66 research outputs found

    Development and Disease: How Susceptibility to an Emerging Pathogen Changes through Anuran Development

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    Ranaviruses have caused die-offs of amphibians across the globe. In North America, these pathogens cause more amphibian mortality events than any other pathogen. Field observations suggest that ranavirus epizootics in amphibian communities are common during metamorphosis, presumably due to changes in immune function. However, few controlled studies have compared the relative susceptibility of amphibians to ranaviruses across life stages. Our objectives were to measure differences in mortality and infection prevalence following exposure to ranavirus at four developmental stages and determine whether the differences were consistent among seven anuran species. Based on previous studies, we hypothesized that susceptibility to ranavirus would be greatest at metamorphosis. Our results did not support this hypothesis, as four of the species were most susceptible to ranavirus during the larval or hatchling stages. The embryo stage had the lowest susceptibility among species probably due to the protective membranous layers of the egg. Our results indicate that generalizations should be made cautiously about patterns of susceptibility to ranaviruses among amphibian developmental stages and species. Further, if early developmental stages of amphibians are susceptible to ranaviruses, the impact of ranavirus epizootic events may be greater than realized due to the greater difficulty of detecting morbid hatchlings and larvae compared to metamorphs

    Laboratory diagnosis of Buruli ulcer : challenges and future perspectives

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    Current options to control Buruli ulcer (BU) are limited, as no effective vaccine is available and knowledge on transmission mechanisms of the causative agent, Mycobacterium ulcerans, is incomplete. Early case detection and rapid initiation of treatment are key elements to prevent the development of large, disfiguring ulcers often associated with permanent physical disability and stigma. BU has been reported from 34 countries, with the greatest disease burden in West Africa and steadily increasing case numbers in south-eastern Australia. The disease can present in a variety of clinical manifestations, including relatively unspecific, painless nodules, plaques, and edema, which may eventually progress to chronic, ulcerative lesions. The clinical diagnosis of BU is therefore complicated by a broad differential diagnosis, particularly in tropical areas, where the prevalence of other skin conditions with a similar appearance is high. With the introduction of combination antibiotic therapy, replacing excision surgery as the standard treatment for BU, pre-treatment confirmation of the clinical diagnosis has further gained in importance to avoid the redundant use of anti-mycobacterial drugs. At present, available confirmatory diagnostic tests either lack sufficient sensitivity/specificity or are centralized and thus often not accessible to patients living in remote, rural areas of Africa. In recognition of this disparity, WHO and other stakeholders have called for new diagnostic tools for BU that can be applied at district hospitals or primary healthcare facilities. This chapter highlights challenges, advances and future prospects for the necessary decentralization of the diagnosis of BU

    Lipid metabolism and Type VII secretion systems dominate the genome scale virulence profile of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in human dendritic cells

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    Calcium orthophosphate-based biocomposites and hybrid biomaterials

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    Accounting for Imperfect Detection Is Critical for Inferring Marine Turtle Nesting Population Trends

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    Assessments of population trends based on time-series counts of individuals are complicated by imperfect detection, which can lead to serious misinterpretations of data. Population trends of threatened marine turtles worldwide are usually based on counts of nests or nesting females. We analyze 39 years of nest-count, female-count, and capture-mark-recapture (CMR) data for nesting loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) on Wassaw Island, Georgia, USA. Annual counts of nests and females, not corrected for imperfect detection, yield significant, positive trends in abundance. However, multistate open robust design modeling of CMR data that accounts for changes in imperfect detection reveals that the annual abundance of nesting females has remained essentially constant over the 39-year period. The dichotomy could result from improvements in surveys or increased within-season nest-site fidelity in females, either of which would increase detection probability. For the first time in a marine turtle population, we compare results of population trend analyses that do and do not account for imperfect detection and demonstrate the potential for erroneous conclusions. Past assessments of marine turtle population trends based exclusively on count data should be interpreted with caution and re-evaluated when possible. These concerns apply equally to population assessments of all species with imperfect detection

    The ‘Nate Silver effect’ on political journalism: Gatecrashers, gatekeepers, and changing newsroom practices around coverage of public opinion polls

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    This article presents findings from 41 in-depth interviews with political journalists, media analysts, and public opinion pollsters in the United States. These interviews document several trends in how journalists assess and cover public opinion. The article shows (1) a growing interest in and reliance on polling aggregator websites fueled by demands for precise predictions, (2) the erosion of news organizations’ abilities to assert independent gatekeeping standards around individual poll results, (3) concerns about the level of in-house expertise within newsrooms to adjudicate between surveys, and (4) changing attitudes about the importance of gatekeeping around public opinion data. These findings reflect an increasingly complex landscape of opinion data, which conventional news organizations appear ill-equipped to navigate