6 research outputs found

    Experimental Production of Lingual Tumor by Jet Injection of 9, 10-dimethyl 1, 2-bemzamtjracene

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    Ninety-six male golden hamsters, 3 months of age, were injected with a 0.25% solution of 9, 10-dimethyl 1, 2-benzanthracene in acetone into the tongue at weekly intervals using a Panjet injector (Panjet^[○!R]: Wright, G. E.). Thirty hamsters surviving for six months or longer after initiation of the carcinogen injection were subjected to observation. By the llth week of experiment, the lingual mucosa became slightly hypertrophic and whitish in patches. Around the 24th week, nearly 80% of the animals were found to have formation of nodules in the lingual mucosa. After the 35th week of treatment the nodules grew in size of showed a papillary growth in occasinal animals. Histopathologically, there were seen dysplasia (11 animals), dysplasia with epithelial down growth (7 animals), papilloma (7 animals), carcinoma (3 animals), hemangioma (1 animal), neurilemmoma (1 animal)

    Jugular Vein Technique for Serial Blood Sampling in the Hamster

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    The puncture is performed via the external jugular vein in hamster (100g) under appropriate anesthesia and will give 1 ml within 30 seconds with certainty and security. Blood volumes up to 1 ml have been obtained once a week for a period of 20 weeks

    Free Amino Acids and Related Compounds in the Fluid from Surgical Ciliated Cysts of the Maxilla

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    Fluids from 6 surgical ciliated cysts of the maxilla and autologous sera were analyzed for total free amino acids and related compounds concentrations. All of the amino acids present in the serum were observed in the cyst fluids, but the concentrations and profile of their constituents were markedly different from that of the serum. The concentrations of non-essential amino acids such as Ala, Glx, and Gly were extremely low in the cyst fluids. The composition and concentration of the amino acids and related compounds in the fluids of these cysts may reflect the balance between proteolytic and catabolic metabolism and also in the permeability effect of the lining cells of the cyst wall

    A Comparative Study on Histopathological Aspects of Benign and Malignant Smooth Muscle Tumors appeared in Oral Regions

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    Histopathological aspects of two cases of smooth muscle tumors appeared in oral regions (case 1: angiomyoma; case 2: leiomyosarcoma) have been described. Histopathological features of both cases showed a similarity in terms of relationship with blood vessels. In spite of the changes of cell structure and the destructive pattern of cell proliferation, the results as determined by special staining techniques were the same in the benign and malignant tumors. The histopathological features, origin, and differential diagnosis of the two types of tumors were also discussed