1,394 research outputs found

    Discovering Class-Specific Pixels for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation

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    We propose an approach to discover class-specific pixels for the weakly-supervised semantic segmentation task. We show that properly combining saliency and attention maps allows us to obtain reliable cues capable of significantly boosting the performance. First, we propose a simple yet powerful hierarchical approach to discover the class-agnostic salient regions, obtained using a salient object detector, which otherwise would be ignored. Second, we use fully convolutional attention maps to reliably localize the class-specific regions in a given image. We combine these two cues to discover class-specific pixels which are then used as an approximate ground truth for training a CNN. While solving the weakly supervised semantic segmentation task, we ensure that the image-level classification task is also solved in order to enforce the CNN to assign at least one pixel to each object present in the image. Experimentally, on the PASCAL VOC12 val and test sets, we obtain the mIoU of 60.8% and 61.9%, achieving the performance gains of 5.1% and 5.2% compared to the published state-of-the-art results. The code is made publicly available

    The behavior of the electron density and temperatue at Millstone Hill during the equinox transition study September 1984

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    The ionospheric electron density and temperature variations is simulated during the equinox transition study in September 1984 and the results are compared with measurements made at Millstone Hill. The agreement between the modeled and measured electron density and temperature for the quiet day (18 September) is very good but there are large differences on the day of the storm (19 September). On the storm day, the measured electron density decreases by a factor of 1.7 over the previous day, while the model density actually increases slightly. The model failure is attributed to an inadequate increase in the ratio of atomic oxygen to molecular neutral densities in the MSIS neutral atmosphere model, for this particular storm. A factor of 3 to 5 increase in the molecular to atomic oxygen density ratio at 300 km is needed to explain the observed decrease in electron density. The effect of vibrationally excited N sub 2 on the electron density were studied and found to be small

    Neutral winds derived from IRI parameters and from the HWM87 wind model for the sundial campaign of September, 1986

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    Meridional neutral winds derived from the height of the maximum ionization of the F2 layer are compared with values from results of the HWM87 empirical neutral wind model. The time period considered is the SUNDIAL-2 campaign, 21 Sept. through 5 Oct. 1986. Winds were derived from measurements by a global network of ionosondes, as well as from similar quantities generated by the International Reference Ionosphere. Global wind patterns from the three sources are similar. Differences tend to be the result of local or transient phenomena that are either too rapid to be described by the order of harmonics of the empirical models, or are the result of temporal changes not reproduced by models based on average conditions

    Stable Rank Normalization for Improved Generalization in Neural Networks and GANs

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    Exciting new work on the generalization bounds for neural networks (NN) given by Neyshabur et al. , Bartlett et al. closely depend on two parameter-depenedent quantities: the Lipschitz constant upper-bound and the stable rank (a softer version of the rank operator). This leads to an interesting question of whether controlling these quantities might improve the generalization behaviour of NNs. To this end, we propose stable rank normalization (SRN), a novel, optimal, and computationally efficient weight-normalization scheme which minimizes the stable rank of a linear operator. Surprisingly we find that SRN, inspite of being non-convex problem, can be shown to have a unique optimal solution. Moreover, we show that SRN allows control of the data-dependent empirical Lipschitz constant, which in contrast to the Lipschitz upper-bound, reflects the true behaviour of a model on a given dataset. We provide thorough analyses to show that SRN, when applied to the linear layers of a NN for classification, provides striking improvements-11.3% on the generalization gap compared to the standard NN along with significant reduction in memorization. When applied to the discriminator of GANs (called SRN-GAN) it improves Inception, FID, and Neural divergence scores on the CIFAR 10/100 and CelebA datasets, while learning mappings with low empirical Lipschitz constants.Comment: Accepted at the International Conference in Learning Representations, 2020, Addis Ababa, Ethiopi

    NeRF-VPT: learning novel view representations with Neural Radiance Fields via view prompt tuning

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    Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) have garnered remarkable success in novel view synthesis. Nonetheless, the task of generating high-quality images for novel views persists as a critical challenge. While the existing efforts have exhibited commendable progress, capturing intricate details, enhancing textures, and achieving superior Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) metrics warrant further focused attention and advancement. In this work, we propose NeRF-VPT, an innovative method for novel view synthesis to address these challenges. Our proposed NeRF-VPT employs a cascading view prompt tuning paradigm, wherein RGB information gained from preceding rendering outcomes serves as instructive visual prompts for subsequent rendering stages, with the aspiration that the prior knowledge embedded in the prompts can facilitate the gradual enhancement of rendered image quality. NeRF-VPT only requires sampling RGB data from previous stage renderings as priors at each training stage, without relying on extra guidance or complex techniques. Thus, our NeRF-VPT is plug-and-play and can be readily integrated into existing methods. By conducting comparative analyses of our NeRF-VPT against several NeRF-based approaches on demanding real-scene benchmarks, such as Realistic Synthetic 360, Real Forward-Facing, Replica dataset, and a user-captured dataset, we substantiate that our NeRF-VPT significantly elevates baseline performance and proficiently generates more high-quality novel view images than all the compared state-of-the-art methods. Furthermore, the cascading learning of NeRF-VPT introduces adaptability to scenarios with sparse inputs, resulting in a significant enhancement of accuracy for sparse-view novel view synthesis. The source code and dataset are available at https://github.com/Freedomcls/NeRF-VPT

    Continual Learning in Low-rank Orthogonal Subspaces

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    In continual learning (CL), a learner is faced with a sequence of tasks, arriving one after the other, and the goal is to remember all the tasks once the continual learning experience is finished. The prior art in CL uses episodic memory, parameter regularization or extensible network structures to reduce interference among tasks, but in the end, all the approaches learn different tasks in a joint vector space. We believe this invariably leads to interference among different tasks. We propose to learn tasks in different (low-rank) vector subspaces that are kept orthogonal to each other in order to minimize interference. Further, to keep the gradients of different tasks coming from these subspaces orthogonal to each other, we learn isometric mappings by posing network training as an optimization problem over the Stiefel manifold. To the best of our understanding, we report, for the first time, strong results over experience-replay baseline with and without memory on standard classification benchmarks in continual learning. The code is made publicly available.Comment: The paper is accepted at NeurIPS'2