7 research outputs found

    Локальная церебральная гипоперфузия как причина развития симптомов и прогрессирования рассеянного склероза

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    Background. Neurodegenerative processes play an important role in the development of clinical features of multiple sclerosis (MS) as well as in the progression of the disease. At the same time, neurodegenerative mechanisms of MS are not completely clear, which makes researchers pay special attention to pathogenetic aspects of the disease that have not been studied before. Previously it was shown that MS patients can have alterations in the local cerebral blood flow, however, the meaning of the detected abnormalities is still not clear.The aim of our work is to evaluate the perfusion character in the demyelinating lesions and normalappearing brain structures, and to determine their relation to clinical features of MS.Material and methods. 49 patients with relapsing-remitting and secondary progressive MS with clinical and MRI remission were included in the study. The patients underwent contrast-enhanced MR perfusion of the brain on the 3 Tesla MR-tomograph, as well as the Functional System Score, Expanded Disability Status Score and Fatigue Status Score evaluation. The data analysis included automatic construction of perfusion maps of the cerebral blood volume (CBV), cerebral blood flow (CBF) and mean transit time (MTT) values in the normal-appearing brain structures and in the demyelinating lesions and statistical analysis.Results. The received results allow to presume that variation of CBV values in MS lesions can indicate heterogeneity of processes in these lesions – from reactivation of inflammation to remyelination.Significant reduction of perfusion in nucleus lenticularis was revealed. This reduction did not depend on the severity of the disease and correlated negatively with the fatigue score. This allows to suppose that the therapy focused on brain perfusion improvement can be used as symptomatic therapy of MS. Considering the fact that regional hypoperfusion precedes the development of brain structure atrophy, it is hypothesized that the improvement of perfusion may prevent neurodegeneration in MS. The obtained findings need further investigation. Введение. Нейродегенеративные процессы играют важную роль в развитии клинических проявленийрассеянного склероза (РС), а также в прогрессировании заболевания. В то же время механизмынейродегенерации при РС не вполне ясны, что заставляет исследователей обращать внимание наранее не изученные патогенетические аспекты заболевания. Было показано, что у больных РС могут наблюдаться изменения локального кровотока в головном мозге, однако значение выявленныхнарушений изучено недостаточно.Целью нашей работы являлись оценка особенностей перфузии в очагах демиелинизации и внешненеизменeнных структурах головного мозга и определение их взаимосвязи с клиническими проявлениями РС.Материалы и методы. В исследовании приняли участие 49 пациентов с ремиттирующим и вторич-но-прогрессирующим РС в стадии ремиссии (клинической и по данным магнитно-резонансной томографии (МРТ)), которым проводились МР-перфузия головного мозга с контрастным усилениемна томографе с индукцией магнитного поля 3 Тл, а также оценка по шкале функциональных систем(FS), расширенной шкале нетрудоспособности (EDSS), шкале утомляемости (FSS). Анализ данныхвключал в себя автоматическое построение перфузионных карт для показателям: объем мозговогокровотока CBV, объемная скорость кровотока CBF и среднее время циркуляции MTT в очагах демиелинизации и внешне неизмененных структурах головного мозга.Результаты. Большой разброс показателей CBV в очагах может свидетельствовать о гетерогенностипроисходящих в них процессов – от реактивации воспаления до ремиелинизации. Выявленное намизначимое снижение перфузии в лентикулярных ядрах вне зависимости от тяжести заболевания, которое отрицательно коррелировало с выраженностью утомляемости, позволяет предположить, чтотерапия, направленная на улучшение перфузии головного мозга, может использоваться в качествесимптоматической терапии РС. Учитывая то, что регионарная гипоперфузия опережает развитиеатрофии, мы считаем, что лечение, направленное на улучшение перфузии, способно предотвращатьразвитие нейродегенеративных изменений при РС, что требует дальнейших исследований

    Adrenal function recovery after durable oral corticosteroid sparing with benralizumab in the PONENTE study

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    Background Oral corticosteroid (OCS) dependence among patients with severe eosinophilic asthma can cause adverse outcomes, including adrenal insufficiency. PONENTE's OCS reduction phase showed that, following benralizumab initiation, 91.5% of patients eliminated corticosteroids or achieved a final dosage ≤5 mg·day-1 (median (range) 0.0 (0.0-40.0) mg). Methods The maintenance phase assessed the durability of corticosteroid reduction and further adrenal function recovery. For ~6 months, patients continued benralizumab 30 mg every 8 weeks without corticosteroids or with the final dosage achieved during the reduction phase. Investigators could prescribe corticosteroids for asthma exacerbations or increase daily dosages for asthma control deteriorations. Outcomes included changes in daily OCS dosage, Asthma Control Questionnaire (ACQ)-6 and St George's Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ), as well as adrenal status, asthma exacerbations and adverse events. Results 598 patients entered PONENTE; 563 (94.1%) completed the reduction phase and entered the maintenance phase. From the end of reduction to the end of maintenance, the median (range) OCS dosage was unchanged (0.0 (0.0-40.0) mg), 3.2% (n=18/563) of patients experienced daily dosage increases, the mean ACQ-6 score decreased from 1.26 to 1.18 and 84.5% (n=476/563) of patients were exacerbation free. The mean SGRQ improvement (-19.65 points) from baseline to the end of maintenance indicated substantial quality-of-life improvements. Of patients entering the maintenance phase with adrenal insufficiency, 32.4% (n=104/321) demonstrated an improvement in adrenal function. Adverse events were consistent with previous reports. Conclusions Most patients successfully maintained maximal OCS reduction while achieving improved asthma control with few exacerbations and maintaining or recovering adrenal function


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    The authors suggested the advanced method of vessel separation and hemostasis, which was applied in 13 patients. This method was compared with the traditional method used for 8 patients. Proposed approach allowed separation of vascular fascicle twice faster than in usual way. There were noted a less decrease of hemoglobin level and shortening of hospital stay. The results of treatment were improved due to the application of the method of vessel mobilization and temporal hemostasis in surgery of stab-cut wound of the neck

    Regional cerebral hypoperfusion as a cause of symptoms and progression of multiple sclerosis

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    Background. Neurodegenerative processes play an important role in the development of clinical features of multiple sclerosis (MS) as well as in the progression of the disease. At the same time, neurodegenerative mechanisms of MS are not completely clear, which makes researchers pay special attention to pathogenetic aspects of the disease that have not been studied before. Previously it was shown that MS patients can have alterations in the local cerebral blood flow, however, the meaning of the detected abnormalities is still not clear.The aim of our work is to evaluate the perfusion character in the demyelinating lesions and normalappearing brain structures, and to determine their relation to clinical features of MS.Material and methods. 49 patients with relapsing-remitting and secondary progressive MS with clinical and MRI remission were included in the study. The patients underwent contrast-enhanced MR perfusion of the brain on the 3 Tesla MR-tomograph, as well as the Functional System Score, Expanded Disability Status Score and Fatigue Status Score evaluation. The data analysis included automatic construction of perfusion maps of the cerebral blood volume (CBV), cerebral blood flow (CBF) and mean transit time (MTT) values in the normal-appearing brain structures and in the demyelinating lesions and statistical analysis.Results. The received results allow to presume that variation of CBV values in MS lesions can indicate heterogeneity of processes in these lesions – from reactivation of inflammation to remyelination.Significant reduction of perfusion in nucleus lenticularis was revealed. This reduction did not depend on the severity of the disease and correlated negatively with the fatigue score. This allows to suppose that the therapy focused on brain perfusion improvement can be used as symptomatic therapy of MS. Considering the fact that regional hypoperfusion precedes the development of brain structure atrophy, it is hypothesized that the improvement of perfusion may prevent neurodegeneration in MS. The obtained findings need further investigation

    Asymptotic Methods in the Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations

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