23 research outputs found

    Functional Characterization of a Genetic Polymorphism in the Promoter of the ESR2 Gene

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    The ESR2 gene encodes the estrogen receptor beta protein. Several studies have shown that genetic variants in the ESR2 gene are associated with a variety of clinical phenotypes. However, very little is known about the functional significance of ESR2 genetic variants. We used a bioinformatics approach to identify regions of the ESR2 promoter that is evolutionarily conserved across the genomes of several species. We resequenced 1.6 kb of the ESR2 gene which included 0.8 kb of the promoter, 0.3 kb of exon ON and 0.5kb of the following intron. We identified 5 SNPs in the ESR2 promoter and 1 SNP in the intron. Phase analysis indicated that the SNPs likely exist in 11 different haplotypes. Three of the SNPs (rs8008187, rs3829768, rs35036378) were predicted to alter transcription factor binding sites in the ESR2 promoter. All three were detected only in African American subjects. The rs35036378 SNP was in the TATA box and was highly conserved across species. ESR2 promoter reporter assays in LNCaP and SKBR3 cell lines showed that the variant construct containing the rs35036378 SNP allele had approximately 50% less activity relative to the wild type construct. We conclude that the rs35036378 SNP appears to cause a reduced promoter activity of the ESR2 gene

    Can biological motion research provide insight on how to reduce friendly fire incidents?

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    The ability to accurately detect, perceive, and recognize biological motion can be associated with a fundamental drive for survival, and it is a significant interest for perception researchers. This field examines various perceptual features of motion and has been assessed and applied in several real-world contexts (e.g., biometric, sport). Unexplored applications still exist however, including the military issue of friendly fire. There are many causes and processes leading to friendly fire and specific challenges that are associated with visual information extraction during engagement, such as brief glimpses, low acuity, camouflage, and uniform deception. Furthermore, visual information must often be processed under highly stressful (potentially threatening), time-constrained conditions that present a significant problem for soldiers. Biological motion research and anecdotal evidence from experienced combatants suggests that intentions, emotions, identities of human motion can be identified and discriminated, even when visual display is degraded or limited. Furthermore, research suggests that perceptual discriminatory capability of movement under visually constrained conditions is trainable. Therefore, given the limited military research linked to biological motion and friendly fire, an opportunity for cross-disciplinary investigations exists. The focus of this paper is twofold: first, to provide evidence for the possible link between biological motion factors and friendly fire, and second, to propose conceptual and methodological considerations and recommendations for perceptual-cognitive training within current military programs