3,278 research outputs found

    Preconditioned Bi-Conjugate Gradient Method for Radiative Transfer in Spherical Media

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    A robust numerical method called the Preconditioned Bi-Conjugate Gradient (Pre-BiCG)method is proposed for the solution of radiative transfer equation in spherical geometry.A variant of this method called Stabilized Preconditioned Bi-Conjugate Gradient (Pre-BiCG-STAB) is also presented. These are iterative methods based on the construction of a set of bi-orthogonal vectors. The application of Pre-BiCG method in some benchmark tests show that the method is quite versatile, and can handle hard problems that may arise in astrophysical radiative transfer theory.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figure

    Variable Unidentified Emission Near 6307 AA in Eta Carinae

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    We have discovered a conspicuous unidentified variable feature near 6307 AA in the spectrum of Eta Carinae which is spatially unresolved from the central star and its wind (r < 200--300 AU). It is significant for two reasons: such prominent unidentified lines are now rare in this object, and this feature varies strongly and systematically. It exhibits a combination of characteristics which, so far as we know are unique in Eta Carinae's spectrum. It may provide insights into the recurrent spectroscopic events and the star's long-term brightening.Comment: 22 pages, 7 Figures, 3 Tables; Accepted PASP, appearing May 200

    The Origin of Fe II Emission in Active Galactic Nuclei

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    We used a very large set of models of broad emission line region (BELR) clouds in active galactic nuclei to investigate the formation of the observed Fe II emission lines. We show that photoionized BELR clouds cannot produce both the observed shape and observed equivalent width of the 2200-2800 Å Fe II UV bump unless there is considerable velocity structure corresponding to a microturbulent velocity parameter vturb≥100 km s-1 for the locally optimally emitting cloud models used here. This could be either microturbulence in gas that is confined by some phenomenon such as MHD waves or a velocity shear such as in the various models of winds flowing off the surfaces of accretion disks. The alternative way that we can find to simultaneously match both the observed shape and equivalent width of the Fe II UV bump is for the Fe II emission to be the result of collisional excitation in a warm, dense gas. Such gas would emit very few lines other than Fe II. However, since the collisionally excited gas would constitute yet another component in an already complicated picture of the BELR, we prefer the model involving turbulence. In either model, the strength of Fe II emission relative to the emission lines of other ions such as Mg II depends as much on other parameters (either vturb or the surface area of the collisionally excited gas) as it does on the iron abundance. Therefore, the measurement of the iron abundance from the Fe II emission in quasars becomes a more difficult problem

    The Origin of Fe II Emission in AGN

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    We used a very large set of models of broad emission line (BEL) clouds in AGN to investigate the formation of the observed Fe II emission lines. We show that photoionized BEL clouds cannot produce both the observed shape and observed equivalent width of the 2200-2800A Fe II UV bump unless there is considerable velocity structure corresponding to a microturbulent velocity parameter v_turb > 100 km/s for the LOC models used here. This could be either microturbulence in gas that is confined by some phenomenon such as MHD waves, or a velocity shear such as in the various models of winds flowing off the surfaces of accretion disks. The alternative way that we can find to simultaneously match both the observed shape and equivalent width of the Fe II UV bump is for the Fe II emission to be the result of collisional excitation in a warm, dense gas. Such gas would emit very few lines other than Fe II. However, since the collisionally excited gas would constitute yet another component in an already complicated picture of the BELR, we prefer the model involving turbulence. In either model, the strength of Fe II emission relative to the emission lines of other ions such as Mg II depends as much on other parameters (either v_turb or the surface area of the collisionally excited gas) as it does on the iron abundance. Therefore, the measurement of the iron abundance from the FeII emission in quasars becomes a more difficult problem.Comment: 23 pages. Accepted by Ap

    Far-UV Spectroscopic Analyses of Four Central Stars of Planetary Nebulae

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    We analyze the Far-UV/UV spectra of four central stars of planetary nebulae with strong wind features -- NGC 2371, Abell 78, IC 4776 and NGC 1535, and derive their photospheric and wind parameters by modeling high-resolution FUSE (Far-Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer) data in the Far-UV and HST-STIS and IUE data in the UV with spherical non-LTE line-blanketed model atmospheres. Abell 78 is a hydrogen-deficient transitional [WR]-PG 1159 object, and we find NGC 2371 to be in the same stage, both migrating from the constant-luminosity phase to the white dwarf cooling sequence with Teff ~= 120 kK, Mdot ~= 5x10^-8 Msun/yr. NGC 1535 is a ``hydrogen-rich'' O(H) CSPN, and the exact nature of IC 4776 is ambiguous, although it appears to be helium burning. Both objects lie on the constant-luminosity branch of post-AGB evolution and have Teff ~= 65 kK, Mdot ~= 1x10^-8 Msun/yr. Thus, both the H-rich and H-deficient channels of PN evolution are represented in our sample. We also investigate the effects of including higher ionization stages of iron (up to FeX) in the model atmosphere calculations of these hot objects (usually neglected in previous analyses), and find iron to be a useful diagnostic of the stellar parameters in some cases. The Far-UV spectra of all four objects show evidence of hot (T ~ 300 K) molecular hydrogen in their circumstellar environments.Comment: 38 pages, 8 figures (6 color). Accepted for publication in Ap

    Real-space local polynomial basis for solid-state electronic-structure calculations: A finite-element approach

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    We present an approach to solid-state electronic-structure calculations based on the finite-element method. In this method, the basis functions are strictly local, piecewise polynomials. Because the basis is composed of polynomials, the method is completely general and its convergence can be controlled systematically. Because the basis functions are strictly local in real space, the method allows for variable resolution in real space; produces sparse, structured matrices, enabling the effective use of iterative solution methods; and is well suited to parallel implementation. The method thus combines the significant advantages of both real-space-grid and basis-oriented approaches and so promises to be particularly well suited for large, accurate ab initio calculations. We develop the theory of our approach in detail, discuss advantages and disadvantages, and report initial results, including the first fully three-dimensional electronic band structures calculated by the method.Comment: replacement: single spaced, included figures, added journal referenc

    Blobs in Wolf-Rayet Winds: Random Photometric and Polarimetric Variability

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    Some isolated Wolf-Rayet stars present random variability in their optical flux and polarization. We make the assumption that such variability is caused by the presence of regions of enhanced density, i.e. blobs, in their envelopes. In order to find the physical characteristics of such regions we have modeled the stellar emission using a Monte Carlo code to treat the radiative transfer in an inhomogeneous electron scattering envelope. We are able to treat multiple scattering in the regions of enhanced density as well as in the envelope itself. The finite sizes of the source and structures in the wind are also taken into account. Most of the results presented here are based on a parameter study of models with a single blob. The effects due to multiple blobs in the envelope are considered to a more limited extent. Our simulations indicate that the density enhancements must have a large geometric cross section in order to produce the observed photopolarimetric variability. The sizes must be of the order of one stellar radius and the blobs must be located near the base of the envelope. These sizes are the same inferred from the widths of the sub-peaks in optical emission lines of Wolf-Rayet stars. Other early-type stars show random polarimetric fluctuations with characteristics similar to those observed in Wolf-Rayet stars, which may also be interpreted in terms of a clumpy wind. Although the origin of such structures is still unclear, the same mechanism may be working in different types of hot stars envelopes to produce such inhomogeneities.Comment: Accepted to ApJ. 17 pages + 6 figure

    Immune modulation and prevention of autoimmune disease by repeated sequences from parasites linked to self antigens

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    Parasite proteins containing repeats are essential invasion ligands, important for their ability to evade the host immune system and to induce immunosuppression. Here, the intrinsic suppressive potential of repetitive structures within parasite proteins was exploited to induce immunomodulation in order to establish self-tolerance in an animal model of autoimmune neurological disease. We tested the tolerogenic potential of fusion proteins containing repeat sequences of parasites linked to self-antigens. The fusion constructs consist of a recombinant protein containing repeat sequences derived from the S-antigen protein (SAg) of Plasmodium falciparum linked to a CD4 T cell epitope of myelin. They were tested for their efficacy to control the development of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), In addition, we used the DO11.10 transgenic mouse model to study the immune mechanisms involved in tolerance induced by SAg fusion proteins. We found that repeated sequences of P. falciparum SAg protein linked to self-epitopes markedly protected mice from EAE. These fusion constructs were powerful tolerizing agents not only in a preventive setting but also in the treatment of ongoing disease. The tolerogenic effect was shown to be antigen-specific and strongly dependent on the physical linkage of the T cell epitope to the parasite structure and on the action of anti-inflammatory cytokines like IL-10 and TGF-{beta}. Other mechanisms include down-regulation of TNF-{alpha} accompanied by increased numbers of FoxP3(+) cells. This study describes the use of repetitive structures from parasites linked to defined T cell epitopes as an effective method to induce antigen-specific tolerance with potential applicability for the treatment and prevention of autoimmune diseases

    Eta Carinae -- Physics of the Inner Ejecta

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    Eta Carinae's inner ejecta are dominated observationally by the bright Weigelt blobs and their famously rich spectra of nebular emission and absorption lines. They are dense (n_e ~ 10^7 to 10^8 cm^-3), warm (T_e ~ 6000 to 7000 K) and slow moving (~40 km/s) condensations of mostly neutral (H^0) gas. Located within 1000 AU of the central star, they contain heavily CNO-processed material that was ejected from the star about a century ago. Outside the blobs, the inner ejecta include absorption-line clouds with similar conditions, plus emission-line gas that has generally lower densities and a wider range of speeds (reaching a few hundred km/s) compared to the blobs. The blobs appear to contain a negligible amount of dust and have a nearly dust-free view of the central source, but our view across the inner ejecta is severely affected by uncertain amounts of dust having a patchy distribution in the foreground. Emission lines from the inner ejecta are powered by photoionization and fluorescent processes. The variable nature of this emission, occurring in a 5.54 yr event cycle, requires specific changes to the incident flux that hold important clues to the nature of the central object.Comment: This is Chapter 5 in a book entitled: Eta Carinae and the Supernova Impostors, Kris Davidson and Roberta M. Humphreys, editors Springe
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