11 research outputs found

    Predicting depressional storage from soil surface roughness

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    The Mechanism behind Vibration Assisted Fluidization of Cohesive Micro-Silica

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    Vibro-assisted fluidization of cohesive micro-silica has been studied by means of X-ray imaging, pressure drop measurements, and off-line determination of the agglomerate size. Pressure drop and bed height development could be explained by observable phenomena taking place in the bed; slugging, channeling, fluidization or densification. It was observed that channeling is the main cause of poor fluidization of the micro-silica, resulting in poor gas-solid contact and little internal mixing. Improvement in fluidization upon starting the mechanical vibration was achieved by disrupting the channels. Agglomerate sizes were found to not significantly change during experiments.ChemE/Product and Process EngineeringChemE/O&O groe

    Rugosidade superficial do solo sob diferentes doses de resíduo de milho submetido à chuva simulada Soil surface roughness with different doses of corn residue submitted to simulated rainfall

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a rugosidade e a tortuosidade da superfície do solo, preparado com diferentes doses de resíduo cultural de milho, e relacioná-las com o volume de chuva simulada. Em um Cambissolo, em La Coruña, Espanha, em agosto de 2005, avaliou-se a rugosidade superficial, no preparo mínimo sob chuva simulada, com as doses de 0, 2, 4, 6 e 8 t ha-1 de resíduo de milho picado e semi-incorporado ao solo. Aplicaram-se oito testes de chuva simulada, com 65 mm h-1 e 60 min cada um. A rugosidade e a tortuosidade, ao acaso, foram menores do que na condição linear e, as desta condição foram menores do que na condição original. A redução da rugosidade e da tortuosidade, em decorrência das chuvas, diminuiu com o aumento da dose de resíduo de milho. A rugosidade superficial foi mais fortemente influenciada quando se eliminou o efeito da declividade do terreno do que quando se eliminaram, simultaneamente, os efeitos da declividade e das marcas de preparo do solo para o seu cálculo.<br>The objective of this work was to determine the surface roughness and the tortuosity of the soil tilled with different doses of corn residues, and to relate them to simulated rainfall volume. In an Inceptisol, in La Coruña, Spain, in August of 2005, the surface roughness and tortuosity were evaluated in the minimum soil tillage system under simulated rain, with the doses 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8 t ha-1 of corn residues semi-incorporated to the soil for manual tillage. Eight tests of simulated rain were applied, with 65 mm h-1 and 60 min each one. The surface roughness and tortuosity were determined before the application of the residue, immediately after the soil tillage and immediately after the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th tests of the rain. The reduction of the roughness and of the tortuosity, due to rain, decreased with the increase of corn residues doses. The superficial roughness was more strongly influenced, when the effect of land steepness was eliminated, than when were eliminated, simultaneously, the effects of steepness and of tillage marks for this calculate

    Rugosidade da superfície do solo sob diferentes sistemas de manejo e influenciada por chuva artificial Soil surface roughness under diferent management systems and artificial rainfall

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    A rugosidade da superfície do solo é influenciada pelo manejo, formada em especial pelo tipo de preparo e reduzida pela ação da chuva, principalmente. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a influência de diferentes sistemas de manejo do solo e da aplicação de chuva artificial na rugosidade da superfície do solo. Os tratamentos estudados resultaram da combinação de três sistemas de manejo do solo, semeadura direta (SD), preparo convencional (PC) e cultivo mínimo (CM), com três doses de resíduo vegetal seco de soja (Glycine max L. Merrill): 0, 2 e 4 Mg ha-1. Nas unidades experimentais foram aplicadas sete chuvas, com intensidade de precipitação pluvial de 60 mm h-1 e duração de 60 min cada, totalizando 420 mm de lâmina de chuva. A rugosidade foi avaliada imediatamente antes e após o preparo do solo e imediatamente após a aplicação de cada uma das sete chuvas artificiais. Obtiveram-se valores do índice de rugosidade ao acaso entre 1,88 e 5,41 mm na semeadura direta; entre 3,88 e 8,30 mm no preparo convencional; e entre 8,99 e 17,45 mm no cultivo mínimo. Concluiu-se que: as operações de preparo do solo aumentaram a rugosidade da sua superfície, em geral; o cultivo mínimo foi o sistema de preparo do solo que proporcionou os maiores valores de rugosidade ao acaso; e nos tratamentos semeadura direta com cobertura do solo a ação da chuva não promoveu decaimento do microrrelevo do solo.<br>Soil roughness is influenced by soil management, particularly by soil tillage and mainly reduced by rainfall action. This study aimed to evaluate the influence of different systems of soil management and artificial rainfall application on soil surface roughness. The treatments were a result of the combination of three systems: no-tillage, conventional tillage and minimum tillage, with three levels of dry soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill): residue: 0; 2; and 4 Mg ha-1. Experimental units received artificial rain (seven rains), at an intensity of 60 mm h-1 and during 60 min each, amounting to 420 mm rain. Roughness was evaluated immediately before and after tilling and immediately after the rainfalls. Roughness values between 1.88 and 5.41 mm were found under no-tillage, 3.88 and 8.30 mm under conventional tillage, and 3.31 and 17.45 mm under minimum tillage. It was concluded that soil tillage operations generally increased surface roughness. Values of random roughness were highest under minimum tillage; rain did not deteriorate the soil microrelief in the no-tillage treatments with soil cover