Experimental Production of Lingual Tumor by Jet Injection of 9, 10-dimethyl 1, 2-bemzamtjracene


Ninety-six male golden hamsters, 3 months of age, were injected with a 0.25% solution of 9, 10-dimethyl 1, 2-benzanthracene in acetone into the tongue at weekly intervals using a Panjet injector (Panjet^[○!R]: Wright, G. E.). Thirty hamsters surviving for six months or longer after initiation of the carcinogen injection were subjected to observation. By the llth week of experiment, the lingual mucosa became slightly hypertrophic and whitish in patches. Around the 24th week, nearly 80% of the animals were found to have formation of nodules in the lingual mucosa. After the 35th week of treatment the nodules grew in size of showed a papillary growth in occasinal animals. Histopathologically, there were seen dysplasia (11 animals), dysplasia with epithelial down growth (7 animals), papilloma (7 animals), carcinoma (3 animals), hemangioma (1 animal), neurilemmoma (1 animal)

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