401 research outputs found

    Adenovirus-based phospholamban antisense expression as a novel approach to improve cardiac contractile dysfunction: comparison of a constitutive viral versus an endothelin-1-responsive cardiac promoter

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    BACKGROUND: A decrease in sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) pump (SERCA2) activity is believed to play a role in the impairment of diastolic function of the failing heart. Because the expression ratio of phospholamban (PL) to SERCA2 may be a target to improve contractile dysfunction, a PL antisense RNA strategy was developed under the control of either a constitutive cytomegalovirus (CMV) or an inducible atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) promoter. The latter is upregulated in hypertrophied and failing heart, allowing "induction-by-disease" gene therapy. METHODS AND RESULTS: Part of the PL cDNA was cloned in antisense and sense directions into adenovectors under the control of either a CMV (Ad5CMVPLas and Ad5CMVPLs, respectively) or ANF (Ad5ANFPLas and Ad5ANFPLs, respectively) promoter. Infection of cultured rat neonatal cardiomyocytes with Ad5CMVPLas reduced PL mRNA to 30+/-7% of baseline and PL protein to 24+/-3% within 48 and 72 hours, respectively. The effects were vector dose dependent. Ad5CMVPLas increased the Ca(2+) sensitivity of SERCA2 and reduced the time to 50% recovery of the Ca(2+) transient. A decrease of PL protein was also achieved by infection with Ad5ANFPLas, and the presence of the hypertrophic stimulus, endothelin-1, led to enhanced downregulation of PL. The adenovectors expressing PL sense RNA had no effect on any of the tested parameters. CONCLUSIONS: Vector-mediated PL antisense RNA expression may become a feasible approach to modulate myocyte Ca(2+) homeostasis in the failing heart. The inducible ANF promoter for the first time offers the perspective for induction-by-disease gene therapy, ie, selective expression of therapeutic genes in hypertrophied and failing cardiomyocytes

    Computerized clinical decision support systems for therapeutic drug monitoring and dosing: A decision-maker-researcher partnership systematic review

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Some drugs have a narrow therapeutic range and require monitoring and dose adjustments to optimize their efficacy and safety. Computerized clinical decision support systems (CCDSSs) may improve the net benefit of these drugs. The objective of this review was to determine if CCDSSs improve processes of care or patient outcomes for therapeutic drug monitoring and dosing.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We conducted a decision-maker-researcher partnership systematic review. Studies from our previous review were included, and new studies were sought until January 2010 in MEDLINE, EMBASE, Evidence-Based Medicine Reviews, and Inspec databases. Randomized controlled trials assessing the effect of a CCDSS on process of care or patient outcomes were selected by pairs of independent reviewers. A study was considered to have a positive effect (<it>i.e.</it>, CCDSS showed improvement) if at least 50% of the relevant study outcomes were statistically significantly positive.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Thirty-three randomized controlled trials were identified, assessing the effect of a CCDSS on management of vitamin K antagonists (14), insulin (6), theophylline/aminophylline (4), aminoglycosides (3), digoxin (2), lidocaine (1), or as part of a multifaceted approach (3). Cluster randomization was rarely used (18%) and CCDSSs were usually stand-alone systems (76%) primarily used by physicians (85%). Overall, 18 of 30 studies (60%) showed an improvement in the process of care and 4 of 19 (21%) an improvement in patient outcomes. All evaluable studies assessing insulin dosing for glycaemic control showed an improvement. In meta-analysis, CCDSSs for vitamin K antagonist dosing significantly improved time in therapeutic range.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>CCDSSs have potential for improving process of care for therapeutic drug monitoring and dosing, specifically insulin and vitamin K antagonist dosing. However, studies were small and generally of modest quality, and effects on patient outcomes were uncertain, with no convincing benefit in the largest studies. At present, no firm recommendation for specific systems can be given. More potent CCDSSs need to be developed and should be evaluated by independent researchers using cluster randomization and primarily assess patient outcomes related to drug efficacy and safety.</p

    Protease-Activated Receptor-2 Regulates the Innate Immune Response to Viral Infection in a Coxsackievirus B3–Induced Myocarditis

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    ObjectivesThis study sought to evaluate the role of protease-activated receptor-2 (PAR2) in coxsackievirus B3 (CVB3)–induced myocarditis.BackgroundAn infection with CVB3 leads to myocarditis. PAR2 modulates the innate immune response. Toll-like receptor-3 (TLR3) is crucial for the innate immune response by inducing the expression of the antiviral cytokine interferon-beta (IFNβ).MethodsTo induce myocarditis, wild-type (wt) and PAR2 knockout (ko) mice were infected with 105 plaque-forming units CVB3. Mice underwent hemodynamic measurements with a 1.2-F microconductance catheter. Wt and PAR2ko hearts and cardiac cells were analyzed for viral replication and immune response with plaque assay, quantitative polymerase chain reaction, Western blot, and immunohistochemistry.ResultsCompared with wt mice, PAR2ko mice and cardiomyocytes exhibited a reduced viral load and developed no myocarditis after infection with CVB3. Hearts and cardiac fibroblasts from PAR2ko mice expressed higher basal levels of IFNβ than wt mice did. Treatment with CVB3 and polyinosinic:polycytidylic acid led to higher IFNβ expression in PAR2ko than in wt fibroblasts and reduced virus replication in PAR2ko fibroblasts was abrogated by neutralizing IFNβ antibody. Overexpression of PAR2 reduced the basal IFNβ expression. Moreover, a direct interaction between PAR2 and Toll-like receptor 3 was observed. PAR2 expression in endomyocardial biopsies of patients with nonischemic cardiomyopathy was positively correlated with myocardial inflammation and negatively with IFNβ expression and left ventricular ejection fraction.ConclusionsPAR2 negatively regulates the innate immune response to CVB3 infection and contributes to myocardial dysfunction. The antagonism of PAR2 is of therapeutic interest to strengthen the antiviral response after an infection with a cardiotropic virus

    Constraints on the steady and pulsed very high energy gamma-ray emission from observations of PSR B1951+32/CTB 80 with the MAGIC Telescope

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    We report on very high energy gamma-observations with the MAGIC Telescope of the pulsar PSR B1951+32 and its associated nebula, CTB 80. Our data constrain the cutoff energy of the pulsar to be less than 32 GeV, assuming the pulsed gamma-ray emission to be exponentially cut off. The upper limit on the flux of pulsed gamma-ray emission above 75 GeV is 4.3*10^-11 photons cm^-2 sec^-1, and the upper limit on the flux of steady emission above 140 GeV is 1.5*10^-11 photons cm^-2 sec^-1. We discuss our results in the framework of recent model predictions and other studies.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, replaced with published versio

    Grade of recurrent in situ and invasive carcinoma following treatment of pure ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast

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    Grade of recurrent in situ and invasive carcinoma following treatment of pure ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast The grade of recurrent in situ and invasive carcinoma occurring after treatment of pure ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) has been compared with the grade of the original DCIS in 122 patients from four different centres (The Royal Marsden Hospitals, London and Sutton, 57 patients; Guy's Hospital, London, 19 patients; Nottingham City Hospital, 31 patients and The Royal Liverpool Hospital, 15 patients). The recurrent carcinoma was pure DCIS in 70 women (57%) and in 52 women (43%) invasive carcinoma was present, which was associated with an in situ element in 43. In all, 19 patients developed a second recurrence (pure DCIS in 11 and invasive with or without an in situ element in eight). The majority of invasive carcinomas followed high-grade DCIS. There was strong agreement between the grade of the original DCIS and that of the recurrent DCIS (k = 0.679), which was the same in 95 of 113 patients (84%). The grade of the original DCIS showed only fair agreement with the grade of recurrent invasive carcinoma (k = 0.241), although agreement was stronger with the pleomorphism score of the recurrent carcinoma (k = 0.396). There was moderate agreement, in recurrent invasive lesions, between the grade of the DCIS and that of the associated invasive element (k = 0.515). Other features that showed moderate or strong agreement between the original and recurrent DCIS were necrosis and periductal inflammation. The similarity between the histological findings of the original and subsequent DCIS is consistent with the concept that recurrent lesions represent regrowth of residual carcinoma. In addition, although agreement between the grade of the original DCIS and that of any subsequent invasive carcinoma was only fair, there is no suggestion that low-grade DCIS lesions progress to higher grade lesions or to the development of higher grade invasive carcinoma. This is in agreement with immunohistochemical and molecular data indicating that low- grade and high-grade mammary carcinomas are quite different lesions

    First bounds on the very high energy gamma-ray emission from Arp 220

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    Using the Major Atmospheric Gamma Imaging Cherenkov Telescope (MAGIC), we have observed the nearest ultra-luminous infrared galaxy Arp 220 for about 15 hours. No significant signal was detected within the dedicated amount of observation time. The first upper limits to the very high energy γ\gamma-ray flux of Arp 220 are herein reported and compared with theoretical expectations.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Canalization effect in the coagulation cascade and the interindividual variability of oral anticoagulant response. a simulation Study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Increasing the predictability and reducing the rate of side effects of oral anticoagulant treatment (OAT) requires further clarification of the cause of about 50% of the interindividual variability of OAT response that is currently unaccounted for. We explore numerically the hypothesis that the effect of the interindividual expression variability of coagulation proteins, which does not usually result in a variability of the coagulation times in untreated subjects, is unmasked by OAT.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We developed a stochastic variant of the Hockin-Mann model of the tissue factor coagulation pathway, using literature data for the variability of coagulation protein levels in the blood of normal subjects. We simulated <it>in vitro </it>coagulation and estimated the Prothrombin Time and the INR across a model population. In a model of untreated subjects a "canalization effect" can be observed in that a coefficient of variation of up to 33% of each protein level results in a simulated INR of 1 with a clinically irrelevant dispersion of 0.12. When the mean and the standard deviation of vitamin-K dependent protein levels were reduced by 80%, corresponding to the usual Warfarin treatment intensity, the simulated INR was 2.98 ± 0.48, a clinically relevant dispersion, corresponding to a reduction of the canalization effect.</p> <p>Then we combined the Hockin-Mann stochastic model with our previously published model of population response to Warfarin, that takes into account the genetical and the phenotypical variability of Warfarin pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. We used the combined model to evaluate the coagulation protein variability effect on the variability of the Warfarin dose required to reach an INR target of 2.5. The dose variance when removing the coagulation protein variability was 30% lower. The dose was mostly related to the pretreatment levels of factors VII, X, and the tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>It may be worth exploring in experimental studies whether the pretreatment levels of coagulation proteins, in particular VII, X and TFPI, are predictors of the individual warfarin dose, even though, maybe due to a canalization-type effect, their effect on the INR variance in untreated subjects appears low.</p