76 research outputs found

    The effect of commercial enzyme preparation-assisted maceration on the yield, quality, and bioactivity of essential oil from waste carrot seeds (<em>Daucus carota</em> L.)

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    Eight enzyme preparations were screened with a view to maximizing the yield of carrot seed essential oil. Three of the eight enzyme preparations investigated, lipase from <em>Mucor circinelloides</em>, XPect® pectinase, and Esperase® protease, significantly influenced the amount of essential oil obtained, with Esperase® being the most effective. The Taguchi method was applied to optimize the processing conditions for the Esperase® protease. Under the optimum conditions, the essential oil yield increased by approximately 48%. The main constituent compounds in the oil are: carotol (OeA: 40.80%–OeB: 46.17%), daucol (OeA: 7.35%–OeB: 6.22%), sabinene (OeA: 5.12%–OeB: 6.13%), alpha-pinene (OeA: 4.24%–OeB: 5.11%) and geranyl acetate (OeA: 4.50%–OeB: 3.68%). As compared to the control sample, the essential oil obtained from enzyme-pretreated carrot seeds has the same biological activity against <em>Bacillus subtilis</em> and <em>Candida</em> sp., lower activity against <em>Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli</em>, and <em>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</em>, and higher activity against <em>Aspergillus niger</em> and <em>Penicillium expansum</em>.<br><br>Ocho preparados enzimáticos fueron seleccionados con el fin de maximizar el rendimiento de aceites esenciales de semillas de zanahoria. Tres de los ocho preparados de las enzimas investigadas, lipasa de Mucor circinelloides, Xpect® pectinasa y Esperase® proteasa, influyeron de manera significativa sobre la cantidad de aceite esencial obtenido, siendo Esperase® el más eficaz. El método de Taguchi se aplicó para optimizar las condiciones del procesamiento para esta última. Bajo las condiciones óptimas, el rendimiento de los aceite esenciales aumentó aproximadamente un 48%. Los principales compuestos constituyentes del aceite son: carotol (OEA: 40.80%–OeB: 46,17%), ducol (OEA: 7,35%–OeB: 6,22%), sabineno (OEA: 5,12%–OeB: 6,13%), alfa-pineno (OEA: 4,24%– OeB: 5,11%) y acetato de geranilo (OEA: 4,50%–OeB: 3,68%). En comparación con la muestra control, el aceite esencial obtenido a partir de las semillas de zanahoria mediante enzima-pretratada tiene la misma actividad biológica frente a Bacillus subtilis y Candida sp., menor actividad frente a Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, y Pseudomonas aeruginosa, y una mayor actividad contra Aspergillus niger y Penicillium expansum

    Efecto de la preparación mediante maceración con enzima asistida comercial sobre el rendimiento, la calidad, y la bioactividad de aceite esencial de residuos de semillas de zanahoria (Daucus carota L.)

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    Eight enzyme preparations were screened with a view to maximizing the yield of carrot seed essential oil. Three of the eight enzyme preparations investigated, lipase from Mucor circinelloides, XPect® pectinase, and Esperase® protease, significantly influenced the amount of essential oil obtained, with Esperase® being the most effective. The Taguchi method was applied to optimize the processing conditions for the Esperase® protease. Under the optimum conditions, the essential oil yield increased by approximately 48%. The main constituent compounds in the oil are: carotol (OeA: 40.80%–OeB: 46.17%), daucol (OeA: 7.35%–OeB: 6.22%), sabinene (OeA: 5.12%–OeB: 6.13%), alpha-pinene (OeA: 4.24%–OeB: 5.11%) and geranyl acetate (OeA: 4.50%–OeB: 3.68%). As compared to the control sample, the essential oil obtained from enzyme-pretreated carrot seeds has the same biological activity against Bacillus subtilis and Candida sp., lower activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and higher activity against Aspergillus niger and Penicillium expansum.Ocho preparados enzimáticos fueron seleccionados con el fin de maximizar el rendimiento de aceites esenciales de semillas de zanahoria. Tres de los ocho preparados de las enzimas investigadas, lipasa de Mucor circinelloides, Xpect® pectinasa y Esperase® proteasa, influyeron de manera significativa sobre la cantidad de aceite esencial obtenido, siendo Esperase® el más eficaz. El método de Taguchi se aplicó para optimizar las condiciones del procesamiento para esta última. Bajo las condiciones óptimas, el rendimiento de los aceite esenciales aumentó aproximadamente un 48%. Los principales compuestos constituyentes del aceite son: carotol (OEA: 40.80%–OeB: 46,17%), ducol (OEA: 7,35%–OeB: 6,22%), sabineno (OEA: 5,12%–OeB: 6,13%), alfa-pineno (OEA: 4,24%– OeB: 5,11%) y acetato de geranilo (OEA: 4,50%–OeB: 3,68%). En comparación con la muestra control, el aceite esencial obtenido a partir de las semillas de zanahoria mediante enzima-pretratada tiene la misma actividad biológica frente a Bacillus subtilis y Candida sp., menor actividad frente a Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, y Pseudomonas aeruginosa, y una mayor actividad contra Aspergillus niger y Penicillium expansum

    Zawartość metalicznych i niemetalicznych pierwiastków w homogenatach próbek tkankowych pobranych z amputowanych na poziomie uda z powodu miażdżycy kończyn dolnych. Doniesienie wstępne

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    Background: Metallic and non-metallic elements have influence on the development the changes within structure and function of arteries in different regions of vascular tree. The content of elements into arterial walls varies according to geographical origin of people. Material and methods: Tissue specimens were taken from the six lower limbs amputated on the level of thigh due to atherosclerosis. The mean age was 69 (57 to 84). Tissue specimens were collected from the limbs from the level of amputation, the popliteal fossa and the dorsal artery of foot. After chemical processing of the tissues homogenates determination of the content of elements using atomic emission spectrometry method with inductively coupled plasma (inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy) was performed. The content of Al, Ba, Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, P, S, Sr and Zn was determined. Results: As a point of reference mean absolute value occurred from six specimens on the level of thigh was assumed as 100%. Content of non-metallic elements such as Ca, P and S rise towards to periphery of amputated limb reaching few times higher values on the level of dorsal artery of foot. Content of some metallic elements such as: Fe, Zn, K and Sr also rise towards to periphery of extremity. The Cu accumulation was the highest on the level of popliteal fossa, while Mn, Al and Mg concentration was the lowest on this same level and the highest in dorsal artery of foot. Conclusions: The influence of individual elements on development the atherosclerosis especially on necrotic changes requires further investigations. Described problem pose a preliminary report only in order to indicate the issue and to check the method of analysis

    Indoor allergens in settled dust from kindergartens in city of Łódź, Poland

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    Objectives: The main objective of the study was to determine the levels of house dust mite (Der p1), dog (Can f1), cat (Fel d1) and cockroach (Bla g2) allergens in kindergartens localized in an urban agglomeration. Material and Methods: A quantitative analysis of allergens was carried out in settled dust samples collected by vacuuming the floor surface in three kindergartens (N = 84) and children's clothing (N = 36). The samples were collected in springsummer and autumn-winter periods as well as at the beginning and end of the week. The allergen dust concentration was determined by enzyme-linked immunoenzymatic assay (ELISA). Results: The mean geometric concentrations (±geometric standard deviations) of allergens Der p1, Can f1, Fel d1 and Bla g2 determined in kindergartens were: 0.02±3.21 μg/g of dust; 0.97±4.49 μg/g of dust; 0.30±4.43 μg/g of dust and 0.01±3.08 μg/g of dust, respectively. Younger classrooms (children aged from 3 to 4 years) were characterized by almost twice higher mean concentration of allergen Fel d1, as compared to older classrooms (children aged from 5 to 6 years) (p < 0.05). A significant impact of seasonality on the level of dog allergen Can f1 was found (p < 0.05). No significant weekly variation was found in average concentrations of the allergens. Children who had a dog and/or cat at home were characterized by high concentrations of allergens Can f1 and Fel d1 on their clothes (59.2±5.39 μg Can f1/g of dust; 3.63±1.47 μg Fel d1/g of dust), significantly higher than concentrations of allergens in children who did not have any pets (p < 0.001). Conclusions: Special attention should be paid to keeping the kindergarten rooms tidy and clean and to an appropriate choice of furnishings and fittings which would prevent the proliferation of the house dust mite and accumulation of allergens

    Children’s residential exposure to selected allergens and microbial indicators: endotoxins and (1→3)-β-D-glucans

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    Objectives: The study was aimed at assessment of exposure to endotoxins, (1→3)-β-D-glucans and mite, cockroach, cat, dog allergens present in settled dust in premises of children as agents which may be significantly correlated with the occurrence of allergic symptoms and diseases in children. Materials and Methods: The study covered 50 homes of one- or two-year-old children in Poland. Samples of settled dust were taken from the floor and the child's bed. The levels of (1→3)-β-D-glucans (floor), endotoxins (floor) and allergens of mite, cat, dog and cockroach (floor and bed) were analyzed. Results: Average geometric concentrations (geometric standard deviation) of endotoxins, (1→3)-β-D-glucans, Der p1, Fel d1, Can f1 and Bla g1 in children homes were on the floor 42 166.0 EU/g (3.2), 20 478.4 ng/g (2.38), 93.9 ng/g (6.58), 119.8 ng/g (13.0), 288.9 ng/g (3.4), 0.72 U/g (4.4) and in their beds (only allergens) 597.8 ng/g (14.2), 54.1 ng/g (4.4), 158.6 ng/g (3.1) 0.6 U/g (2.9), respectively. When the floor was covered with the carpet, higher concentrations of endotoxins, (1→3)-β-D-glucans and allergens (each type) were found in the settled dust (p < 0.05). The trend was opposite in case of allergens (except dog) analyzed from bed dust and significantly higher concentrations were found in the rooms with smooth floor (p < 0.05). Conclusions: Among the analyzed factors only the type of floor significantly modified both the level of biological indicators and allergens. The results of this study could be the base for verifying a hypothesis that carpeting may have a protective role against high levels of cockroach, dog and cat allergens

    From the internal control to the control of management activities. Analysis of organizational and legal aspects in public financial sector

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    Kontrola jest niezbędnym elementem procesu zarządzania. Występuje zatem zarówno w zarządzaniu całą gospodarką narodową, jej poszczególnymi dziedzinami oraz jednostkami organizacyjnymi, a wśród nich jednostkami sektora finansów publicznych. W sektorze publicznym celem kontroli jest badanie zgodności postępowania z obowiązującymi aktami prawa, a także badanie efektywności i ocena faktycznych realizacji procesów zachodzących w jednostkach tego sektora, stąd obowiązkiem prowadzenia kontroli zostały objęte wszystkie jednostki sektora finansów publicznych. Zadaniem kontroli w tym obszarze jest wykrywanie zjawisk negatywnych w działalności przede wszystkim jednostek budżetowych , ustalanie ich przyczyn, rozmiarów i skutków, wskazanie osób odpowiedzialnych za wystąpienie odchyleń. Ważnym zadaniem jest również określenie możliwości, trybów i sposobów usunięcia negatywnych zjawisk oraz stworzenie procedur zapobiegających ich powstawaniu w przyszłości. Współcześnie, miejsce dotychczasowej kontroli finansowej zajęła kontrola zarządcza. Ma ona charakter kontroli wewnętrznej, chociaż należy nie tylko do kierownika jednostki sektora finansów publicznych, lecz także do ministra kierującego danym działem administracji rządowej oraz do wójta, burmistrza, prezydenta miasta, przewodniczącego zarządu jednostki samorządu terytorialnego. Wzrost znaczenia kontroli zarządczej łączy się z menadżerskim podejściem do finansów publicznych, zwłaszcza pod względem zachowania dostatecznej efektywności wydatkowania środków publicznych. Tym samym, kontrola zarządcza jest związana bezpośrednio z zarządzaniem i stanowi jedną z jego funkcji (obok planowania, organizowania i kierowania). Działania te w sferze jednostek sektora finansów publicznych przyjęto określać jako zarządzanie operacyjne lub administrowanie.The threat of crisis in public finances enforces regulations aiming at their rehabilitation especially for effective spending and controlling of both the state and European finances. For these purposes the place of the previous financial control has been taken over by the control of management activities. It performs the role of internal control; however it is not subjected only to the manager in charge of the given sector of public finances but also to the minister responsible for the particular department of state administration and local governments. These days the importance and significance of the control of management activities is associated with the managerial attitude to the sector of public finances with especial stress on their effective spending

    Energy crops - posibility of plantation on grounds where agriculture production is uneconomical

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    Coraz bardziej popularna idea pozyskiwania energii ze źródel odnawialnych, przede wszystkim tam, gdzie konwencjonalna energetyka węglowa i górnictwo doprowadziło do degradacji środowiska naturalnego zyskuje ostatnio wielu zwolenników. Jednym ze sposobów pozyskiwania energii cieplnej jest wykorzystanie biomasy. W niniejszym artykule opisano możliwości wykorzystania trzech gatunków roślin energetycznych: wierzby krzewiastej, iniskanta olbrzymiego i ślazowca pensylwańskiego do wytwarzania energii cieplnej. Scharakteryzowano warunki glebowe, jakich wymagają te rośliny oraz przedstawiono klasyfikację bonitacyjną i typy gleb rolniczych występujących w Polsce. Stwierdzono, że rośliny te mogą bvć uprawiane na terenach rolniczych zdegradowanych i zdewastowanych przez przemysł oraz w miejscach, gdzie tradycyjne rolnictwo jest nieopłacalne. Określono wymagania finansowe, jakie należałoby spełnić w celu założenia komercyjnej plantacji energetycznej, jak również możliwości dofinansowania przez WFOSiGW oraz rynek zbytu roślin energetycznych w Polsce. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na możliwości zagospodarowania gruntów odłogowanych i wyłączonych spod działalności rolniczej ze względu na zanieczyszczenie w woj. śląskim. Sporządzono zestawienie finansowe zysków ze sprzedaży roślin energetycznycli zebranych z 1 ha upraw w stosunku do innych roślin spożywczych oraz omówiono zyski ekologiczne, jakie można osiągnąć, zastępując paliwa konwencjonalne biomasą.In this article it was characterised energetic plants suitable for chmate of Poland like; shrubby willow, gigantic miscanthus, pennsylvanian mallow. The energetic value and costs of heat production for different fuels in comparison witli energetic plants were presented. The main principles of energetic plant cultivation were described. More attention was paid to the description of ground utilisation and the types of soils in Poland. The soils have been classified according the soil valuation class to show the potential of energetic plants cultivation. Also the total area of the country was presented divided into agricultural uses, forests grounds, demoted and devastated grounds as well as soil valuation for all provinces. The most suitable terrains to energetic plants' tillage are the areas of industrial activity concentration as well as agncultural demoted terrains and agricultural wastes and terrains where traditional agricultural production is unprofitable. The most of them are situated at Silesian province. Next part of tlie article was concentrated on characterisation of Silesian province grounds. The area of Silesian province agricultural lands and forest divided into administrative districts was shown. Also area utilisation in Silesia province and some data of agricultural production in Silesia province was presented. Then the already existing energetic plants' tillage in Poland and the perspective of their development was discussed. Analysis of the composition of energetic tillage costs and tlie protit from agricultural crops to compaie with the profit of energy plants' plantation was presented and discussed. Finally the ecological profit of future energetic plants' plantations in Silesia provnice was predicted

    Environmental aspects of underground coal gasification

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    Podziemne zgazowanie węgla jest technologią wytwarzania gazu bezpośrednio w pokładzie węglowym o składzie umożliwiającym jego zastosowanie w energetyce i chemii. Pomimo wielu lat od momentu opracowania koncepcji procesu, praktycznie nigdzie nie został zrealizowany w dużej skali przemysłowej. Jedną z podstawowych przyczyn takiego stanu jest ryzyko związane z możliwością wyrządzenia szkód w środowisku naturalnym i ryzyko dla zdrowia i życia ludzi. W publikacji przedstawiono główne zagrożenia dla ludzi i środowiska związane z budową i eksploatacją instalacji podziemnego zgazowania węgla, z uwzględnieniem doświadczeń uzyskanych podczas realizacji eksperymentu w skali pilotowej w KHW SA KWK Wieczorek w 2014 r.Underground coal gasification is a technology for production of gas directly in the coal bed of composition allowing its use in power industry and chemistry. Despite the fact that many years have passed since the concept of the process had been developed, it has never been implemented at large industrial scale. One of the reasons behind that is a risk related to possible damage in the natural environment and risk to human health and life. The paper presents main hazards to humans and the environment related to construction and operation of underground coal gasification plant, including experience gained during execution of experiment at pilot scale in KHW SA KWK (coal mine) Wieczorek in 2014