16 research outputs found

    Flow-to-fracture transition and pattern formation in a discontinuous shear thickening fluid

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    Recent theoretical and experimental work suggests a frictionless-frictional transition with increasing inter-particle pressure explains the extreme solid-like response of discontinuous shear thickening suspensions. However, analysis of macroscopic discontinuous shear thickening flow in geometries other than the standard rheometry tools remain scarce. Here we use a Hele-Shaw cell geometry to visualise gas-driven invasion patterns in discontinuous shear thickening cornstarch suspensions. We plot quantitative results from pattern analysis in a volume fraction-pressure phase diagram and explain them in context of rheological measurements. We observe three distinct pattern morphologies: viscous fingering, dendritic fracturing, and system-wide fracturing, which correspond to the same packing fraction ranges as weak shear thickening, discontinuous shear thickening, and shear-jammed regimes

    The degree of wage differential as an indicator of the balance between demand and labour supply

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    The purpose of the article is to use the Gini index to indicate supply gaps in the labour market at sea. In order to determine the size of imbalance in the labour market at sea, a measure of concentration (unevenness) of distribution of a random variable was used. To determine in which positions the largest deficit of employees occurs (and probably will occur in future), positions from the deck and the engine room were selected, both among officers and ratings. Wages received on dry ships and on tankers were analysed separately. The next step was to select nations that to the greatest extent join crews of sea-going vessels (China, Croatia, India, Latvia, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Russia, Ukraine, the United Kingdom). First, the GDP per capita was compared for individual economies, from which seafarers were selected for the analysis. Then, salary levels were compared for each selected position. Differences in the GDP per capita calculated using the Gini coefficient were in line with differences in positions among ratings - mostly among cooks, ordinary seamen, wipers and messmen, regardless in which ship (dry or tanker) they were employed. Among the positions on which nationality had little impact on the amount of remuneration were: chief engineer on tankers and on bulk carriers: master, chief officer and 2nd engineer. Knowledge of the level of market imbalance and market trends may be helpful for crew departments/ crew agencies, while developing a policy of hiring people to work at sea. Additionally, it may indicate areas in which education and training of seafarers should be activated

    Infrastructure Investments in the Seaport in Gdynia and the Development of Cruise Ship Tourism

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    [...]Celem artykułu jest ocena działań inwestycyjnych Zarządu Morskiego Portu Gdynia SA w zakresie przygotowania infrastruktury portu w Gdyni do obsługi statków wycieczkowych. Ponadto sformułowano następujące problemy badawcze: (1) Jaki jest zakres kompetencji zarządów portów morskich w Polsce w zakresie planowania i rozwoju portów zagwarantowany prawnie? (2) Jakiego rodzaju inwestycje zrealizowane zostały z inicjatywy Zarządu Morskiego Portu Gdynia SA w latach 2007-2013? (3) Jaki jest stan przygotowania infrastruktury portowej w porcie morskim w Gdyni do obsługi morskich statków wycieczkowych? Badania zrealizowano w okresie od lipca 2013 do kwietnia 2014 r. W badaniach wykorzystano metody badań eksploracyjnych oraz desk research materiałów źródłowych i raportów z realizacji inwestycji, ale także wyniki wywiadu przeprowadzonego z przedstawicielami Zarządu ZMPG-A SA. Analizie poddano także akty normatywne odnoszące się do działalności portów morskich.[...]In recent years, the authorities of Polish seaports have been conducted the active investment policy. The main stimulus to undertake these activities was the ability to gain financial support from European funds, mainly from the Cohesion Fund, the European Regional Development Fund and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism. In Poland, the port authorities were able to submit the investment projects to apply for EU support to the Infrastructure and Environment Operational Programme and the Regional Operational Programmes for the Pomeranian regions. The seaport authorities rebuilt quays, deepened and widened the waterways in the port basins, modernized communication accessibility to the ports from the land and the sea, as well as built logistics centers and introduced innovative solutions in the field of navigation and improved the safety of navigation. However, the analysis showed that investment activities in Polish seaports still allocate not enough space to issues of preparation of port infrastructure to support passengers' cruise ships and adaptation of the quays for terminals dedicated for handling of cruise ships. The objective of the study in this article is to assess the investment activities, realized by the Port of Gdynia Authority S.A, in the field of preparation of the port infrastructure in Gdynia to handle cruise ships

    Digital trransformation in ferry shipping – case study in the Baltic Sea region

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    In every sector of the economy, the use of digital technologies can be observed. In maritime transport, the use of digital technologies is used to operate the infrastructure as well as to reach the customer. The digital transformation in ferry shipping plays a significant role, not only in operations, but also in the way passengers are acquired. The availability and ease of purchasing tickets are important from the point of view of the users' application and the accompanying experience, so-called user experience. However, it is important to ensure the security in cyberspace for both parties of transactions, which is conditioned by the implementation of international, EU and the state legal acts. The aim of the article is to present the legal acts regarding digitalization and cybersecurity in maritime navigation and to identify the digital activities of ferry carriers. The paper uses the exploratory method, the literature review and desk research method. Critical and comparative analysis was also carried out