499 research outputs found

    Preconditioning with sevoflurane decreases PECAM-1 expression and improves one-year cardiovascular outcome in coronary artery bypass graft surgery

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    Background. Cardiac preconditioning is thought to be involved in the observed decreased coronary artery reocclusion rate in patients with angina preceding myocardial infarction. We prospectively examined whether preconditioning by sevoflurane would decrease late cardiac events in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery. Methods. Seventy-two patients scheduled for elective CABG surgery were randomized to preconditioning by sevoflurane (10 min at 4 vol%) or placebo. For all patients, follow-up of adverse cardiac events was obtained 6 and 12 months after surgery. Transcript levels for platelet-endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 (PECAM-1/CD31), catalase and heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) were determined in atrial biopsies after sevoflurane preconditioning. Results. Pharmacological preconditioning by sevoflurane reduced the incidence of late cardiac events during the first year after CABG surgery (sevoflurane 3% vs 17% in the placebo group, log-rank test, P=0.038). One patient in the sevoflurane group and three patients in the placebo group experienced new episodes of congestive heart failure and three additional patients had coronary artery reocclusion. Perioperative peak concentrations for myocardial injury markers were higher in patients with subsequent late cardiac events [NTproBNP, 9031 (4125) vs 3049 (1906) ng litre−1, P<0.001; cTnT, 1.31 (0.88) vs 0.46 (0.29) ”g litre−1, P<0.001]. Transcript levels were reduced for PECAM-1 and increased for catalase but unchanged for Hsp70 in atrial biopsies after sevoflurane preconditioning. Conclusions. This prospective randomized clinical study provides evidence of a protective role for pharmacological preconditioning by sevoflurane in late cardiac events in CABG patients, which may be related to favourable transcriptional changes in pro- and antiprotective protein

    Partial pulpotomy without age restriction: a retrospective assessment of permanent teeth with carious pulp exposure

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    OBJECTIVES This study aimed to retrospectively evaluate clinical and radiographic outcomes of partial pulpotomy performed in permanent teeth with carious pulp exposure. MATERIALS AND METHODS Records of patients undergoing treatment at an undergraduate dental clinic between 2010 and 2019 were screened for partial pulpotomies in teeth with a presumptive diagnosis of normal pulp or reversible pulpitis. The follow-up had to be ≄ 1 year. Patient data were retrieved and analyzed using Mantel-Cox chi square tests and Kaplan-Meier statistics. The level of significance was set at α = 0.05. RESULTS Partial pulpotomy was performed in 111 cases, of which 64 (58%) fulfilled the eligibility criteria. At the time of partial pulpotomy, the mean age was 37.3 (± 13.5) years (age range 18-85). The mean observation period was 3.1 (± 2.0) years. Two early failures (3.1%) and five late failures (7.7%) were recorded. The overall success rate of maintaining pulp vitality was 89.1%, with 98.4% tooth survival. The cumulative pulp survival rates of partial pulpotomy in patients aged  40 years were 100%, 75.5%, and 90.5%, respectively, with no significant difference between the age groups (p = 0.225). At follow-up, narrowing of the pulp canal space and tooth discoloration were observed in 10.9% and 3.1% of cases, respectively. CONCLUSIONS Across age groups, partial pulpotomy achieved favorable short and medium-term outcomes in teeth with carious pulp exposure. CLINICAL RELEVANCE Adequate case selection provided, partial pulpotomy is a viable operative approach to treat permanent teeth with deep carious lesions irrespective of patients' age

    Persistence of pharmaceutical compounds and other organic wastewater contaminants in a conventional drinking-water-treatment plant

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    In a study conducted by the US Geological Survey and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 24 water samples were collected at selected locations within a drinking-water-treatment (DWT) facility and from the two streams that serve the facility to evaluate the potential for wastewater-related organic contaminants to survive a conventional treatment process and persist in potable-water supplies. Stream-water samples as well as samples of raw, settled, filtered, and finished water were collected during low-flow conditions, when the discharge of effluent from upstream municipal sewage-treatment plants accounted for 37–67% of flow in stream 1 and 10–20% of flow in stream 2. Each sample was analyzed for 106 organic wastewater-related contaminants (OWCs) that represent a diverse group of extensively used chemicals.Forty OWCs were detected in one or more samples of stream water or raw-water supplies in the treatment plant; 34 were detected in more than 10% of these samples. Several of these compounds also were frequently detected in samples of finished water; these compounds include selected prescription and non-prescription drugs and their metabolites, fragrance compounds, flame retardants and plasticizers, cosmetic compounds, and a solvent. The detection of these compounds suggests that they resist removal through conventional water-treatment processes. Other compounds that also were frequently detected in samples of stream water and rawwater supplies were not detected in samples of finished water; these include selected prescription and non-prescription drugs and their metabolites, disinfectants, detergent metabolites, and plant and animal steroids. The non-detection of these compounds indicates that their concentrations are reduced to levels less than analytical detection limits or that they are transformed to degradates through conventional DWT processes. Concentrations of OWCs detected in finished water generally were low and did not exceed Federal drinking-water standards or lifetime health advisories, although such standards or advisories have not been established for most of these compounds. Also, at least 11 and as many as 17 OWCs were detected in samples of finished water. Drinking-water criteria currently are based on the toxicity of individual compounds and not combinations of compounds. Little is known about potential human-health effects associated with chronic exposure to trace levels of multiple OWCs through routes such as drinking water. The occurrence in drinking-water supplies of many of the OWCs analyzed for during this study is unregulated and most of these compounds have not been routinely monitored for in the Nation’s source- or potable-water supplies. This study provides the first documentation that many of these compounds can survive conventional water-treatment processes and occur in potable-water supplies. It thereby provides information that can be used in setting research and regulatory priorities and in designing future monitoring programs. The results of this study also indicate that improvements in water-treatment processes may benefit from consideration of the response of OWCs and other trace organic contaminants to specific physical and chemical treatments

    Enhanced glucose uptake via GLUT4 fuels recovery from calcium overload after ischaemia-reperfusion injury in sevoflurane- but not propofol-treated hearts

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    Background So far, no study has explored the effects of sevoflurane, propofol, and Intralipid on metabolic flux rates of fatty acid oxidation (FOX) and glucose oxidation (GOX) in hearts exposed to ischaemia-reperfusion. Methods Isolated paced working rat hearts were exposed to 20 min of ischaemia and 30 min of reperfusion. Peri-ischaemic sevoflurane (2 vol%) and propofol (100 ”M) in the formulation of 1% DiprivanŸ were assessed for their effects on oxidative energy metabolism and intracellular diastolic and systolic Ca2+ concentrations. Substrate flux was measured using [3H]palmitate and [14C]glucose and [Ca2+] using indo-1AM. Western blotting was used to determine the expression of the sarcolemmal glucose transporter GLUT4 in lipid rafts. Biochemical analyses of nucleotides, ceramides, and 32 acylcarnitines were also performed. Results Sevoflurane, but not propofol, improved the recovery of left ventricular work (P=0.008) and myocardial efficiency (P=0.008) compared with untreated ischaemic hearts. This functional improvement was accompanied by reduced increases in post-ischaemic diastolic and systolic intracellular Ca2+ concentrations (P=0.008). Sevoflurane, but not propofol, increased GOX (P=0.009) and decreased FOX (P=0.019) in hearts exposed to ischaemia-reperfusion. GLUT4 expression was markedly increased in lipid rafts of sevoflurane-treated hearts (P=0.016). Increased GOX closely correlated with reduced Ca2+ overload. Intralipid alone decreased energy charge and increased long-chain and hydroxyacylcarnitine tissue levels, whereas sevoflurane decreased toxic ceramide formation. Conclusions Enhanced glucose uptake via GLUT4 fuels recovery from Ca2+ overload after ischaemia-reperfusion in sevoflurane- but not propofol-treated hearts. The use of a high propofol concentration (100 ”M) did not result in similar protectio

    Yangians, finite W-algebras and the Non Linear Schrodinger hierarchy

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    We show an algebra morphism between Yangians and some finite W-algebras. This correspondence is nicely illustrated in the framework of the Non Linear Schrodinger hierarchy. For such a purpose, we give an explicit realization of the Yangian generators in terms of deformed oscillators.Comment: LaTeX2e, 10 pages, Talk presented by E. Ragoucy at ACTP-Nankai Symposium on Yang-Baxter systems, non linear models and their applications, Seoul (Korea) October 20-23, 199

    Interdisciplinary evidence-based recommendations for the follow-up of testicular cancer patients: a joint effort

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    Detailed recommendations for the treatment of testicular cancer exist and due to the stringent application of the standard therapies, most patients can nowadays be cured. Moreover in the treatment of early stage disease, active surveillance is now a cornerstone of treatment. Hence there is a clear need for recommendations regarding the long term follow-up of these young patients. These have to be safe, feasible and the intensity of procedures have to reflect the known risk of recurrence. Different proposals have been published but they differ widely especially in terms of frequency and modality of imaging. In the last few years, new evidence has become available regarding the relapse pattern of different disease stages of testicular cancer, the use of imaging in follow-up and the risks of excessive radiation due to imaging, in particular with CT scans. In this article, an interdisciplinary, multinational working group has reviewed the evidence and based on this has formulated practical recommendations for the follow-up of patients with testicular cancer

    Preconditioning with sevoflurane decreases PECAM-1 expression and improves one-year cardiovascular outcome in coronary artery bypass graft surgery

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    BACKGROUND: Cardiac preconditioning is thought to be involved in the observed decreased coronary artery reocclusion rate in patients with angina preceding myocardial infarction. We prospectively examined whether preconditioning by sevoflurane would decrease late cardiac events in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery. METHODS: Seventy-two patients scheduled for elective CABG surgery were randomized to preconditioning by sevoflurane (10 min at 4 vol%) or placebo. For all patients, follow-up of adverse cardiac events was obtained 6 and 12 months after surgery. Transcript levels for platelet-endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 (PECAM-1/CD31), catalase and heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) were determined in atrial biopsies after sevoflurane preconditioning. RESULTS: Pharmacological preconditioning by sevoflurane reduced the incidence of late cardiac events during the first year after CABG surgery (sevoflurane 3% vs 17% in the placebo group, log-rank test, P=0.038). One patient in the sevoflurane group and three patients in the placebo group experienced new episodes of congestive heart failure and three additional patients had coronary artery reocclusion. Perioperative peak concentrations for myocardial injury markers were higher in patients with subsequent late cardiac events [NTproBNP, 9031 (4125) vs 3049 (1906) ng litre(-1), P&lt;0.001; cTnT, 1.31 (0.88) vs 0.46 (0.29) microg litre(-1), P&lt;0.001]. Transcript levels were reduced for PECAM-1 and increased for catalase but unchanged for Hsp70 in atrial biopsies after sevoflurane preconditioning. CONCLUSIONS: This prospective randomized clinical study provides evidence of a protective role for pharmacological preconditioning by sevoflurane in late cardiac events in CABG patients, which may be related to favourable transcriptional changes in pro- and antiprotective proteins

    Exploiting tumour addiction with a serine and glycine-free diet.

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    Understanding cancer metabolism is key to unveil the Achilles’ heel of cancer cells and provide novel therapeutic interventions for patients. While the rerouting of metabolic pathways during development1 or cancer transformation and progression2, 3, 4 has been extensively characterised, the exact dynamic of these events, their distribution and frequency in the different tumour types, and the correlation with genetic background remain largely unknown. In a recent article published in Nature, Karen Vousden’s team assesses the effect of serine and glycine dietary restriction in autochthonous mouse tumour models driven by different oncogenes (Maddocks et al, 2017)5, leading to potential area of therapeutic intervention

    Assessing dose rate distributions in VMAT plans

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    Dose rate is an essential factor in radiobiology. As modern radiotherapy delivery techniques such as volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) introduce dynamic modulation of the dose rate, it is important to assess the changes in dose rate. Both the rate of monitor units per minute (MU rate) and collimation are varied over the course of a fraction, leading to different dose rates in every voxel of the calculation volume at any point in time during dose delivery. Given the radiotherapy plan and machine specific limitations, a VMAT treatment plan can be split into arc sectors between Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine control points (CPs) of constant and known MU rate. By calculating dose distributions in each of these arc sectors independently and multiplying them with the MU rate, the dose rate in every single voxel at every time point during the fraction can be calculated. Independently calculated and then summed dose distributions per arc sector were compared to the whole arc dose calculation for validation. Dose measurements and video analysis were performed to validate the calculated datasets. A clinical head and neck, cranial and liver case were analyzed using the tool developed. Measurement validation of synthetic test cases showed linac agreement to precalculated arc sector times within ±0.4 s and doses ±0.1 MU (one standard deviation). Two methods for the visualization of dose rate datasets were developed: the first method plots a two-dimensional (2D) histogram of the number of voxels receiving a given dose rate over the course of the arc treatment delivery. In similarity to treatment planning system display of dose, the second method displays the dose rate as color wash on top of the corresponding computed tomography image, allowing the user to scroll through the variation over time. Examining clinical cases showed dose rates spread over a continuous spectrum, with mean dose rates hardly exceeding 100 cGy min(-1) for conventional fractionation. A tool to analyze dose rate distributions in VMAT plans with sub-second accuracy was successfully developed and validated. Dose rates encountered in clinical VMAT test cases show a continuous spectrum with a mean less than or near 100 cGy min(-1) for conventional fractionation
