1,226 research outputs found

    Investigating The Life Cycle Of Haplosporidium nelsoni (MSX)

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    Attempts to decipher the life cycle of Haplosporidium nelsoni began almost immediately after it was identified as the pathogen causing MSX disease in eastern oysters, Crassostrea virginica. But transmission experiments failed and the spore stage, characteristic of haplosporidans, was extremely rare. Researchers concluded that another host was involved: an intermediate host in which part of the life cycle was produced, or-if the oyster was an accidental host-an alternate host that produces infective elements. A later finding that spores were found more often in spat (\u3c 1 y old) than in adults revived the idea of direct transmission between oysters. The new findings and the availability of molecular diagnostics led us to revive life cycle investigations. Over several years, oyster spat were examined for spores and searched for H. nelsoni in potential non-oyster hosts using both histological and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) methodologies. Although spores occurred in a high proportion of spat with advanced infections, it was concluded that they were unlikely to be a principal source of infective elements because naive oysters used as sentinels to assess infection pressure became highly infected even after native oysters developed resistance, and infected spat could no longer be found. A histological survey of zooplankton and small bivalves in Delaware Bay found few recognizable parasites and nothing resembling a haplosporidan. A subsequent PCR study of water, sediment, and macro-invertebrates from Chesapeake, Delaware, and Oyster bays resulted in many positive samples, but in situ hybridization failed to identify any recognizable structures. PCR analysis of potential intermediate hosts for other molluscan pathogens has also resulted in many species yielding positive results but required in situ hybridization to verify infections. It is suggested that any future search for a nonoyster host of H. nelsoni be conducted in a relatively confined system and/or target specific phyla, strategies that have been successful in other life cycle studies. It is noted that candidate phyla could include those known to host haplosporidans and species whose abundance or distribution may have changed in concert with outbreaks of MSX disease in the northeastern United States in recent years

    Contrasting charge-carrier dynamics across key metal-halide perovskite compositions through in situ simultaneous probes

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    Metal-halide perovskites have proven to be a versatile group of semiconductors for optoelectronic applications, with ease of bandgap tuning and stability improvements enabled by halide and cation mixing. However, such compositional variations can be accompanied by significant changes in their charge-carrier transport and recombination regimes that are still not fully understood. Here, a novel combinatorial technique is presented to disentangle such dynamic processes over a wide range of temperatures, based on transient free-space, high-frequency microwave conductivity and photoluminescence measurements conducted simultaneously in situ. Such measurements are used to reveal and contrast the dominant charge-carrier recombination pathways for a range of key compositions: prototypical methylammonium lead iodide perovskite (MAPbI3), the stable mixed formamidinium-caesium lead-halide perovskite FA0.83Cs0.17PbBr0.6I2.4 targeted for photovoltaic tandems with silicon, and fully inorganic wide-bandgap CsPbBr3 aimed toward light sources and X-ray detector applications. The changes in charge-carrier dynamics in FA0.83Cs0.17PbBr0.6I2.4 across temperatures are shown to be dominated by radiative processes, while those in MAPbI3 are governed by energetic disorder at low temperatures, low-bandgap minority-phase inclusions around the phase transition, and non-radiative processes at room temperature. In contrast, CsPbBr3 exhibits significant charge-carrier trapping at low and high temperatures, highlighting the need for improvement of material processing techniques for wide-bandgap perovskites

    Warped black holes in 3D general massive gravity

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    We study regular spacelike warped black holes in the three dimensional general massive gravity model, which contains both the gravitational Chern-Simons term and the linear combination of curvature squared terms characterizing the new massive gravity besides the Einstein-Hilbert term. The parameters of the metric are found by solving a quartic equation constrained by an inequality that imposes the absence of closed timelike curves. Explicit expressions for the central charges are suggested by exploiting the fact that these black holes are discrete quotients of spacelike warped AdS(3) and a known formula for the entropy. Previous results obtained separately in topological massive gravity and in new massive gravity are recovered as special cases.Comment: 38 pages, 7 figures. v2: minor changes, added refs and an appendix on self-dual and null z-warped black hole

    AdS Black Hole Solutions in the Extended New Massive Gravity

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    We have obtained (warped) AdS black hole solutions in the three dimensional extended new massive gravity. We investigate some properties of black holes and obtain central charges of the two dimensional dual CFT. To obtain the central charges, we use the relation between entropy and temperature according to the AdS/CFT dictionary. For AdS black holes, one can also use the central charge function formalism which leads to the same results.Comment: 24pages, some organization corrected, minor corrections, references added, final published versio

    Holographic Renormalization and Stress Tensors in New Massive Gravity

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    We obtain holographically renormalized boundary stress tensors with the emphasis on a special point in the parameter space of three dimensional new massive gravity, using the so-called Fefferman-Graham coordinates with relevant counter terms. Through the linearized equations of motion with a standard prescription, we also obtain correlators among these stress tensors. We argue that the self-consistency of holographic renormalization determines counter terms up to unphysical ambiguities. Using these renormalized stress tensors in Fefferman-Graham coordinates, we obtain the central charges of dual CFT, and mass and angular momentum of some AdSAdS black hole solutions. These results are consistent with the previous ones obtained by other methods. In this study on the Fefferman-Graham expansion of new massive gravity, some aspects of higher curvature gravity are revealed.Comment: Version accepted for publication in JHEP, conclusion revised, references adde

    Demography and disorders of German Shepherd Dogs under primary veterinarycare in the UK

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    The German Shepherd Dog (GSD) has been widely used for a variety of working roles. However, concerns for the health and welfare of the GSD have been widely aired and there is evidence that breed numbers are now in decline in the UK. Accurate demographic and disorder data could assist with breeding and clinical prioritisation. The VetCompassTM Programme collects clinical data on dogs under primary veterinary care in the UK. This study included all VetCompassTM dogs under veterinary care during 2013. Demographic, mortality and clinical diagnosis data on GSDs were extracted and reported

    On asymptotically AdS-like solutions of three dimensional massive gravity

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    In this paper we have added Maxwell, Maxwell-Chern-Simons and gravitational Chern-Simons terms to Born-Infeld extended new massive gravity and we have found different types of (non)extremal charged black holes. For each black hole we find mass, angular momentum, entropy and temperature. Since our solutions are asymptotically AdS or warped-AdS, we infer central charges of dual CFTs by using Cardy's formula. Computing conserved charges associated to asymptotic symmetry transformations confirms calculation of central charges. For CFTs dual to asymptotically AdS solutions we find left central charges from Cardy's formula, while conserved charge approach gives both left and right central charges. For CFTs dual to asymptotically warped-AdS solutions, left and right central charges are equal when we have Maxwell-Chern-Simons term but they have different values when gravitational Chern-Simons term is included.Comment: 30 pages, 11 tables. Improved version (two new sections added for asymptotic conserved charges). Accepted in JHE

    Development and validation of a paediatric long-bone fracture classification. A prospective multicentre study in 13 European paediatric trauma centres

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    Background: The aim of this study was to develop a child-specific classification system for long bone fractures and to examine its reliability and validity on the basis of a prospective multicentre study. Methods: Using the sequentially developed classification system, three samples of between 30 and 185 paediatric limb fractures from a pool of 2308 fractures documented in two multicenter studies were analysed in a blinded fashion by eight orthopaedic surgeons, on a total of 5 occasions. Intra- and interobserver reliability and accuracy were calculated. Results: The reliability improved with successive simplification of the classification. The final version resulted in an overall interobserver agreement of kappa=0.71 with no significant difference between experienced and less experienced raters. Conclusions: In conclusion, the evaluation of the newly proposed classification system resulted in a reliable and routinely applicable system, for which training in its proper use may further improve the reliability. It can be recommended as a useful tool for clinical practice and offers the option for developing treatment recommendations and outcome predictions in the future

    On renormalization group flows and the a-theorem in 6d

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    We study the extension of the approach to the a-theorem of Komargodski and Schwimmer to quantum field theories in d=6 spacetime dimensions. The dilaton effective action is obtained up to 6th order in derivatives. The anomaly flow a_UV - a_IR is the coefficient of the 6-derivative Euler anomaly term in this action. It then appears at order p^6 in the low energy limit of n-point scattering amplitudes of the dilaton for n > 3. The detailed structure with the correct anomaly coefficient is confirmed by direct calculation in two examples: (i) the case of explicitly broken conformal symmetry is illustrated by the free massive scalar field, and (ii) the case of spontaneously broken conformal symmetry is demonstrated by the (2,0) theory on the Coulomb branch. In the latter example, the dilaton is a dynamical field so 4-derivative terms in the action also affect n-point amplitudes at order p^6. The calculation in the (2,0) theory is done by analyzing an M5-brane probe in AdS_7 x S^4. Given the confirmation in two distinct models, we attempt to use dispersion relations to prove that the anomaly flow is positive in general. Unfortunately the 4-point matrix element of the Euler anomaly is proportional to stu and vanishes for forward scattering. Thus the optical theorem cannot be applied to show positivity. Instead the anomaly flow is given by a dispersion sum rule in which the integrand does not have definite sign. It may be possible to base a proof of the a-theorem on the analyticity and unitarity properties of the 6-point function, but our preliminary study reveals some difficulties.Comment: 41 pages, 5 figure

    Logarithmic Corrections to Schwarzschild and Other Non-extremal Black Hole Entropy in Different Dimensions

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    Euclidean gravity method has been successful in computing logarithmic corrections to extremal black hole entropy in terms of low energy data, and gives results in perfect agreement with the microscopic results in string theory. Motivated by this success we apply Euclidean gravity to compute logarithmic corrections to the entropy of various non-extremal black holes in different dimensions, taking special care of integration over the zero modes and keeping track of the ensemble in which the computation is done. These results provide strong constraint on any ultraviolet completion of the theory if the latter is able to give an independent computation of the entropy of non-extremal black holes from microscopic description. For Schwarzschild black holes in four space-time dimensions the macroscopic result seems to disagree with the existing result in loop quantum gravity.Comment: LaTeX, 40 pages; corrected small typos and added reference
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