13 research outputs found

    Gas Transfer at Water Surfaces 2010

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    PrefaceSection 1: Interfacial Turbulence and Air-Water Scalar TransferJ. Hunt, S. Belcher, D. Stretch, S. Sajjadi, J. Clegg [1]S.A. Kitaigorodskii [13]S.A. Kitaigorodskii [29]Y. Toba [38]D. Turney, S. Banerjee [51]J.G. Janzen, H.E. Schulz, G.H. Jirka [65]S. Komori, R. Kurose, N. Takagaki, S. Ohtsubo, K. Iwano, K. Handa, S. Shimada [78]J. Beya, W. Peirson, M. Banner [90]S. Mizuno [104]M. Sanjou, I. Nezu, A. Toda [119]M. Sanjou, I. Nezu, Y. Akiya [129]K. Takehara, Y. Takano, T.G. Etoh [138]G. Caulliez [151]Section 2: Numerical Studies on Interfacial Turbulence and Scalar TransferL.-P. Hung, C.S. Garbe, W.-T. Tsai [165]A. E. Tejada-Martínez, C. Akan, C.E. Grosch [177]W.-T. Tsai, L.-P. Hung [193]P.G. Jayathilake, B.C. Khoo, Zhijun Tan [200]H.E. Schulz, A.L.A. Simões, J.G. Janzen [208]Section 3: Bubble-Mediated Scalar TransferD.P. Nicholson, S.R. Emerson, S. Khatiwala, R.C. Hamme [223]W. Mischler, R. Rocholz, B. Jähne [238]R. Patro, I. Leifer [249]K. Loh, K.B. Cheong, R. Uittenbogaard [262]N. Mori, S. Nakagawa [273]Section 4: Effects of Surfactants and Molecular Diffusivity on Turbulence and Scalar TransferA. Soloviev, S. Matt, M. Gilman, H. Hühnerfuss, B. Haus, D. Jeong, I. Savelyev, M. Donelan [285]S. Matt, A. Fujimura, A. Soloviev, S.H. Rhee [299]P. Vlahos, E.C. Monahan, B.J.Huebert, J.B. Edson [313]K.E. Richter, B. Jähne [322]X. Yan, W.L. Peirson, J.W. Walker, M.L. Banner [333]Section 5: Field MeasurementsP.M. Orton, C.J. Zappa, W.R. McGillis [343]U.Schimpf, L. Nagel, B. Jähne [358]C.L. McNeil, E.A. D'Asaro, J.A. Nystuen [368]D. Turk, B. Petelin, J.W. Book [377]M. Ribas-Ribas, A. Gómez-Parra, J.M. Forja [394]A. Rutgersson, A.-S. Smedman, E. Sahlée [406]H. Pettersson, K. K. Kahma, A. Rutgersson, M. Perttilä [420]Section 6: Global Air-Sea CO2 FluxesR. Wanninkhof, G.-H. Park, D.B. Chelton, C.M. Risien [431]N. Suzuki, S. Komori, M.A. Donelan [445]Y. Suzuki, Y. Toba [452]M.T. Johnson, C. Hughes, T.G. Bell, P.S. Liss [464]Section 7: Advanced Measuring TechniquesO. Tsukamoto, F. Kondo [485]R. Rocholz, S. Wanner, U. Schimpf, B. Jähne [496]B.C.G. Gonzalez, A.W. Lamon, J.G. Janzen, J.R. Campos, H.E. Schulz [507]E. Sahlée, K. Kahma, H. Pettersson, W.M. Drennan [516]D. Kiefhaber, R. Rocholz, G. Balschbach, B. Jähne [524]C.S. Garbe, A. Heinlein [535]Section 8: Environmental Problems Related to Air-Water Scalar TransferW.L. Peirson, G.A. Lee, C. Waite, P. Onesemo, G. Ninaus [545]Y.J. Choi, A. Abe, K. Takahashi [559]Y. Baba, K. Takahashi [571]R. Onishi, K. Takahashi, S. Komori [582][593]Turbulence and wave dynamics across gas-liquid interfacesThe calculation of the gas transfer between the ocean and atmosphereThe influence of wind wave breaking on the dissipation of the turbulent kinetic energy in the upper ocean and its dependence on the stage of wind wave developmentMarvellous self-consistency inherent in wind waves : Its origin and some items related to air-sea transfersNear surface turbulence and its relationship to air-water gas transfer ratesTurbulent gas flux measurements near the air-water interface in an oscillating-grid tankSensible and latent heat transfer across the air-water interface in wind-driven turbulenceRainfall-generated, near-surface turbulenceEffects of the mechanical wave propagating in the wind direction on currents and stresses across the air-water interfaceTurbulent transport in closed basin with wind-induced water wavesPIV measurements of Langumuir circulation generated by wind-induced water wavesStudy of vortices near wind wave surfaces using high-speed video camera and MLSWind wave breaking from micro to macroscaleValidation of Eddy-renewal model by numerical simulationMass transfer at the surface in LES of wind-driven shallow water flow with Langmuir circulationCharacteristics of gas-flux density distribution at the water surfacesNumerical simulation of interfacial mass transfer using the immersed interface methodStatistical approximations in gas-liquid mass transferAn inverse approach to estimate bubble-mediated air-sea gas flux from inert gas measurementsExperimental setup for the investigation of bubble mediated gas exchangeGas transfer velocity of single CO2 bubblesMass transfer across single bubblesAeration of surf zone breaking wavesModification of turbulence at the air-sea interface due to the presence of surfactants and implications for gas exchange. Part I: laboratory experimentModification of turbulence at the air-sea interface due to the presence of surfactants and implications for gas exchange. Part II: numerical simulationsWind-dependence of DMS transfer velocity: Comparison of model with recent southern ocean observationsA laboratory study of the Schmidt number dependency of air-water gas transferOn transitions in the Schmidt number dependency of low solubility gas transfer across air-water interfacesAn autonomous self-orienting catamaran (SOCa) for measuring air-water fluxes and forcingThe 2009 SOPRAN active thermography pilot experiment in the Baltic SeaObservations of air-sea exchange of N2 and O2 during the passage of Hurricane Gustav in the Gulf of Mexico during 2008The effect of high wind Bora events on water pCO2 and CO2 exchange in the coastal Northern AdriaticSeasonal sea-surface CO2 fugacity in the north-eastern shelf of the Gulf of Cádiz (southwest Iberian Peninsula)Including mixed layer convection when determining air-sea CO2 transfer velocityAir-sea carbon dioxide exchange during upwellingImpact of small-scale variability on air-sea CO2 fluxesThe effect of wind variability on the air-sea CO2 gas flux estimationFuture global mapping of air-sea CO2 flux by using wind and wind-wave distribution of CMIP3 multi-model ensembleA Rumsfeldian analysis of uncertainty in air-sea gas exchangeAccurate measurement of air-sea CO2 flux with open-path Eddy-CovarianceCombined Visualization of wind waves and water surface temperatureMicroscopic sensors for oxygen measurement at air-water interfaces and sediment biofilmsDamping of humidity fluctuations in a closed-path systemImproved Optical Instrument for the Measurement of Water Wave Statistics in the FieldFriction Velocity from Active Thermography and Shape AnalysisEvaporation mitigation by storage in rock and sandDevelopment of oil-spill simulation system based on the global ocean-atmosphere modelStructure variation dependence of tropical squall line on the tracer advection scheme in cloud-resolving modelHigh-resolution simulations for turbulent clouds developing over the oceAuthor Inde

    Stroke Care during the COVID-19 Pandemic: International Expert Panel Review

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    Background: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has placed a tremendous strain on healthcare services. This study, prepared by a large international panel of stroke experts, assesses the rapidly growing research and personal experience with COVID-19 stroke and offers recommendations for stroke management in this challenging new setting: modifications needed for prehospital emergency rescue and hyperacute care; inpatient intensive or stroke units; posthospitalization rehabilitation; follow-up including at-risk family and community; and multispecialty departmental developments in the allied professions. Summary: The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 uses spike proteins binding to tissue angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)-2 receptors, most often through the respiratory system by virus inhalation and thence to other susceptible organ systems, leading to COVID-19. Clinicians facing the many etiologies for stroke have been sobered by the unusual incidence of combined etiologies and presentations, prominent among them are vasculitis, cardiomyopathy, hypercoagulable state, and endothelial dysfunction. International standards of acute stroke management remain in force, but COVID-19 adds the burdens of personal protections for the patient, rescue, and hospital staff and for some even into the postdischarge phase. For pending COVID-19 determination and also for those shown to be COVID-19 affected, strict infection control is needed at all times to reduce spread of infection and to protect healthcare staff, using the wealth of well-described methods. For COVID-19 patients with stroke, thrombolysis and thrombectomy should be continued, and the usual early management of hypertension applies, save that recent work suggests continuing ACE inhibitors and ARBs. Prothrombotic states, some acute and severe, encourage prophylactic LMWH unless bleeding risk is high. COVID-19-related cardiomyopathy adds risk of cardioembolic stroke, where heparin or warfarin may be preferable, with experience accumulating with DOACs. As ever, arteritis can prove a difficult diagnosis, especially if not obvious on the acute angiogram done for clot extraction. This field is under rapid development and may generate management recommendations which are as yet unsettled, even undiscovered. Beyond the acute management phase, COVID-19-related stroke also forces rehabilitation services to use protective precautions. As with all stroke patients, health workers should be aware of symptoms of depression, anxiety, insomnia, and/or distress developing in their patients and caregivers. Postdischarge outpatient care currently includes continued secondary prevention measures. Although hoping a COVID-19 stroke patient can be considered cured of the virus, those concerned for contact safety can take comfort in the increasing use of telemedicine, which is itself a growing source of patient-physician contacts. Many online resources are available to patients and physicians. Like prior challenges, stroke care teams will also overcome this one. Key Messages: Evidence-based stroke management should continue to be provided throughout the patient care journey, while strict infection control measures are enforced. © 2021 S. Karger AG, Basel. Copyright: All rights reserved

    Demographic population structure and fungal associations of plants colonizing High Arctic glacier forelands, Petuniabukta, Svalbard

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    The development of vegetation in Arctic glacier forelands has been described as unidirectional, non-replacement succession characterized by the gradual establishment of species typical for mature tundra with no species turnover. Our study focused on two early colonizers of High Arctic glacier forelands: Saxifraga oppositifolia (Saxifragaceae) and Braya purpurascens (Brassicaceae). While the first species is a common generalist also found in mature old growth tundra communities, the second specializes on disturbed substrate. The demographic population structures of the two study species were investigated along four glacier forelands in Petuniabukta, north Billefjorden, in central Spitsbergen, Svalbard. Young plants of both species occurred exclusively on young substrate, implying that soil conditions are favourable for establishment only before soil crusts develop. We show that while S. oppositifolia persists from pioneer successional stages and is characterized by increased size and flowering, B. purpurascens specializes on disturbed young substrate and does not follow the typical unidirectional, non-replacement succession pattern. Plants at two of the forelands were examined for the presence of root-associated fungi. Fungal genus Olpidium (Fungus incertae sedis) was found along a whole successional gradient in one of the forelands

    Urban microbiomes and urban ecology: How do microbes in the built environment affect human sustainability in cities?

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    © 2014, The Microbiological Society of Korea and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. Humans increasingly occupy cities. Globally, about 50% of the total human population lives in urban environments, and in spite of some trends for deurbanization, the transition from rural to urban life is expected to accelerate in the future, especially in developing nations and regions. The Republic of Korea, for example, has witnessed a dramatic rise in its urban population, which now accounts for nearly 90% of all residents; the increase from about 29% in 1955 has been attributed to multiple factors, but has clearly been driven by extraordinary growth in the gross domestic product accompanying industrialization. While industrialization and urbanization have unarguably led to major improvements in quality of life indices in Korea and elsewhere, numerous serious problems have also been acknowledged, including concerns about resource availability, water quality, amplification of global warming and new threats to health. Questions about sustainability have therefore led Koreans and others to consider deurbanization as a management policy. Whether this offers any realistic prospects for a sustainable future remains to be seen. In the interim, it has become increasingly clear that built environments are no less complex than natural environments, and that they depend on a variety of internal and external connections involving microbes and the processes for which microbes are responsible. I provide here a definition of the urban microbiome, and through examples indicate its centrality to human function and wellbeing in urban systems. I also identify important knowledge gaps and unanswered questions about urban microbiomes that must be addressed to develop a robust, predictive and general understanding of urban biology and ecology that can be used to inform policy-making for sustainable systems

    Organizations, occupations and the structuration of work

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