generalized second law is always satisfied throughout the history of the universe for any spatial curvature regardless of the dark energy model.Comment: 9 pages, accepted for publication in Europhysics Letter

    Hepatoxicity of aqueous extract and fractionated methanol extract of Phytolacca americana by isolated rat liver perfusion system

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    Recombinant retroviral vector containing human tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase-2 (TIMP-2) gene was constructed and investigation of the in vitro invasion and metastasis of gastric cancer cells transfected with TIMP-2 was carried out. Human TlMP-2 was isolated from recombinant vector Bluescript 1/TIMP-2(+), and then inserted into the retroviral vector pL-MT. Correct orientation was verified by restriction endonuclease digestion. Human full length TIMP-2 gene was ligated into a plasmid, which was then transfected into PA317 cell line. G418-resistant individual clones were selected to transfect human SGC-7901 cell line. Cell proliferation, cell electrophoresis, soft agar colony formation and in vitro invasion were detected to analyze the bio-behavioral changes of cancer cells. The results from restriction endonuclease digestion were as theoretically expected. The cell electrophoresis rate, colony number and invasion ability in SGC-7901 cells and MFC cells transfected with TIMP-2 gene were significantly decreased when compared with control group. However, no significant changes were noted in the proliferation of cancer cells. We successfully construct a recombinant retroviral vector containing human TIMP-2. TIMP-2 transfection could markedly alter the membrane charge of cancer cells, resulting in decreased electrophoresis capacity, cell migration and invasion. However, cell growth was not affected by TIMP-2. These results suggested TIMP-2 transfection might exert effects on the malignant phenotype of cancer cells through affecting extracellular environment, which provided a new way to investigate gene regulation of in vitro collagen metabolism

    Investigation on proximate composition, fatty acid profile and sensory evaluation of Nile (Oreochromis niloticus) and Hybrid Red Tilapia fillet farmed in brackish ground water of Bafgh, Yzad

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    The aim of this study was to determine proximate compositions and sensory evaluation of tilapia meat. For this purpose, farmed Nile tilapia and Red tilapia were collected from the Inland Saline Waters Aquaculture Research Center located in Bafgh, Yazd. Fish were transported to Aquatic Fish Processing Research Center. Fatty acid composition, protein, fat, moisture, ash and sensory evaluation in fish meat were analyzed. Results showed that the tilapia meat had 1.30–1.68% fat, 18.70-19.26 protein, 78-79% moisture and 1.34-1.8% ash. Twenty seven fatty acids were identified in the tilapia meat. Saturated fatty acids were found between 24.84–27.12%, mono-unsaturated fatty acids 36.14-39% and poly unsaturated fatty acids 32.38-38.12%. Amount of Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) was calculated between 0.50-0.63% and between 6.12-6.19%, respectively. Results of sensory evaluation showed highest score for sensory evaluation parameters (color, odor, texture, test and flavors)

    Interacting viscous ghost tachyon, K-essence and dilaton scalar field models of dark energy

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    We study the correspondence between the interacting viscous ghost dark energy model with the tachyon, K-essence and dilaton scalar field models in the framework of Einstein gravity. We consider a spatially non-flat FRW universe filled with interacting viscous ghost dark energy and dark matter. We reconstruct both the dynamics and potential of these scalar field models according to the evolutionary behavior of the interacting viscous ghost dark energy model, which can describe the accelerated expansion of the universe. Our numerical results show that the interaction and viscosity have opposite effects on the evolutionary properties of the ghost scalar filed models.Comment: 16 pages, 17 figure

    Effect of plant cover on presence of Black Francolin (Francolinus francolinus) in Khouzestan Province, Southwestern Iran

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    Three of 6 subspecies of black francolins (Francolinus francolinus), are found throughout Iran. Habitat destruction and indiscriminate hunting as well as agricultural pesticides are among the most crucial factors threatening the populations of these birds in Khouzestan Province, southwestern Iran. Using plot sampling, this study aims to investigate different vegetative factors including plant species, percentage of species presence and dominant plant cover height on francolin presence. Sampling was carried out throughout 5 presence areas of black francolin and 2 areas lacking francolins (control areas). Results showed that frequency of Camels thorn (Alhagi cameloram), Cashew (Prosopis farcta) and African Salsola (Suaeda fruticosa) were higher in presence areas compared with other plant species. Using One Way ANOVA, it was determined that there was no significant difference between plant cover percent (P = 0.279) and dominant plant cover height (P = 0.316). However, difference of these two mentioned factors were significant in 4 seasons (P = 000 for cover height and P = 0.001 for cover percent). In fact, the highest black francolin presence was recorded at 15 – 67 and 4 – 48 for cover percent and cover height classes respectively

    Reconstruction of modified gravity with ghost dark energy models

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    In this work, we reconstruct the f(R)f(R) modified gravity for different ghost and generalized ghost dark energy models in FRW flat universe, which describe the accelerated expansion of the universe. The equation of state of reconstructed f(R)f(R) - gravity has been calculated. We show that the corresponding f(R)f(R) gravity of ghost dark energy model can behave like phantom or quintessence. We also show that the equation of state of reconstructed f(R)f(R) gravity for generalized ghost model can transit from quintessence regime to the phantom regime as indicated by recent observations.Comment: 13 pages, some references and one author are added. Accepted for publication by MPL

    Interacting entropy-corrected new agegraphic dark energy in Brans-Dicke cosmology

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    Motivated by a recent work of one of us [1], we extend it by using quantum (or entropy) corrected new agegraphic dark energy in the Brans-Dicke cosmology. The correction terms are motivated from the loop quantum gravity which is one of the competitive theories of quantum gravity. Taking the non-flat background spacetime along with the conformal age of the universe as the length scale, we derive the dynamical equation of state of dark energy and the deceleration parameter. An important consequence of this study is the phantom divide scenario with entropy-corrected new agegraphic dark energy. Moreover, we assume a system of dark matter, radiation and dark energy, while the later interacts only with dark matter. We obtain some essential expressions related with dark energy dynamics. The cosmic coincidence problem is also resolved in our model.Comment: 16 pages, no figure, accepted for publication in Gen. Relativ. Gra

    Breeding ecology of the Iranian ground jay (Podoces pleskei)

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    Although Podoces pleskei is the only endemic bird of Iran, little information exists on its ecological features, population dynamics and threats that concern it. This species occurs in desert and semi desert areas, mostly on the Iranian plateau, though its range spreads southeast ward to the Iran- Pakistan border. In this research, a total of 52 nests were studied in three locations, the “Ghare Tappe”, “Marvast” and “Mehrano” region, from 2005 to 2008. Breeding habits, nest characteristics, hatching features, clutch size, length of incubation time, nesting period and features of the chicks were observed in the three locations and were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA). To compare breeding success among the three study areas, Z test was applied. This bird builds its nest at the top of and within the denser parts of plants, particularly Atraphaxis spinosa, Ephedra intermedia and Zygophyllum eurypterum. At times of danger, they hide beneath shrubs. Z-tests showed that the breeding success of this bird varied between Marvast and Mehrano. The greatest cause of nest failure and chick mortality was the transcaspian desert monitor (Varanus griseus caspius), which feeds on the eggs and chicks.Key words: Breeding ecology, Pleske’s ground jay, nest characteristics, clutch size, nest success, threat
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