85 research outputs found

    The scientific approach to legal history and legal reform: comparing the legal philosophy, historical methodology, and legal science of Blackstone, Kames, and Bentham

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    This thesis examines how William Blackstone, Lord Kames, and Jeremy Bentham each understood the significance of history in relation to legal development. By dedicating a chapter to each writer, discussing their legal and moral theory, and then examining their use of history within their writings, I show how each writer incorporated historical study within their legal sciences, and how it informed their ideas for legal reform. Each writer was representative of a specific moral theory – natural law, moral sense and common sense, and utilitarianism – and advocated a type of legal system. Blackstone adopted natural law theory and argued that it was the common law’s consistency with natural law that gave it validity. Kames advocated the idea of moral sense and common sense, and argued that legal change could occur within a court of equity. Finally, Bentham advocated the principle of utility, and argued that the English common law legal system should be replaced with a system of legislation based on the principle of utility. Thus, explaining the role that history played within their legal sciences provides a window into their views on the study of history and its usefulness for understanding law and society. While it is often assumed that Bentham’s philosophy was ahistorical, Bentham’s use of history was un-tendentious in comparison to Blackstone and Kames, who were concerned to appeal to history in order to support their legal and moral theories. Because Bentham’s legal science did not directly rely on history for validation or for determining legal reform, he was able to investigate and examine history at face value without being influenced by contemporary eighteenth-century issues. Bentham, moreover, wished to create a legal system that was clear, transparent, public, and rationally calculated. The rationality and transparency of Bentham’s legal system aimed to permit legal change to occur openly and quickly whenever needed

    The effect of tobacco smoking and treatment strategy on the one-year mortality of patients with acute non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The aim of the present study was to investigate whether a previously shown survival benefit resulting from routine early invasive management of unselected patients with acute non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) may differ according to smoking status and age.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Post-hoc analysis of a prospective observational cohort study of consecutive patients admitted for NSTEMI in 2003 (conservative strategy cohort [CS]; n = 185) and 2006 (invasive strategy cohort [IS]; n = 200). A strategy for transfer to a high-volume invasive center and routine early invasive management was implemented in 2005. Patients were subdivided into current smokers and non-smokers (including ex-smokers) on admission.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The one-year mortality rate of smokers was reduced from 37% in the CS to 6% in the IS (p < 0.001), and from 30% to 23% for non-smokers (p = 0.18). Non-smokers were considerably older than smokers (median age 80 vs. 63 years, p < 0.001). The percentage of smokers who underwent revascularization (angioplasty or coronary artery bypass grafting) within 7 days increased from 9% in the CS to 53% in the IS (p < 0.001). The corresponding numbers for non-smokers were 5% and 27% (p < 0.001). There was no interaction between strategy and age (p = 0.25), as opposed to a significant interaction between strategy and smoking status (p = 0.024). Current smoking was an independent predictor of one-year mortality (hazard ratio 2.61, 95% confidence interval 1.43-4.79, p = 0.002).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The treatment effect of an early invasive strategy in unselected patients with NSTEMI was more pronounced among smokers than non-smokers. The benefit for smokers was not entirely explained by differences in baseline confounders, such as their younger age.</p

    cAMP/PKA signaling balances respiratory activity with mitochondria dependent apoptosis via transcriptional regulation

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    Background Appropriate control of mitochondrial function, morphology and biogenesis are crucial determinants of the general health of eukaryotic cells. It is therefore imperative that we understand the mechanisms that co-ordinate mitochondrial function with environmental signaling systems. The regulation of yeast mitochondrial function in response to nutritional change can be modulated by PKA activity. Unregulated PKA activity can lead to the production of mitochondria that are prone to the production of ROS, and an apoptotic form of cell death. Results We present evidence that mitochondria are sensitive to the level of cAMP/PKA signaling and can respond by modulating levels of respiratory activity or committing to self execution. The inappropriate activation of one of the yeast PKA catalytic subunits, Tpk3p, is sufficient to commit cells to an apoptotic death through transcriptional changes that promote the production of dysfunctional, ROS producing mitochondria. Our data implies that cAMP/PKA regulation of mitochondrial function that promotes apoptosis engages the function of multiple transcription factors, including HAP4, SOK2 and SCO1. Conclusions We propose that in yeast, as is the case in mammalian cells, mitochondrial function and biogenesis are controlled in response to environmental change by the concerted regulation of multiple transcription factors. The visualization of cAMP/TPK3 induced cell death within yeast colonies supports a model that PKA regulation plays a physiological role in coordinating respiratory function and cell death with nutritional status in budding yeast

    Thymosin β10 Expression Driven by the Human TERT Promoter Induces Ovarian Cancer-Specific Apoptosis through ROS Production

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    Thymosin β10 (Tβ10) regulates actin dynamics as a cytoplasm G-actin sequestering protein. Previously, we have shown that Tβ10 diminishes tumor growth, angiogenesis, and proliferation by disrupting actin and by inhibiting Ras. However, little is known about its mechanism of action and biological function. In the present study, we establish a new gene therapy model using a genetically modified adenovirus, referred to as Ad.TERT.Tβ10, that can overexpress the Tβ10 gene in cancer cells. This was accomplished by replacing the native Tβ10 gene promoter with the human TERT promoter in Ad.TERT.Tβ10. We investigated the cancer suppression activity of Tβ10 and found that Ad.TERT.Tβ10 strikingly induced cancer-specific expression of Tβ10 as well as apoptosis in a co-culture model of human primary ovarian cancer cells and normal fibroblasts. Additionally, Ad.TERT.Tβ10 decreased mitochondrial membrane potential and increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. These effects were amplified by co-treatment with anticancer drugs, such as paclitaxel and cisplatin. These findings indicate that the rise in ROS production due to actin disruption by Tβ10 overexpression increases apoptosis of human ovarian cancer cells. Indeed, the cancer-specific overexpression of Tβ10 by Ad.TERT.Tβ10 could be a valuable anti-cancer therapeutic for the treatment of ovarian cancer without toxicity to normal cells

    Management practices for control of ragwort species

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    The ragwort species common or tansy ragwort (Jacobaea vulgaris, formerly Senecio jacobaea), marsh ragwort (S. aquaticus), Oxford ragwort (S. squalidus) and hoary ragwort (S. erucifolius) are native in Europe, but invaded North America, Australia and New Zealand as weeds. The abundance of ragwort species is increasing in west-and central Europe. Ragwort species contain different groups of secondary plant compounds defending them against generalist herbivores, contributing to their success as weeds. They are mainly known for containing pyrrolizidine alkaloids, which are toxic to grazing cattle and other livestock causing considerable losses to agricultural revenue. Consequently, control of ragwort is obligatory by law in the UK, Ireland and Australia. Commonly used management practices to control ragwort include mechanical removal, grazing, pasture management, biological control and chemical control. In this review the biology of ragwort species is shortly described and the different management practices are discussed

    Diretrizes para cessação do tabagismo - 2008

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