23 research outputs found

    Influence of surfactant on dynamics of photoinduced motions and light emission of a dye-doped deoxyribonucleic

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    Pure deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is known to be soluble in water only and exhibits poor temperature stability. In contrary, it is well known that the complex of DNA - with cetyltrimethyl ammonium (CTMA) is insoluble in water but soluble in alcohols and can be processed into very good optical quality thin films by solution casting or spin deposition. Despite the success of DNA-CTMA, there is still need for new cationic surfactants which would extend the range of available solvents for DNA complex. We test and present experimental results of influence of new surfactants replacing CTMA in the DNA complex and based on benzalkonium chloride (BA) and didecyldimethylammonium chloride (DDCA) on their optical properties. Particularly, we were interested in all optical switching and light generation in amplified spontaneous emission process in these materials

    Amplified spontaneous emission of 3-(1,1-dicyanoethenyl)-1-phenyl-4,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazole molecule embedded in various polymer matrices

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    Results of studies on the amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) phenomenon in 3-(1,1-dicyanoethenyl)-1-pheny1-4,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazole (DCNP) molecules in four different polymeric matrices are reported. We have analyzed ASE spectra coming from thin films of DCNP-matrix samples when excited by the Nd:YAG nanosecond pulsed laser doubled in frequency (lambda = 532 nm). We report on ASE characteristics in function of different excitation pulse energy densities evaluating ASE thresholds, exponential gain coefficients and reporting the influence of the specific matrix-dye interactions on the photo-degradation process of the dye

    Analysis for genotyping Duffy blood group in inhabitants of Sudan, the Fourth Cataract of the Nile

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Genetic polymophisms of the Duffy antigen receptor for the chemokines (DARC) gene successfully protected against blood stage infection by <it>Plasmodium vivax </it>infection. The Fy (a-, b-) phenotype is predominant among African populations, particularly those originating from West Africa, and it is rare among non-African populations. The aim of this study was to analyse the frequency of four Duffy blood groups based on SNPs (T-33C, G125A, G298A and C5411T) in two local tribes of Sudanese Arabs, the <it>Shagia </it>and <it>Manasir</it>, which are both from the region of the Fourth Nile cataract in Sudan.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>An analysis of polymorphisms was performed on 217 individuals (126 representatives of the <it>Shagia </it>tribe and 91 of the <it>Manasir)</it>. Real-time PCR and TaqMan Genotyping Assays were used to study the prevalence of alleles and genotypes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The analysis of allelic and genotype frequency in the T-33C polymorphisms demonstrated a significant dominance of the <it>C </it>allele and <it>CC </it>genotype (OR = 0.53 [0.32-0.88]; p = 0.02) in both tribes. The G125A polymorphism is associated with phenotype Fy(a-, b-) and was identified in 83% of <it>Shagia </it>and 77% of <it>Manasir</it>. With regard to G298A polymorphisms, the genotype frequencies were different between the tribes (p = 0,002) and no single <it>AA </it>homozygote was found. Based on four SNPs examined, 20 combinations of genotypes for the <it>Shagia </it>and <it>Manasir </it>tribes were determined. The genotype <it>CC/AA/GG/CT </it>occurred most often in <it>Shagia </it>tribe (45.9%) but was rare in the <it>Manasir </it>tribe (6.6%) (p < 0.001 <it>Shagia </it>versus <it>Manasir</it>). The <it>FY*A<sup>ES </sup></it>allele was identified in both analysed tribes. The presence of individuals with the <it>FY*A/FY*A </it>genotype was demonstrated only in the <it>Shagia </it>tribe.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This is probably the first report showing genotypically Duffy-negative people who carry both <it>FY*B<sup>ES </sup></it>and <it>FY*A<sup>ES</sup></it>. The identification of the <it>FY*A<sup>ES </sup></it>allele in both tribes may be due to admixture of the non-African genetic background. Taken as a whole, allele and genotype frequencies between the <it>Shagia </it>and the <it>Manasir </it>were statistically different. However, the presence of individuals with the <it>FY*A/FY*A </it>genotype was demonstrated only in the <it>Shagia </it>tribe.</p

    Process of auto-purification of Pisia river-bed (Western Mazovia) based on changes of selected heavy metals contents

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    Contents of several heavy metals (Cr, Cu, Pb, Zn, As, Cd, Co) in alluvium and soils of flood-plains of Pisia River between Żyrardów and Sochaczew were analysed. Analyses have been carried out in the same points and using analogical procedure twice: in 1994 and 2001. Within this time a significant improvement of the river chemical status took place due to economic changes and reduced sewage pollution discharged in Żyrardów. Distinct decrease of heavy metals contents in alluvium in Żyrardów area and their migration down the Pisia valley were observed. At the same time, elevated heavy metal levels were found in soils of the flood-plains as a result of their migration from the river-bed

    Zmiana spektrum kropli w procesie eksploatacji rozpylaczy rolniczych

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    Agricultural nozzles usually produce a different drops size depending on the pressure and the physical condition (work life) of the nozzle besides producing a wide range of the drops spectrum in the spray cloud. In this paper the standard flat fan nozzles were investigated regarding the effect of the working pressure and the nozzle physical condition (new and worn nozzles). The size of drops and the spectrum of drops across the long axis of the spray pattern were examined by using Sympatec GmbH Laser Diffraction. Reducing the working pressure from 3 to 2 and then to 1 caused production of larger drops, also using worn nozzles (especially with lower pressure) changed the drops size which is expected to be produced from the new nozzles. The standard flat fan nozzles produced a wide range of the drops spectrum inside the spray cloud, generally small drops (less than 150 µm) concentrated in the middle of the spray pattern while the big drops (250-350µm) were situated on the edge positions (70 cm from the centerline) of the spray pattern.Oprócz generowania szerokiego wachlarza spektrum kropki w chmurze cieczy rozpylacze rolnicze zazwyczaj generują krople w różnych rozmiarach w zależności od ciśnienia i warunków fizycznych rozpylacza. Niniejszy artykuł bada standardowe rozpylacze płasko-strumieniowe w odniesieniu do wpływu ciśnienia roboczego i warunków fizycznych rozpylacza (nowe i zużyte rozpylacze). Rozmiar kropli oraz spektrum kropli wzdłuż osi wzdłużnej wzoru cieczy badano za pomocą urządzenia do dyfrakcji laserowej Sympatec GmbH Laser Diffraction. Obniżenie ciśnienia roboczego z 3 na 2, a następnie do 1 bar spowodowało powstanie większych kropli. Ponadto zastosowanie zużytych rozpylaczy (szczególnie przy niższym ciśnieniu) zmieniło rozmiar kropli, które miały powstać w przypadku nowych rozpylaczy. Rozpylacze płasko-strumieniowe wygenerowały szeroki wachlarz spektrum kropli wewnątrz chmury cieczy. Generalnie, małe krople (mniejsze niż 150 μm) koncentrowały się wewnątrz rozpylanego strumienia podczas, gdy duże krople (250-350 μm) znajdowały się na jego bokach (70 cm od linii środkowej)

    Ocena parametrów pracy rozpylaczy płaskostrumieniowych w warunkach przyspieszonego zużycia granicznego i niszczącego

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    Two tests were carried out to measure the standard flat fan nozzles wear during a specific period of an accelerated wear procedure. The first test aimed at getting 10% increase in the flow rate compared to the nominal flow rate, which is the threshold to replace the nozzles according to the nozzles testing standards. The second test was to wear the nozzles intensively (100 hours of accelerated wear), which represents the use of nozzles beyond the allowed threshold. The results showed that the flow rate reached 1.31 l·min-1 (equal to 10% increase) for the tested nozzles after 35 hours of the wear test. For the second test, the 10% increase of the flow rate was reached after approximately 30 hours. The wear rate reached 27.5% at the end of the test and this is 2.7 times more than the standardized threshold.W pracy zaprezentowano pomiary stopienia zużycia rozpylaczy płaskostrumieniowych standardowych po wykonaniu dwóch testów z wykorzystaniem procedur przyspieszonego zużycia. Pierwszy test miał na celu uzyskanie wzrostu natężenia przepływu o 10% w porównaniu do nominalnego natężenia przepływu, które stanowi normę do wymiany rozpylacza rolniczego zgodnie ze standardami testowania rozpylaczy. Podczas drugiego testu następowało intensywne zużycie dysz (100 godzin przyspieszonego zużycia), które powodowało zużycie dysz powyżej dopuszczalnej normy. Wyniki wykazały, że natężenie przepływu wyniosło 1,31·l/min (co stanowi wzrost o 10% natężenia przepływu) dla testowanych dysz po 35 godzinach w pierwszym teście zużycia. W drugim teście wzrost natężenia przypływu o 10% osiągnięto po około 30 godzinach. Wskaźnik zużycia po zakoń- czeniu drugiego testu osiągnął wartość 27,5% i jest 2,75 razy większy niż dopuszczalna norma zużycia. Wyniki badań sugerują, że zmiany natężenia przepływu zaczynają wzrastać liniowo nawet od wczesnego etapu zużycia rozpylaczy, dając możliwość uzyskania precyzyjnej decyzji dotyczącej przyjęcia lub odrzucenia użytkowanych rozpylaczy

    Bone structure of the temporo-mandibular joint in the individuals aged 18-25

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    Osteohistometric studies were performed in I5 female and 15 male cadavers aged 18-25. Condyloid process and right and left acetabulum of the temporo-mandibular joint have been studied. Density has been investigated using monitor screen linked with microscope (magnification 80X). Density in the spongy part of the condyloid process was 26.67-26.77%; in the subchondrial layer- 72.13-72.72%, and in the acetabular wall 75.03-75.91%. Microscopic structure of the bones of the temporo-mandibular joint revealed no differences when compared with images of compact and cancellous bone shown in the histology textbooks. Sex and the side of the body had no influence on microscopic image and proportional bone density! Isles of chondrocytes in the trabeculae of the spongy structure of the condyloid process were found in 4 cases and isles of the condensed bone resembling the compact pattern in 7 cases