29 research outputs found

    Algorithm for image registration and clutter and jitter noise reduction

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    This paper presents an analytical, computational method whereby two-dimensional images of an optical source represented in terms of a set of detector array signals can be registered with respect to a reference set of detector array signals. The detector image is recovered from the detector array signals and represented over a local region by a fourth order, two-dimensional taylor series. This local detector image can then be registered by a general linear transformation with respect to a reference detector image. The detector signal in the reference frame is reconstructed by integrating this detector image over the respective reference pixel. For cases in which the general linear transformation is uncertain by up to plus-or-minus two pixels, the general linear transformation can be determined by least squares fitting the detector image to the reference detector image. This registration process reduces clutter and jitter noise to a level comparable to the electronic noise level of the detector system. Test results with and without electronic noise using an analytical test function are presented

    Phylogenetic Relationships Of The New World Troidini Swallowtails (lepidoptera: Papilionidae) Based On Coi, Coii, And Ef-1α Genes

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    A phylogeny of the Neotropical members of the Tribe Troidini (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) was obtained with sequences of three protein-coding genes: two mitochondrial (COI and COII), and one nuclear (EF-1α). Parsimony and Bayesian analyses of 33 taxa resulted in very similar trees regardless of method used with the 27 troidines always forming a monophyletic clade. Within Troidini, the genus Battus is sister group to the remaining troidines, followed by a clade formed by the Paleotropical taxa (here represented by three exemplars). The genus Euryades is the next branch, and sister group of Parides. The genus Parides is monophyletic, and is divided into four main groups by Maximum Parsimony analysis, with the most basal group composed of tailed species restricted to SE Brazil. Character optimization of ecological and morphological traits over the phylogeny proposed for troidines indicated that the use of several species of Aristolochia is ancestral over the use of few or a single host-plant. For the other three characters, the ancestral states were the absence of long tails, forest as the primary habitat and oviposition solitary or in loose group of several eggs. © 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.363468483Armbruster, W.S., Baldwin, B.G., Switch from specialized to generalized pollination (1998) Nature, 394, p. 623Aubert, J., Legal, L., Descimon, H., Michel, F., Molecular phylogeny of swallowtail butterflies of the tribe Papilionini (Papilionidae, Lepidoptera) (1999) Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 12, pp. 156-167Baker, R.H., Desalle, R., Multiple sources of character information and the phylogeny of Hawaiian Drosophilids (1997) Syst. 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    Phylogenetic Relationships Of Ithomiine Butterflies (lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Danainae) As Implied By Combined Morphological And Molecular Data

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    Morphological and molecular data from two prior publications are combined with new data resulting in a mostly well-supported cladistic hypothesis of relationships among subtribes and genera of Ithomiini, a diverse clade of Neotropical butterflies. A revised classification for relationships among the nine tribes and 46 genera comprising the group is proposed, and Athesitina new subtribe is described for Athesis Doubleday, 1847 and Patricia Fox, 1940. 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    Phylogenetic Relationships Among The Ithomiini (lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) Inferred From One Mitochondrial And Two Nuclear Gene Regions

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    A phylogenetic hypothesis for the tribe Ithomiini (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Danainae) is presented, based on sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunits I and II (COI-COII) region and regions of the nuclear genes wingless and Elongation factor 1-alpha. Branch support for each clade is assessed, and a partition congruence index is used to explore conflict among gene regions. The monophyly of the clade is strongly supported, as are many of the traditionally recognized subtribes and genera. The data imply paraphyly of some genera and tribes, but largely support recent classifications and phylogenetic hypotheses based on morphological characters. © 2006 The Authors.312288301Ackery, P.R., Hostplants and classification: A review of nymphalid butterflies (1988) Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 33, pp. 95-203Ackery, P.R., De Jong, R., Vane-Wright, R.I., The butterflies: Hedyloidea, Hesperioidea and Papilionoidea (1999) Lepidoptera, Moths and Butterflies. 1. 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    A calorimetry system for metabolism trials Sistema de calorimetria para estudos de metabolismo

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    An indirect calorimetry system for rapid determination of CO2 and CH4 production and O2 consumption to estimate heat production of animals was built at Escola de Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil. Procedures for determination of correction and calibration factors for gas analyzers and the whole system, using standard test gases were described. In addition, a metabolic trial was performed to evaluate heat production of lambs fed ad libitum. It is concluded that the system is suitable for heat production determinations in small and medium size animals.<br>Um sistema de calorimetria para a determinação rápida da produção de CO2 e CH4 e do consumo de O2 de animais para o cálculo da produção de calor foi construído na Escola de Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Foram descritos os procedimentos para a determinação dos fatores de correção dos analisadores e calibração do sistema utilizando-se gases padrão. Adicionalmente, um ensaio de metabolismo foi realizado para se avaliar a produção de calor de ovinos alimentados ad libitum. Conclui-se que o sistema está apto para determinações de produção de calor em animais de pequeno e médio porte