1,808 research outputs found

    Simple Scheme for Gauge Mediation

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    We present a simple scheme for constructing models that achieve successful gauge mediation of supersymmetry breaking. In addition to our previous work [1] that proposed drastically simplified models using metastable vacua of supersymmetry breaking in vector-like theories, we show there are many other successful models using various types of supersymmetry breaking mechanisms that rely on enhanced low-energy U(1)_R symmetries. In models where supersymmetry is broken by elementary singlets, one needs to assume U(1)_R violating effects are accidentally small, while in models where composite fields break supersymmetry, emergence of approximate low-energy U(1)_R symmetries can be understood simply on dimensional grounds. Even though the scheme still requires somewhat small parameters to sufficiently suppress gravity mediation, we discuss their possible origins due to dimensional transmutation. The scheme accommodates a wide range of the gravitino mass to avoid cosmological problems.Comment: 13 page

    Non(anti)commutative superspace with coordinate-dependent deformation

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    We consider non(anti)commutative superspace with coordinate dependent deformation parameters CαβC^{\alpha\beta}. We show that a chiral N=1/2{\cal N}=1/2 supersymmetry can be defined and that chiral and antichiral superfields are still closed under the Moyal-Weyl associative product implementing the deformation. A consistent N=1/2{\cal N}=1/2 Super Yang-Mills deformed theory can be constructed provided CαβC^{\alpha\beta} satisfies a suitable condition which can be connected with the graviphoton background at the origin of the deformation. After adding matter we also discuss the Konishi anomaly and the gluino condensation.Comment: References added. Accepted for publication in PR

    Composition of primary cosmic rays at energies 10(15) to approximately 10(16) eV

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    The sigma epsilon gamma spectrum in 1 approx. 5 x 1000 TV observed at Mt. Fuji suggests that the flux of primary protons 10 to the 15 approx 10th eV is lower by a factor of 2 approx. 3 than a simple extrapolation from lower energies; the integral proton spectrum tends to be steeper than around to the power V and the spectral index tends to be steeper than Epsilon to the -17th power around 10 to the 14th power eV and the spectral index becomes approx. 2.0 around 10 to the 15th power eV. If the total flux of primary particles has no steepening up to approx 10 to the 15th power eV, than the fraction of primary protons to the total flux should be approx 20% in contrast to approx 45% at lower energies

    World-sheet Stability of (0,2) Linear Sigma Models

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    We argue that two-dimensional (0,2) gauged linear sigma models are not destabilized by instanton generated world-sheet superpotentials. We construct several examples where we show this to be true. The general proof is based on the Konishi anomaly for (0,2) theories.Comment: 18 pages, LaTe

    Complex BPS domain walls and phase transition in mass in supersymmetric QCD

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    We study the domain walls connecting different chirally asymmetric vacua in supersymmetric QCD. We show that BPS - saturated solutions exist only in the limited range of mass. When m exceeds some critical value, the domain wall either ceases to be BPS - saturated or disappears altogether. In any case, the properties of the system are qualitatively changed.Comment: 10 pages LaTeX, 4 Postscript figures. References adde

    On Mass Spectrum in SQCD, and Problems with the Seiberg Duality. Equal quark masses

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    The dynamical scenario is considered for N=1 SQCD, with N_c colors and N_c<N_F<3N_c flavors with small but nonzero current quark masses m_Q\neq 0, in which quarks form the diquark-condensate phase. This means that colorless chiral quark pairs condense coherently in the vacuum, \neq 0, while quarks alone don't condense, ==0, so that the color is confined. Such condensation of quarks results in formation of dynamical constituent masses \mu_C \gg m_Q of quarks and appearance of light "pions" (similarly to QCD). The mass spectrum of SQCD in this phase is described and comparison with the Seiberg dual description is performed. It is shown that the direct and dual theories are different (except, possibly, for the perturbative strictly superconformal regime).Comment: 31 pages; text improved; corrections in sections 5,8; appendix added about 't Hooft triangle

    Gravitino condensation in fivebrane backgrounds

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    We calculate the tension of the D3-brane in the fivebrane background which is described by the exactly solvable SU(2)_k x U(1) world-sheet conformal field theory with large Kac-Moody level k. The D3-brane tension is extracted from the amplitude of one closed string exchange between two parallel D3-branes, and the amplitude is calculated by utilizing the open-closed string duality. The tension of the D3-brane in the background does not coincide with the one in the flat space-time even in the flat space-time limit: k -> infinity. The finite curvature effect should vanish in the flat space-time limit and only the topological effect can remain. Therefore, the deviation indicates the condensation of gravitino and/or dilatino which has been expected in the fivebrane background as a gravitational instanton.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figur
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