1,204 research outputs found

    Field desorption ion source development for neutron generators

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    A new approach to deuterium ion sources for deuterium-tritium neutron generators is being developed. The source is based upon the field desorption of deuterium from the surfaces of metal tips. Field desorption studies of microfabricated field emitter tip arrays have been conducted for the first time. Maximum fields of 30 V/nm have been applied to the array tip surfaces to date, although achieving fields of 20 V/nm to possibly 25 V/nm is more typical. Both the desorption of atomic deuterium ions and the gas phase field ionization of molecular deuterium has been observed at fields of roughly 20 V/nm and 20-30 V/nm, respectively, at room temperature. The desorption of common surface adsorbates, such as hydrogen, carbon, water, and carbon monoxide is observed at fields exceeding ~10 V/nm. In vacuo heating of the arrays to temperatures of the order of 800 C can be effective in removing many of the surface contaminants observed

    Fluorescently labeled bacteria provide insight on post-mortem microbial transmigration

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    AbstractMicrobially mediated mechanisms of human decomposition begin immediately after death, and are a driving force for the conversion of a once living organism to a resource of energy and nutrients. Little is known about post-mortem microbiology in cadavers, particularly the community structure of microflora residing within the cadaver and the dynamics of these communities during decomposition. Recent work suggests these bacterial communities undergo taxa turnover and shifts in community composition throughout the post-mortem interval. In this paper we describe how the microbiome of a living host changes and transmigrates within the body after death thus linking the microbiome of a living individual to post-mortem microbiome changes. These differences in the human post-mortem from the ante-mortem microbiome have demonstrated promise as evidence in death investigations. We investigated the post-mortem structure and function dynamics of Staphylococcus aureus and Clostridium perfringens after intranasal inoculation in the animal model Mus musculus L. (mouse) to identify how transmigration of bacterial species can potentially aid in post-mortem interval estimations. S. aureus was tracked using in vivo and in vitro imaging to determine colonization routes associated with different physiological events of host decomposition, while C. perfringens was tracked using culture-based techniques. Samples were collected at discrete time intervals associated with various physiological events and host decomposition beginning at 1h and ending at 60 days post-mortem. Results suggest that S. aureus reaches its highest concentration at 5–7 days post-mortem then begins to rapidly decrease and is undetectable by culture on day 30. The ability to track these organisms as they move in to once considered sterile space may be useful for sampling during autopsy to aid in determining post-mortem interval range estimations, cause of death, and origins associated with the geographic location of human remains during death investigations

    From Greenland to Canada in Ten Days: Tracks of Bowhead Whales, Balaena mysticetus, across Baffin Bay

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    Five bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) were instrumented with satellite transmitters in northwestern Disko Bay, West Greenland, in May 2001. Best results were obtained when tags were deployed with a pole rather than a pneumatic gun. At least three of the tagged whales remained in the northwestern part of the bay for one to two weeks after tagging. A male and a female whale moved from Disko Bay to northern Canada. They left Disko Bay 11 days apart and took different routes across Baffin Bay to the southern part of the North Water polynya, just east of the entrance to Lancaster Sound. The whales crossed the central part of Baffin Bay relatively rapidly (travel time of 9-10 days, 3.1 and 4.5 km/h). Dive behaviour of one whale was monitored and showed changes in dive depths, dive rates, and surfacing times in different localities, indicating behavioural changes probably related to feeding. The whales were presumably feeding in both Disko Bay in May and in the southern part of the North Water (southeast of Bylot Island) in June. This study confirms whalers' observations that bowhead whales move between West Greenland and the east coast of Baffin Island.En mai 2001, cinq baleines boréales (Balaena mysticetus) ont été équipées d'émetteurs spatiaux dans le nord-ouest de la baie de Disko (Groenland occidental). Les meilleurs résultats ont été obtenus lorsque les marqueurs ont été apposés avec une perche plutôt qu'avec un fusil à air comprimé. Au moins trois des baleines marquées sont restées dans la partie nord-ouest de la baie pendant une à deux semaines après le marquage. Deux individus, un mâle et une femelle, se sont déplacés de la baie de Disko au nord du Canada. Ils ont quitté la baie à 11 jours d'écart et ont emprunté des trajets différents pour traverser la baie de Baffin et rejoindre la partie méridionale de la polynie de l'Eau du Nord, située juste à l'est de l'entrée du détroit de Lancaster. Les baleines ont traversé la partie centrale de la baie de Baffin assez vite (en 9 et 10 jours, soit 3,1 et 4,5 km/h). On a suivi le comportement de plongée d'une baleine, qui a montré des changements dans la profondeur des plongées, leur fréquence et le temps en surface à divers endroits, révélant des modifications du comportement probablement associées au nourrissage. On suppose que les baleines s'alimentaient dans la baie de Disko en mai aussi bien que dans la partie méridionale de l'Eau du Nord (au sud-est de l'île Bylot) en juin. Cette étude confirme les observations des baleiniers à l'effet que les baleines boréales se déplacent entre l'ouest du Groenland et la côte est de l'île de Baffin

    Grainyhead-like 2 (GRHL2) knockout abolishes oral cancer development through reciprocal regulation of the MAP kinase and TGF-β signaling pathways

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    Grainyhead-Like 2 (GRHL2) is an epithelial-specific transcription factor that regulates epithelial morphogenesis and differentiation. Prior studies suggested inverse regulation between GRHL2 and TGF-β in epithelial plasticity and potential carcinogenesis. Here, we report the role of GRHL2 in oral carcinogenesis in vivo using a novel Grhl2 knockout (KO) mouse model and the underlying mechanism involving its functional interaction with TGF-β signaling. We developed epithelial-specific Grhl2 conditional KO mice by crossing Grhl2 floxed mice with those expressing CreER driven by the K14 promoter. After induction of Grhl2 KO, we confirmed the loss of GRHL2 and its target proteins, while Grhl2 KO strongly induced TGF-β signaling molecules. When exposed to 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide (4-NQO), a strong chemical carcinogen, Grhl2 wild-type (WT) mice developed rampant oral tongue tumors, while Grhl2 KO mice completely abolished tumor development. In cultured oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) cell lines, TGF-β signaling was notably induced by GRHL2 knockdown while being suppressed by GRHL2 overexpression. GRHL2 knockdown or KO in vitro and in vivo, respectively, led to loss of active p-Erk1/2 and p-JNK MAP kinase levels; moreover, ectopic overexpression of GRHL2 strongly induced the MAP kinase activation. Furthermore, the suppressive effect of GRHL2 on TGF-β signaling was diminished in cells exposed to Erk and JNK inhibitors. These data indicate that GRHL2 activates the Erk and JNK MAP kinases, which in turn suppresses the TGF -β signaling. This novel signaling represents an alternative pathway by which GRHL2 regulates carcinogenesis, and is distinct from the direct transcriptional regulation by GRHL2 binding at its target gene promoters, e.g., E-cadherin, hTERT, p63, and miR-200 family genes. Taken together, the current study provides the first genetic evidence to support the role of GRHL2 in carcinogenesis and the underlying novel mechanism that involves the functional interaction between GRHL2 and TGF-β signaling through the MAPK pathways

    Cigarette constituent health communications for smokers: Impact of chemical, imagery, and source

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    Introduction: Communication campaigns are incorporating tobacco constituent messaging to reach smokers, yet there is a dearth of research on how such messages should be constructed or will be received by smokers. Methods: In a 2 × 2 × 2 experiment, we manipulated three cigarette constituent message components: (1) the toxic constituent of tobacco (arsenic vs. lead) with a corresponding health effect, (2) the presence or absence of an evocative image, and (3) the source of the message (FDA vs. no source). We recruited smokers (N = 1669, 55.4% women) via an online platform and randomized them to one of the eight message conditions. Participants viewed the message and rated its believability and perceived effectiveness, the credibility of the message source, and action expectancies (ie, likelihood of seeking additional information and help with quitting as a result of seeing the message). Results: We found significant main effects of image, constituent, and source on outcomes. The use of arsenic as the constituent, the presence of an evocative image, and the FDA as the source increased the believability, source credibility, and perceived effectiveness of the tobacco constituent health message. Conclusions: Multiple elements of a constituent message, including type of constituent, imagery, and message source, impact their reception among smokers. Specifically, communication campaigns targeting smokers that utilize arsenic as the tobacco constituent, visual imagery, and the FDA logo may be particularly effective in changing key outcomes that are associated with subsequent attitude and behavioral changes. Implications: This article describes how components of communication campaigns about cigarette constituents are perceived. Multiple elements of a tobacco constituent message, including type of constituent, image, and message source may influence the reception of messages among current smokers. Communication campaigns targeting smokers that utilize arsenic as the tobacco constituent, visual imagery, and the FDA logo may be particularly effective in changing key outcomes among smokers. The effects of such campaigns should be examined, as well as the mechanisms through which such campaigns affect change

    Selected nucleon form factors and a composite scalar diquark

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    A covariant, composite scalar diquark, Fadde'ev amplitude model for the nucleon is used to calculate pseudoscalar, isoscalar- and isovector-vector, axial-vector and scalar nucleon form factors. The last yields the nucleon sigma-term and on-shell sigma-nucleon coupling. The calculated form factors are soft, and the couplings are generally in good agreement with experiment and other determinations. Elements in the dressed-quark-axial-vector vertex that are not constrained by the Ward-Takahashi identity contribute ~20% to the magnitude of g_A. The calculation of the nucleon sigma-term elucidates the only unambiguous means of extrapolating meson-nucleon couplings off the meson mass-shell.Comment: 12 pages, REVTEX, 5 figures, epsfi

    Public knowledge and credibility perceptions of the FDA as a tobacco regulator

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    efforts that increase the public's understanding of the FDA's role as a tobacco regulator may positively impact views of the agency's credibility. This may in turn improve public reception to the FDA's messages and regulations. Implications This study is the first to show nationally representative estimates of both knowledge and credibility of the FDA as a tobacco regulator. Our research shows further that knowledge of the FDA's tobacco regulatory roles is likely to be an important factor related to perceived credibility of the FDA. Increasing the public's knowledge of the FDA's roles may enhance the agency's credibility, which can improve public reception to messages and regulations.Introduction Since the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was granted regulatory authority over tobacco products in 2009, few studies have examined perceived credibility of the FDA in this role. The current study assessed knowledge and credibility of the FDA as a regulator of tobacco products. Methods In a nationally representative survey of U.S. adults (N = 4758), we assessed knowledge that the FDA regulates the manufacture, distribution, and marketing of cigarettes, and credibility of the FDA as a tobacco regulator. We examined demographic differences in knowledge and credibility, and associations of knowledge and trust in government with credibility perceptions. Results Less than half of respondents reported knowing the FDA regulates how cigarettes are sold (46.8%) and advertised (49.7%), and only 36.0% knew the FDA regulates how cigarettes are made, with few demographic differences. Respondents reported that the FDA was moderately credible in regulating tobacco. Knowledge of the FDA as a tobacco regulator and trust in government were the strongest predictors of credibility. Being of younger age, being White (compared to African American), and being male were associated with higher credibility ratings of the FDA. Conclusions Much of the public still does not know that the FDA regulates tobacco products, and credibility perceptions are moderate. Greater knowledge of the FDA's regulatory role was associated with higher credibilit

    K -> pi pi and a light scalar meson

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    We explore the Delta-I= 1/2 rule and epsilon'/epsilon in K -> pi pi transitions using a Dyson-Schwinger equation model. Exploiting the feature that QCD penguin operators direct K^0_S transitions through 0^{++} intermediate states, we find an explanation of the enhancement of I=0 K -> pi pi transitions in the contribution of a light sigma-meson. This mechanism also affects epsilon'/epsilon.Comment: 7 pages, REVTE

    Calibration of the Hα age–activity relation for M dwarfs

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    In this work, we calibrate the relationship between Hα emission and M dwarf ages. We compile a sample of 892 M dwarfs with Hα equivalent width (Hα EW) measurements from the literature that are either comoving with a white dwarf of known age (21 stars) or in a known young association (871 stars). In this sample we identify 7 M dwarfs that are new candidate members of known associations. By dividing the stars into active and inactive categories according to their Hα EW and spectral type (SpT), we find that the fraction of active dwarfs decreases with increasing age, and the form of the decline depends on SpT. Using the compiled sample of age calibrators, we find that Hα EW and fractional Hα luminosity (LHα/Lbol) decrease with increasing age. Hα EW for SpT ≼ M7 decreases gradually up until ∼1 Gyr. For older ages, we found only two early M dwarfs that are both inactive and seem to continue the gradual decrease. We also found 14 mid-type M dwarfs, out of which 11 are inactive and present a significant decrease in Hα EW, suggesting that the magnetic activity decreases rapidly after ∼1 Gyr. We fit LHα/Lbol versus age with a broken power law and find an index of -0.11-0.01+0.02 for ages ≾776 Myr. The index becomes much steeper at older ages, but a lack of field age-calibrators (≫1 Gyr) leaves this part of the relation far less constrained. Finally, from repeated independent measurements for the same stars, we find that 94% of them have a level of Hα EW variability ≼5 Å at young ages (<1 Gyr)