271 research outputs found

    Extended modular operad

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    This paper is a sequel to [LoMa] where moduli spaces of painted stable curves were introduced and studied. We define the extended modular operad of genus zero, algebras over this operad, and study the formal differential geometric structures related to these algebras: pencils of flat connections and Frobenius manifolds without metric. We focus here on the combinatorial aspects of the picture. Algebraic geometric aspects are treated in [Ma2].Comment: 38 pp., amstex file, no figures. This version contains additional references and minor change

    Single State Supermultiplet in 1+1 Dimensions

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    We consider multiplet shortening for BPS solitons in N=1 two-dimensional models. Examples of the single-state multiplets were established previously in N=1 Landau-Ginzburg models. The shortening comes at a price of loosing the fermion parity (1)F(-1)^F due to boundary effects. This implies the disappearance of the boson-fermion classification resulting in abnormal statistics. We discuss an appropriate index that counts such short multiplets. A broad class of hybrid models which extend the Landau-Ginzburg models to include a nonflat metric on the target space is considered. Our index turns out to be related to the index of the Dirac operator on the soliton reduced moduli space (the moduli space is reduced by factoring out the translational modulus). The index vanishes in most cases implying the absence of shortening. In particular, it vanishes when there are only two critical points on the compact target space and the reduced moduli space has nonvanishing dimension. We also generalize the anomaly in the central charge to take into account the target space metric.Comment: LaTex, 42 pages, no figures. Contribution to the Michael Marinov Memorial Volume, ``Multiple facets of quantization and supersymmetry'' (eds. M.Olshanetsky and A. Vainshtein, to be publish by World Scientific). The paper is drastically revised compared to the first version. We add sections treating the following issues: (i) a new index counting one-state supermultiplets; (ii) analysis of hybrid models of general type; (iii) generalization of the anomaly in the central charge accounting for the target space metri

    Transverse effects in multifrequency Raman generation

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    The theory of ultrabroadband multifrequency Raman generation is extended, for the first time, to allow for beam-propagation effects in one and two transverse dimensions. We show that a complex transverse structure develops even when diffraction is neglected. In the general case, we examine how the ultrabroadband multifrequency Raman generation process is affected by the intensity, phase quality, and width of the input beams, and by the length of the Raman medium. The evolution of power spectra, intensity profiles, and global characteristics of the multifrequency beams are investigated and explained. In the two-dimensional transverse case, bandwidths comparable to the optical carrier frequency, spanning the whole visible spectrum and beyond, are still achievable

    On Microscopic Origin of Integrability in Seiberg-Witten Theory

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    We discuss microscopic origin of integrability in Seiberg-Witten theory, following mostly the results of hep-th/0612019, as well as present their certain extension and consider several explicit examples. In particular, we discuss in more detail the theory with the only switched on higher perturbation in the ultraviolet, where extra explicit formulas are obtained using bosonization and elliptic uniformization of the spectral curve.Comment: 24 pages, 1 figure, LaTeX, based on the talks at 'Geometry and Integrability in Mathematical Physics', Moscow, May 2006; 'Quarks-2006', Repino, May 2006; Twente conference on Lie groups, December 2006 and 'Classical and Quantum Integrable Models', Dubna, January 200

    Instanton Calculus in R-R 3-form Background and Deformed N=2 Super Yang-Mills Theory

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    We study the ADHM construction of instantons in N=2 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory deformed in constant Ramond-Ramond (R-R) 3-form field strength background in type IIB superstrings. We compare the deformed instanton effective action with the effective action of fractional D3/D(-1) branes at the orbifold singularity of C^2/Z_2 in the same R-R background. We find discrepancy between them at the second order in deformation parameters, which comes from the coupling of the translational zero modes of the D(-1)-branes to the R-R background. We improve the deformed action by adding a term with space-time dependent gauge coupling. Although the space-time action differs from the action in the omega-background, both actions lead to the same instanton equations of motion at the lowest order in gauge coupling.Comment: 27 pages, version to appear in JHE

    The influence of traveling magnetic field inductor asymmetric power supply on the liquid metal flow

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    In modern times, exposure to a liquid metal by a travelling magnetic field is widely applied. There are laboratory studies on the processes of stirring and crystallization under the action of a traveling magnetic field. However, in the majority of studies it is assumed that the inductor power supply of the linear induction machine is carried out by a symmetrical three-phase system of currents with an equal phase shift, which, in some cases, is not quite correct. To approximate the model to real operating conditions, a numerical simulation of the magnetic field and the flow of liquid metal was carried out when supplied from a power source of symmetric three-phase voltage. The distortion of magnetic field, which, in turn, causes an nonuniform distribution of forces and the flow of a liquid metal, is shown. Evaluation of asymmetrical effect on the liquid metal flow was carried out by means of finite element method. That effect is caused by different coefficients of mutual coils induction of the linear induction machine, which is confirmed by experimental data. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.Russian Foundation for Basic Research, RFBR: 17-48-590539 r aUral Federal University, UrFUThe work of Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics team is supporting by the RFBR grant 17-48-590539 r a and the work of Ural Federal University team is supporting by Act 211 Government of the Russian Federation, contract 02.A03.21.0006

    Holomorphic Currents and Duality in N=1 Supersymmetric Theories

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    Twisted supersymmetric theories on a product of two Riemann surfaces possess non-local holomorphic currents in a BRST cohomology. The holomorphic currents act as vector fields on the chiral ring. The OPE's of these currents are invariant under the renormalization group flow up to BRST-exact terms. In the context of electric-magnetic duality, the algebra generated by the holomorphic currents in the electric theory is isomorphic to the one on the magnetic side. For the currents corresponding to global symmetries this isomorphism follows from 't Hooft anomaly matching conditions. The isomorphism between OPE's of the currents corresponding to non-linear transformations of fields of matter imposes non-trivial conditions on the duality map of chiral ring. We consider in detail the SU(Nc)SU(N_c) SQCD with matter in fundamental and adjoint representations, and find agreement with the duality map proposed by Kutasov, Schwimmer and Seiberg.Comment: 19 pages, JHEP3 LaTex, typos correcte

    On two-dimensional quantum gravity and quasiclassical integrable hierarchies

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    The main results for the two-dimensional quantum gravity, conjectured from the matrix model or integrable approach, are presented in the form to be compared with the world-sheet or Liouville approach. In spherical limit the integrable side for minimal string theories is completely formulated using simple manipulations with two polynomials, based on residue formulas from quasiclassical hierarchies. Explicit computations for particular models are performed and certain delicate issues of nontrivial relations among them are discussed. They concern the connections between different theories, obtained as expansions of basically the same stringy solution to dispersionless KP hierarchy in different backgrounds, characterized by nonvanishing background values of different times, being the simplest known example of change of the quantum numbers of physical observables, when moving to a different point in the moduli space of the theory.Comment: 20 pages, based on talk presented at the conference "Liouville field theory and statistical models", dedicated to the memory of Alexei Zamolodchikov, Moscow, June 200

    Mirror Map as Generating Function of Intersection Numbers: Toric Manifolds with Two K\"ahler Forms

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    In this paper, we extend our geometrical derivation of expansion coefficients of mirror maps by localization computation to the case of toric manifolds with two K\"ahler forms. Especially, we take Hirzebruch surfaces F_{0}, F_{3} and Calabi-Yau hypersurface in weighted projective space P(1,1,2,2,2) as examples. We expect that our results can be easily generalized to arbitrary toric manifold.Comment: 45 pages, 2 figures, minor errors are corrected, English is refined. Section 1 and Section 2 are enlarged. Especially in Section 2, confusion between the notion of resolution and the notion of compactification is resolved. Computation under non-zero equivariant parameters are added in Section