14 research outputs found

    First excitations in two- and three-dimensional random-field Ising systems

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    We present results on the first excited states for the random-field Ising model. These are based on an exact algorithm, with which we study the excitation energies and the excitation sizes for two- and three-dimensional random-field Ising systems with a Gaussian distribution of the random fields. Our algorithm is based on an approach of Frontera and Vives which, in some cases, does not yield the true first excited states. Using the corrected algorithm, we find that the order-disorder phase transition for three dimensions is visible via crossings of the excitations-energy curves for different system sizes, while in two-dimensions these crossings converge to zero disorder. Furthermore, we obtain in three dimensions a fractal dimension of the excitations cluster of d_s=2.42(2). We also provide analytical droplet arguments to understand the behavior of the excitation energies for small and large disorder as well as close to the critical point.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figure

    Low-energy excitations in the three-dimensional random-field Ising model

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    The random-field Ising model (RFIM), one of the basic models for quenched disorder, can be studied numerically with the help of efficient ground-state algorithms. In this study, we extend these algorithm by various methods in order to analyze low-energy excitations for the three-dimensional RFIM with Gaussian distributed disorder that appear in the form of clusters of connected spins. We analyze several properties of these clusters. Our results support the validity of the droplet-model description for the RFIM.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Revisiting the scaling of the specific heat of the three-dimensional random-field Ising model

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    We revisit the scaling behavior of the specific heat of the three-dimensional random-field Ising model with a Gaussian distribution of the disorder. Exact ground states of the model are obtained using graph-theoretical algorithms for different strengths = 268 3 spins. By numerically differentiating the bond energy with respect to h, a specific-heat-like quantity is obtained whose maximum is found to converge to a constant in the thermodynamic limit. Compared to a previous study following the same approach, we have studied here much larger system sizes with an increased statistical accuracy. We discuss the relevance of our results under the prism of a modified Rushbrooke inequality for the case of a saturating specific heat. Finally, as a byproduct of our analysis, we provide high-accuracy estimates of the critical field hc = 2.279(7) and the critical exponent of the correlation exponent ν = 1.37(1), in excellent agreement to the most recent computations in the literature

    Influence of the PM-Processing Route and Nitrogen Content on the Properties of Ni-Free Austenitic Stainless Steel

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    Ni-free austenitic steels alloyed with Cr and Mn are an alternative to conventional Ni-containing steels. Nitrogen alloying of these steel grades is beneficial for several reasons such as increased strength and corrosion resistance. Low solubility in liquid and δ-ferrite restricts the maximal N-content that can be achieved via conventional metallurgy. Higher contents can be alloyed by powder-metallurgical (PM) production via gas–solid interaction. The performance of sintered parts is determined by appropriate sintering parameters. Three major PM-processing routes, hot isostatic pressing, supersolidus liquid phase sintering (SLPS), and solid-state sintering, were performed to study the influence of PM-processing route and N-content on densification, fracture, and mechanical properties. Sintering routes are designed with the assistance of thermodynamic calculations, differential thermal analysis, and residual gas analysis. Fracture surfaces were studied by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, secondary electron microscopy, and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. Tensile tests and X-ray diffraction were performed to study mechanical properties and austenite stability. This study demonstrates that SLPS process reaches high densification of the high-Mn-containing powder material while the desired N-contents were successfully alloyed via gas–solid interaction. Produced specimens show tensile strengths >1000\ua0MPa combined with strain to fracture of 60\ua0pct and thus overcome the other tested production routes as well as conventional stainless austenitic or martensitic grades