40 research outputs found

    Sebaceous gland tumors and internal malignancy in the context of Muir-Torre syndrome. A case report and review of the literature

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    BACKGROUND: The Muir-Torre syndrome is a rare autosomal dominant condition and is currently considered a subtype of the more common hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer syndrome, in which multiple primary malignancies occur together with sebaceous gland tumors. CASE PRESENTATION: We describe a case of a 62-year-old woman with three primary colorectal tumors, genital tumor, and sebaceous adenomas and present her family history of three generations. Our case represents the first case reported from Greece in the international literature. CONCLUSION: Recognition of the syndrome in patients with sebaceous gland tumors should facilitate early detection of subsequent malignancies if the patient is entered into appropriate screening programs

    Pengaruh Rasio Gaya Apung dan Gaya Tenggelam Surface Gill Net terhadap Hasil Tangkapan di Pangkalan Pendaratan Ikan Desa Kranji Kecamatan Paciran Kabupaten Lamongan

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    Tampilan gill net di dalam perairan dipengaruhi oleh gaya internal dan gaya eksternal yang bekerja pada alat tangkap. Gaya-gaya tersebut diantaranya gaya berat, gaya apung dan gaya hidrodinamika. Bekerjanya gaya tersebut akan mempengaruhi tampilan gill net didalam air. Oleh karena itu perlu adanya pengkajian tentang rasio gaya apung dan tenggelam terhadap surface gill net. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengatahui pengaruh perbedaan gaya apung dan gaya tengelam surface gil net terhadap hasil tangkapannya. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Pangkalan Pendaratan Ikan Desa Kranji Kecamatan Paciran Kabupaten Lamongan dengan menggunakanan metode deskriptif, analisa data yang digunakan adalah analisa komparatif yaitu membandingkan antara hasil pengamatan dengan literature dan menggunakan Rancangana Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan uji Anova. berdasarkan hasil penelitian, penentuan besar kecilnya gaya apung dan gaya tenggelam pada gill net bergantung pada sasaran hasil tangkapan. Gill net yang dioperasikan di permukaan harus memiliki total gaya apung yang lebih besar dari total gaya tenggelamnya. Ikan-ikan yang tertangkap kebanyakan dengan cara terbelit atau terpuntal. Anova yang diperoleh yaitu Fhitung Ë‚ Ftabel, maka H0 diterima yang artinya dengan adanya perbedaan gaya apung dan tenggelam pada surface gill net yang ada di Desa Kranji tidak berpengaruh terhadap hasil tangkapannya. Analisis hasil dari uji anova tidak berbeda nyata dengan perbandingan gaya apung dan gaya tenggelam pada jaring insang permukaan, dikarenakan perbedaan ketegangan dan terbukanya tubuh jaring di perairan tidak begitu besar sehingga kemampuan untuk menangkap ikan baik secara terjerat atau terpuntal dari ketiga sampel tidak berbeda. Ikan dominan tertangkap diantaranya adalah ikan kembung (Restreliger kanagurta), ikan layang (Decapterus ruselli), ikan layur (Trichiulus savala) dan ikan gulamah (Pseudocienna amovescis)

    Symbolic stochastic dynamical systems viewed as binary N-step Markov chains

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    A theory of systems with long-range correlations based on the consideration of binary N-step Markov chains is developed. In the model, the conditional probability that the i-th symbol in the chain equals zero (or unity) is a linear function of the number of unities among the preceding N symbols. The correlation and distribution functions as well as the variance of number of symbols in the words of arbitrary length L are obtained analytically and numerically. A self-similarity of the studied stochastic process is revealed and the similarity group transformation of the chain parameters is presented. The diffusion Fokker-Planck equation governing the distribution function of the L-words is explored. If the persistent correlations are not extremely strong, the distribution function is shown to be the Gaussian with the variance being nonlinearly dependent on L. The applicability of the developed theory to the coarse-grained written and DNA texts is discussed.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figure

    The development of an index for assessing the circularity level of eco-labels

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    The Circular Economy concept is recognized as a promising instrument to address sustainability goals related to production and consumption patterns. This concept can be promoted through product labels which provide consumers with information about the product. So far, there is a lack of circular economy labels. The existing eco-labels mainly show the environmental impact of a product; however, few include some circularity aspects. Thus, this study addresses this gap by introducing an Eco-Label Circularity Index (ECI) based on scoring systems and Circular Economy principles in order to assess the circularity level of existing eco-labels. The proposed framework was applied to a sample of 27 eco-labels to test and demonstrate its applicability and provide insights into the circularity of the eco-labels examined. The findings show that the examined labels do not adequately cover Circular Economy issues through their certification process, hence they are unable to provide a clear indication of the products contribution to Circular Economy. The implementation of the ECI in this study demonstrates its use as a straightforward evaluation process and a useful first step in making the circular aspects of products transparent and reducing information asymmetry between producers and consumers. © 202