213 research outputs found

    Rationales for the Bernese approaches in acetabular surgery

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    Purpose: To present two new approaches to acetabular surgery that were established in Berne, and which aim at enhanced visualization and anatomical reconstruction of acetabular fractures. Method: The trochanteric flip osteotomy allows for surgical hip dislocation, and was introduced as a posterior approach for acetabular fracture management involving the posterior column and wall. For acetabular fractures predominantly involving the anterior column and the quadrilateral plate, the Pararectus approach is described. Results: Full exposure of the hip joint, as provided by the trochanteric flip osteotomy, facilitates anatomical reduction of acetabular or femoral head fractures and safe positioning of the anterior column screw in transverse or T-shaped fractures. Additionally, the approach enables osteochondral transplantation as a salvage procedure for severe chondral femoral head damage and osteoplasty of an associated inadequate offset at the femoral head-neck junction. The Pararectus approach allows anatomical restoration with minimal access morbidity, and combines advantages of the ilioinguinal and modified Stoppa approaches. Conclusions: Utilization of the trochanteric flip osteotomy eases visualization of the superior aspect of the acetabulum, and enables the evaluation and treatment of chondral lesions of the femoral head or acetabulum and labral tears. Displaced fractures of the anterior column with a medialized quadrilateral plate can be addressed successfully through the Pararectus approach, in which surgical access is associated with minimal morbidity. However, long-term results following the two presented Bernese approaches are needed to confirm that in the treatment of complex acetabular fractures the rate of poor results in almost one-third of all cases (as currently yielded using traditional approaches) might be reduced by the utilization of the presented novel approache

    Anteriore Zugänge zum Acetabulum

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    Zusammenfassung: Seit den 1960er Jahren hat sich zur Versorgung von Acetabulumfrakturen mit der Hauptdislokation im vorderen Pfeiler der ilioinguinale Zugang nach Letournel mit den drei anatomischen Fenstern bewährt. Der frühere Standardzugang, der iliofemorale Zugang nach Smith-Petersen, hat seine Bedeutung noch bei Vorderwandfrakturen oder isolierten Femurkopffrakturen. Durch den Anstieg von Acetabulumfrakturen im Alter mit lateralen Kompressionsfrakturen nach seitlichem Sturz, gekennzeichnet durch die mediale Dislokation der quadrilateralen Fläche und die superomediale Domimpression, hat sich in den 1990er Jahren der intrapelvine modifizierte Stoppa-Zugang mit oder ohne Eröffnung des 1. Fensters des ilioinguinalen Zugangs etabliert. Um die Vorteile der 2. und 3. Fenster des ilioinguinalen und die mediale Sicht beim modifizierten Stoppa-Zugang zu kombinieren, hat die Berner Arbeitsgruppe kürzlich den Pararectus-Zugang für die Acetabulumchirurgie eingeführt, der als weniger invasiver Zugang mit kleinen Inzisionen speziell bei alten Patienten einsetzbar is

    Posteriore Zugänge zum Acetabulum

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    Zusammenfassung: Die posterioren Zugänge zum Hüftgelenk waren im 19. Jahrhundert von Langenbeck und Kocher beschrieben worden. Letournel schuf die Bezeichnung des Kocher-Langenbeck-Zugangs und beschrieb damit einen der wichtigsten Zugänge zum Hüftgelenk. Die Weiterentwicklung durch eine digastrische Trochanterosteotomie und zusätzliche chirurgische Hüftluxation ermöglicht die vollständige Gelenkeinsicht mit visueller Kontrolle des Schadens, der Güte der Reposition und der extraartikulären Implantatlage. Mit der Zunahme von Acetabulumfrakturen bei alten Menschen mehrt sich auch die Zahl komplizierender Faktoren wie multifragmentäre Hinterwandausbrüche, Domimpressionen, marginale Impaktionen und Femurkopfschäden. Diese Faktoren sind für schlechte Ergebnisse bei Acetabulumfrakturen verantwortlich. Nur bei direkter Gelenkeinsicht können diese Faktoren zuverlässig erkannt und soweit wie möglich anatomisch korrigiert werden. Die chirurgische Hüftluxation bietet deshalb bei komplexen Hinterwand-, Quer- und T-förmigen Frakturen mit und ohne Hinterwandbeteiligung große Vorteile. Sie stellt deshalb bei diesen Frakturformen in unseren Händen einen Standardzugang da

    Femoral cartilage damage occurs at the zone of femoral head necrosis and can be accurately detected on traction MR arthrography of the hip in patients undergoing joint preserving hip surgery.

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    The primary purpose was to answer the following question: What is the location and pattern of necrosis and associated chondrolabral lesions and can they be accurately detected on traction MR arthrography compared with intra-operative findings in patients undergoing hip preservation surgery for femoral head necrosis (FHN)? Retrospective, diagnostic case series on 23 patients (23 hips; mean age 29 ± 6 years) with diagnosis of FHN undergoing open/arthroscopic joint preserving surgery for FHN and pre-operative traction MR arthrography of the hip. A MR-compatible device for weight-adapted application of leg traction (15-23 kg) was used and coronal, sagittal and radial images were acquired. Location and pattern of necrosis and chondrolabral lesions was assessed by two readers and compared with intra-operative findings to calculate diagnostic accuracy of traction MR arthrography. On MRI all 23 (100%) hips showed central FHN, most frequently antero-superiorly (22/23, 96%) where a high prevalence of femoral cartilage damage was detected (18/23, 78%), with delamination being the most common (16/23, 70%) damage pattern. Intra-operative inspection showed central femoral head cartilage damage most frequently located antero-superiorly (18/23, 78%) with femoral cartilage delamination being most common (14/23, 61%). Traction MR arthrography enabled detection of femoral cartilage damage with a sensitivity/specificity of 95%/75% for reader 1 and 89%/75% for reader 2. To conclude, femoral cartilage damage occurs at the zone of necrosis and can be accurately detected using traction MR arthrography of the hip which may be helpful for surgical decision making in young patients with FHN

    Complications of hip preserving surgery.

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    Preoperative evaluation of the pathomorphology is crucial for surgical planning, including radiographs as the basic modality and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and case-based additional imaging (e.g. 3D-CT, abduction views).Hip arthroscopy (HAS) has undergone tremendous technical advances, an immense increase in use and the indications are getting wider. The most common indications for revision arthroscopy are labral tears and residual femoroacetabular impingement (FAI).Treatment of borderline developmental dysplastic hip is currently a subject of controversy. It is paramount to understand the underlining problem of the individual hip and distinguish instability (dysplasia) from FAI, as the appropriate treatment for unstable hips is periacetabular osteotomy (PAO) and for FAI arthroscopic impingement surgery.PAO with a concomitant cam resection is associated with a higher survival rate compared to PAO alone for the treatment of hip dysplasia. Further, the challenge for the surgeon is the balance between over- and undercorrection.Femoral torsion abnormalities should be evaluated and evaluation of femoral rotational osteotomy for these patients should be incorporated to the treatment plan. Cite this article: EFORT Open Rev 2021;6:472-486. DOI: 10.1302/2058-5241.6.210019

    Diagnosis of acetabular retroversion: Three signs positive and increased retroversion index have higher specificity and higher diagnostic accuracy compared to isolated positive cross over sign.

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    Objectives The crossover-sign (COS) is a radiographic sign for diagnosis of acetabular-retroversion(AR) in patients with femoroacetabular-impingement (FAI) but overestimates AR. Three signs combined with retroversion-index (RI) could potentially improve diagnostic-accuracy. Aims (1)To calculate central acetabular-version (AV, CT/MRI) in patients with isolated positive COS and in patients with three radiographic signs for AR on radiographs (AP).(2)To calculate diagnostic performance of positive COS and of three signs combined with retroversion-index (RI) > 30% on radiographs (AP) to detect global AR (AV < 10°, CT/MRI). Methods A retrospective, IRB-approved, controlled diagnostic study comparing radiographic signs for AR (AP radiographs) with MRI/CT-based measurement of central AV was performed. 462 symptomatic patients (538 hips) with FAI or hip-dysplasia were compared to control-group (48 hips). Three signs for AR(on radiographs) were analyzed: COS, posterior-wall-sign and ischial-spine-sign. RI (synonym cross-over-index) quantifies overlap of anterior and posterior wall in case of positive COS. Diagnostic performance for COS and for three signs combined with RI > 30% to detect central AV < 10° (global AR) was calculated. Results (1)Central AV was significantly (p  30% on radiographs compared to patients with positive COS (18 ± 7°).(2)Sensitivity and specificity of three signs combined with RI > 30% on radiographs was 85% and 63% (87% and 23% for COS). Negative-predictive-value (NPV) was 94% (93% for COS) to rule out global AR (AV < 10°, CT/MRI). Diagnostic accuracy increased significantly (p < 0.001) from 31% (COS) to 68% using three signs. Conclusion Improved specificity and diagnostic accuracy for diagnosis of global AR can help to avoid misdiagnosis. Global AR can be ruled out with a probability of 94% (NPV) in the absence of three radiographic signs combined with retroversion-index < 30% (e.g. isolated COS positive)

    Rotational femoral osteotomies and cam resection improve hip function and internal rotation for patients with anterior hip impingement and decreased femoral version.

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    Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) patients with reduced femoral version (FV) are poorly understood. The aim of this study is to assess (i) hip pain and range of motion, (ii) subjective satisfaction and (iii) subsequent surgeries of symptomatic patients who underwent rotational femoral osteotomies. A retrospective case series involving 18 patients (23 hips, 2014-2018) with anterior hip pain that underwent rotational femoral osteotomies for treatment of decreased FV was performed. The mean preoperative age was 25 ± 6 years (57% male), and all patients had decreased FV < 10° and minimum 1-year follow-up (mean follow-up 2 ± 1 years). Surgical indication was the positive anterior impingement test, limited internal rotation (IR) in 90° of flexion (mean 10 ± 8°) and IR in extension (mean 24 ± 11°), anterosuperior chondrolabral damage in Magnet resonance (MR) arthrography, CT-based measurement of decreased FV (mean 5 ± 3°, Murphy method) and no osteoarthritis (Tönnis Grade 0). Most patients had intra- and extra-articular subspine FAI (patient-specific 3D impingement simulation). Subtrochanteric rotational femoral osteotomies to increase FV (correction 20 ± 4°) were combined with cam resection (78%) and surgical hip dislocation (91%). (i) The positive anterior impingement test decreased significantly (P < 0.001) from pre- to postoperatively (100% to 9%). IR in 90° of flexion increased significantly (P < 0.001, 10 ± 8° to 31 ± 10°). (ii) Subjective satisfaction increased significantly (P < 0.001) from pre- to postoperatively (33% 77%). The mean Merle d'Aubigné and Postel score increased significantly (P < 0.001) from 14 ± 2 (8-15) points to 17 ± 1 (13-18, P < 0.001) points. Most patients (85%) reported at follow-up that they would undergo surgery again. (iii) At follow-up, all 23 hips were preserved (no conversion to total hip arthroplasty). One hip (4%) underwent revision osteosynthesis. Proximal rotational femoral osteotomies combined with cam resection improve hip pain and IR in most FAI patients with decreased FV at short-term follow-up. Rotational femoral osteotomies to increase FV are safe and effective

    [Irritation of the iliopsoas tendon after total hip arthroplasty]

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    Chronic irritation of the iliopsoas tendon is a rare cause of persistent pain after total joint replacement of the hip. In the majority of cases, pain results from a mechanical conflict between the iliopsoas tendon and the anterior edge of the acetabular cup after total hip arthroplasty. Pain can be reproduced by active flexion of the hip and by active raising of the straightened leg. In addition, painful leg raising against resistance and passive hyperextension are suggestive of an irritation of the iliopsoas tendon. Symptoms evolve from a mechanical irritation of the iliopsoas tendon and an oversized or retroverted acetabular cup, screws penetrating into the inner aspect of the ilium, or from bone cement protruding beyond the anterior acetabular rim. The diagnosis may be assumed on conventional radiographs and confirmed by CT scans. Fifteen patients with psoas irritation after total hip replacement are reported on. Eleven patients were treated surgically. The acetabular cup was revised and reoriented with more anteversion in six patients, isolated screws penetrating into the tendon were cut and leveled in three patients, and prominent bone cement in conflict with the tendon was resected once. A partial release of the iliopsoas tendon only was performed in another patient. Follow-up examination (range: 11-89 months) revealed that nine patients were free of pain and two patient had mild residual complaints. Psoas irritation in combination with total hip replacement can be prevented by a correct surgical technique, especially with proper selection of the cup size and insertion of the acetabular cup avoiding a rim position exceeding the level of the anterior acetabular rim

    Combined abnormalities of femoral version and acetabular version and McKibbin Index in FAI patients evaluated for hip preservation surgery.

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    Frequencies of combined abnormalities of femoral version (FV) and acetabular version (AV) and of abnormalities of the McKibbin index are unknown. To investigate the prevalence of combined abnormalities of FV and AV and of abnormalities of the McKibbin index in symptomatic patients with femoroacetabular impingement (FAI), a retrospective, Institutional Review Board (IRB)-approved study of 333 symptomatic patients (384 hips) that were presented with hip pain and FAI was performed. The computed tomography/magnetic resonance imaging based measurement of central AV, cranial AV and FV was compared among five subgroups with distinguished FAI subgroups and patients that underwent a hip preservation surgery. The allocation to each subgroup was based on AP radiographs. Normal AV and FV were 10-25°. The McKibbin index is the sum of central AV and FV. Of patients that underwent a hip preservation surgery, 73% had a normal McKibbin index (20-50°) but 27% had an abnormal McKibbin index. Of all patients, 72% had a normal McKibbin index, but 28% had abnormal McKibbin index. The prevalence of combined abnormalities of FV and AV varied among subgroups: a higher prevalence of decreased central AV combined with decreased FV of patients with acetabular-retroversion group (12%) and overcoverage (11%) was found compared with mixed-type FAI (5%). Normal AV combined with normal FV was present in 41% of patients with cam-type FAI and in 34% of patients with overcoverage. Patients that underwent a hip preservation surgery had normal mean FV (17 ± 11°), central AV (19 ± 7°), cranial AV (16 ± 10°) and McKibbin index (36 ± 14°). Frequency of combined abnormalities of AV and FV differs between subgroups of FAI patients. Aggravated and compensated McKibbin index was prevalent in FAI patients. This has implications for open hip preservation surgery (surgical hip dislocation or femoral derotation osteotomy) or hip arthroscopy or non-operative treatment
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